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I have to say

Silenced Fred

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I'm ashamed.


For a bunch of musicians, a lot of people are super closed minded.


I know a lot of you are in your 30s, 40s or above, and I just want you to think before you jump down mine or anyone else who's fairly young's throat about it, what did your parents say about your music, this Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, Kiss you hold in such high regard? I bet 9 times out of 10, they said it was crap.


I don't think I'm going to change anyone's minds over this, nor should I expect to, but when someone posts a metal, post hardcore, whatever band and all you comment is "looks like they need to play more" or "cookie monster vocals" (I know it was someone in a metal band that said that first, but lighten up), it gets old real fast.


All it does is show ignorance, and yes, my comments on wankery blues dad rock shows ignorance, but again, whenever someone posts an Eric Clapton song, I don't jump in and scream it multiple times at people.


I'm going to go drive to school listening to my mix cd with songs from Wilco, Foster the People, Alexisonfire and Black Keys. Have fun



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You said yerself, you shouldn't expect to change peoples minds. It's just another guitar forum, every friggin argument that can be had has been had, seventeen jazillion young people have told seventeen jazillion old people they are closed minded and that zep was crap back in the day. And on and on and on.


Here's an oft given tip: Save yer allowance, buy an original thought. This is all so tired and been so said so many times. Get over it.


Quite frankly, cookie monster vocals makes me laugh every time I see it, and I don't even listen to that stuff. And if you call anyone I like names, I'll more than likely agree with you and laugh like h3ll. I don't care what you think of what I listen to any more than you should care what I think of what you listen to.


It's the internet. If you aren't here for the entertainment, yer here for the wrong reasons.



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Good point R9....who cares indeed?


I don't care if folks like what I like...but i still post songs/bands that i think people MIGHT like if they give it a chance. I get a kick out of helping people find new bands that they like...not because I like them, but because it expands their library of music.


People post stuff here ALL THE TIME that I don't like...mostly cuz i have heard much of it 1000000 times before. I love when people post new stuff, or their own stuff...and I like some and dislike some. But i rarely call it out as bad or make fun of it...though I could. :)


I think life would be awful if I stuck to the same music I listened to when I was a teenager and didn't accept anything newer. I know thats not how most of you think but the idea is out there...

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I have a question re - what people sometimes call the 'cookie monster vocals' - amongst the vocalists who sing this style, what is good and what is bad in your opinion? i.e how does someone recognise a good from a bad vocal performance? What is important in the style to give a good performance and have you any examples where you think the singer wasn't on form and performed badly?



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Nathan, I am not sure you have the track record to complain about others in this regard.


The issue I see is that you need to show a little respect if that is what you want for yourslef if that is bothering you. Your commets on Dad rock come from the wrong place, Dad rock for your age would technically be Nirvana and everyting before that.


Also, I am not so sure that you show the open mindness you want everybody else to have either. You seem to focus on a flavor of the week, not long ago your posts were all about the Black Keys and then you bash the Pentatonic as if that is all we like around here.


You complain about long Metal songs and then you post commenst on a Wilco song that is 7 minutes long filled with noise and what is to me soft playing, know what I mean?


Like the others I don't care if somebody does not like what I like, it is a plus when other folks do but for instance if people don't like Ritchie Blackmore or Dave Murray I would not really care because it makes no difference to me.

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..what did your parents say about your music, this <insert various death metal bands here>, you hold in such high regard? I bet 9 times out of 10, they said it was crap.


You're right, they did say it was crap.. and it was. Back then, it was more about shock value than music.


I know what you're saying, but I wouldn't call it close-minded. To me, close-minded would indicate that someone is not even willing to give the posted music a listen. If someone listens, then offers their opinion.. well then that's just their opinion.


I listen to everything (old and new).. there's a lot of good stuff out there. I'm only close-minded about Jazz. It drives me up the wall.

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I have a question re - what people sometimes call the 'cookie monster vocals' - amongst the vocalists who sing this style, what is good and what is bad in your opinion? i.e how does someone recognise a good from a bad vocal performance? What is important in the style to give a good performance and have you any examples where you think the singer wasn't on form and performed badly?




For me, it has to have some musicality instead of random screaming. One of the reasons I enjoy Alexisonfire so much is because they have a good balance of clean and "dirty" vocals, but the dirty vocals are still understandable.


I don't listen to enough music like this, I remain pretty sheltered in that, but I do like the earlier post hardcore bands. My friend listens to a lot of the newer stuff, and tons of it sounds the same, and a lot of it is just stuff you can't comprehend. That, is what I don't enjoy.


This is what I do like.



Again, I'm not saying I'm the best person to take this stance or whatever, I just felt it needed to be said. And Black Keys is way different from just playing a pentatonic solo for 5 minutes, but I'm not going to argue here

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I have a question re - what people sometimes call the 'cookie monster vocals' - amongst the vocalists who sing this style, what is good and what is bad in your opinion? i.e how does someone recognise a good from a bad vocal performance? What is important in the style to give a good performance and have you any examples where you think the singer wasn't on form and performed badly?




Hey Matt...i don't know if I could explain it very well. A lot of times the music behind the growls make the vocals sound better...sometimes i completely ignore the vocals and focus on the music. I've gotten very good at that in the last 10 years.


Bolt Thrower is a great example for me. I don't care for the vocals but i LOVE the music...so I can deal with the growls...the guitars just stand out to my ears because they have a killer groove.


There are lots of bands with these vocals that I can't get into but its not about the vocals per se...its about the music.

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I dont mind a bit of hardcore but like alot of music its subjective i think there r good and not so good screamers..generally if i dont like something i will keep quiet.. maybe pay out on it a bit privately..like some stuff sucks but...mmmm..yeah... if i see a post thats not my thing i just sort of leave sleeping dogs lie..


i love guitar and music going right back through history...its good to keep an open mind.. some of the older stuff is fantastic i really enjoy it..my favoured areas are probaly post metal and since the 90s but thats just me..i am over 40 but i think i am 21 ..big kid..haha theres a lot of other great stuff too including older music ..theres also alot of cr@p but hey thats life [biggrin]


the web can get to you sometimes..i got sick of a lot of elements of facebook just to many issues and trolls.. with so many people coming together theres always going to be a few tensions..its good when you get cool people


i like this forum its cool ..i like being with musos so we can talk theres always going to be different outlooks ..but in general its good here..i sort of have my routine on the web and dropping into the lounge has become something i enjoy [thumbup]

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The OP reminds me or Religion, the very people that want to tell you all about their Religion and invite you to thier Church are the less likely to want to hear what you have to say about your Religion or go to your Church.


And some people just come to churches, or threads, to say how they believe someone is wrong.


Weird huh? :rolleyes:

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Nathan, I am not sure you have the track record to complain about others in this regard.


The issue I see is that you need to show a little respect if that is what you want for yourslef if that is bothering you. Your commets on Dad rock come from the wrong place, Dad rock for your age would technically be Nirvana and everyting before that.


Also, I am not so sure that you show the open mindness you want everybody else to have either. You seem to focus on a flavor of the week, not long ago your posts were all about the Black Keys and then you bash the Pentatonic as if that is all we like around here.


You complain about long Metal songs and then you post commenst on a Wilco song that is 7 minutes long filled with noise and what is to me soft playing, know what I mean?


Like the others I don't care if somebody does not like what I like, it is a plus when other folks do but for instance if people don't like Ritchie Blackmore or Dave Murray I would not really care because it makes no difference to me.


he has got a valid point , nat B)

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And some people just come to churches, or threads, to say how they believe someone is wrong.


Weird huh? :rolleyes:


Like you did on the thread about a Blues pedal and started insulting certain folks that like Blues, and that is just one example.


This right here proves my point.

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One of my biggest influences musically was my High School Orchestra teacher (I played cello and actually got pretty good at it).


Firstly, he was a master musician on violin, viola, trumpet and cornet. I was totally into playing bass and I admit to being a R&R snob. Top 40 AM was the stuff of cesspools and FM album rock was it, with a very generous sprinkling of Fusion (Return to Forever, Mavavishnu etc) for chops development. So other than the classical stuff we were playing in school (Like Beethoven that wasn't "dumbed down" for students) I had a very narrow aperture for what was worth listening to.


One day he said something that, being the narrow minded teenager that I was, I truly found to be an epiphany.


He said, "There are only two kinds of music in this world - the kind you like, and the kind you don't like."


With that it suddenly became okay to listen to anything and everything and appreciate for what it was. That's not to say I like everything I hear and I certainly have my druthers. There is no question that there is a lot of what amounts to noise IMO and ugly noise at that. Different strokes...


P.S. My parents absolutely thought that the British Invasion was the road to perdition. Nothing could would come of it and it sucked besides..... [-(


having no siblings made that a long row to hoe for me.

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