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Firebird X video


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I'm sure it's very clever. I'm sure it can sound great and is as versatile as any guitar ever made; probably much more so, in fact..


I'm also sure it can do a million things I don't need, have never needed, nor ever will need.


Visually; as far as the switchgear goes it is too fussy by far. As for the general shape; the non-reverse 'Firebird' is, IMHO, one of the worst-looking guitars ever drawn and this incarnation has an air of being an early, and rejected, prototype of that disaster-area. Furthermore, I have never found a maple 'board that I liked, but that's just me.


There is absolutely nothing - and I'm not being funny here - that would tempt me to buy a Firebird X. Ever.


I hope Gibson does well with it and I applaud their 'let's try to make something different, using new ideas and technologies' approach, but this result is the polar oposite of what I look for in a guitar.



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I think I'd rather have a Traditional Les Paul and a TC electronics G system. I'd then have enough money left to buy the best stuff to go with it.

I think they should do a basic 'tuning system' that should be offered on normal Les Paul's. I'd say charge £200 extra and have perhaps two memories of tuning with a push button to activate. You could have the button just to the side of the tone controls or the selector switch. That would be a big advantage to players. Most don't do silly tunings. Just E and Eb for gigs.

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Even though it's too complicated for me, I think some of the features that it has are cool. I'm sure there are people out there that can use it to it's potential.


I could accept the technology if it weren't so damn hideous. Seriously, Henry... that is one ugly guitar.

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The X thingee doesn't interest me at all.......I'd like to know the quality of the built in stuff though....


Anything digital less than 24 bit and 48Hz IMHO, and otherwise, is useless insofar as to what Gibson wants this thing to be......


If it sells, good for them, and for those who want it......I just don't see it as a happening thing.......

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I would try it but I still think the Dark Fire is the best looking robot guitar so far. I have been wondering why Gibson dosn't try to roll some of these ideas into a new carbon fiber Steinberger model. I think it would be more accepted in that market.

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A very interesting product with loads of creative possibilities. Too bad the typical luddite will find the technology intimidating and confusing, and dismiss it out of hand. B)


If it wasn't for the price, I'd jump in now. As it is, I'll have to wait a generation or two and hope the price comes down.

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It reminds me of the Lamborghini Miura (though the Firebird X is awful looking and the Miura is amazing to look at). The concept of both is great, but when you drive the Miura you find that its lacking and really overall a crappy car just like how you would play this guitar it would be lacking in tone. The trend of high performance, two-seater, mid-engined sports cars happend because of the Miura and im sure great guitars can be formed from the Firebird x...but in a lot better looks. [lol]

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Two negative things from my perspective...


1. I just plain can't afford it. #@$%@#$%#$%#@$


2. I don't particularly care for the "look," although it makes practical sense. SG would be prettier.


From the positive side...


If I could afford one, I'd have it now. Period. I do enough different "stuff" that it has some handy options I'd love to have for myself. Given that one can easily pick up and learn new smart phone menus and computer menus and such, I don't see that as a problem.


It offers a great variation in sound with a Gibson neck. As a playability guy, that's a big deal.


The light weight of that shape is a good idea, IMHO. I'd personally prefer something that looks more "guitar" shaped like the SG or even a smaller semi-hollow, but...


Like I say, If I could afford one, it could be the "go to" guitar for about everything except when something's really gotta look like an acoustic or when there ain't any amplification/electricity available.



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Well... a lot of pickers I knew in the olden days figured that your Les, Tele and Strat were "the future" and they were gonna keep playing "real" guitars that didn't have those #@$%@#$% pickup on 'em, especially not if they were just an electrified board with strings.


I'm not picking on you - just tellin' how it was. It ain't guitars, but my Dad sold air conditioned cars back in the late '50s before he went back to school, but said he'd never get one 'cuz it'd be unhealthy. Yup, in the '70s he had air conditioning in his cars. Not in the house, though, until he moved a time or two in the '80s.


I think things are kinda similar in terms of habit with guitar.


Me, I love 'em all if the neck is what I like and the thing "feels right" regardless if it's a flattop, archtop, semi-hollow or an SG type.



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I just hope this is all over soon and that this is not the only guitar I see when I come to Gibson.com


Somehow this guitar has become Gibson's flagship, it has been the main news on their website for many months.


I am not opposed to technology which in this case I find redundant is just that this guitar is just plain unattractive.

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Understand, I look at everything from a Perfomance perspective.


First Gripe: It might be the compression in the digital video, but I can hear the Digital and it sounds Cheap!! It sound entirely to inorganic from this side of the Computer. I'll have to try one for myself in person before truly shaping an opinion on that, but so far I can't stand the Very Digital Sounding Effects. Which brings me to my Second Gripe, and I have about this type of guitar AND multi effects possessors in general....


Second Gripe: They never have all the best sounding effects. They may have pretty good Delay but crappy Chorus et al.


Third Gripe: all your eggs are in one very new and untried basket. Suppose you break a string, you need another Firebird X to keep the show going, can't grab your $500 back up Melody Maker and finish out the set because all your effects and Amp Modeling is in the guitar. [thumbdn] Murphy will make sure that turns into a disaster.


Fourth Gripe echos Milo: The "Soon to Look Dated" shape is just not cool looking (yes, aesthetics are important in live situations, it's called a Show for a reason).


Check Out 10:36 in the Video for the Deal Breaker (for me, at least).


Price doesn't concern me so much, if it takes off then Fender will make an affordable option for us "Day Job" havin' Night Giggers.

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I don't know sales stats, but I'll wager already the LP and SG variations are the bigger sellers.


Me, I'd rather see the Gibson.com featuring one of those gorgeous archtops. <grin> Or a flattop. But then the criticism would be that they're too old fashioned.


Can't win for losing.



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a lot of pickers I knew in the olden days figured that your Les, Tele and Strat were "the future" and they were gonna keep playing "real" guitars that didn't have those #@$%@#$% pickup on 'em, especially not if they were just an electrified board with strings.




My dad will still tell you that as he plunks on his 1936 Martin O-18. Anyone who needs electricity to play music is a talentless hack in his eyes. [rolleyes]

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...It would be great in the studio even if it's not a style I like I could see it being very effective for recording . It would allow you to go to the studio with only one guitar [wink]


...Third Gripe: all your eggs are in one very new and untried basket. Suppose you break a string, you need another Firebird X to keep the show going, can't grab your $500 back up Melody Maker and finish out the set because all your effects and Amp Modeling is in the guitar...

I think both of these points are spot-on.



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