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Anyone Remember Billy Squier?


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Have to admit, I couldn't stand Billy Squier's voice when he was new, but I've really come to appreciate him nowadays. Cool guitar tones and likeable hooks, what's not to like?


Whats not to like ??? The song "Stoke Me"........[scared] :unsure: [crying] ...

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I saw him in the very early 80's with the opening act being an up and coming british group named "Def Leppard" :)


I remember both bands being good, but there was a sense that the openers were better. (disclaimer: I was not quite 14 at the time.)

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I always liked his music. Now when I hear his songs, it reminds me of the old skating rink days. His songs were "rock", but they had a good beat and groove that went great with skating around the rink.


His career seemed to go down after this video [scared]


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I still spin him up on the iPod on occasion. I remember seeing him open a few times, Heart is most memorable. Jeff Golub was guitar player, he was awesome. Billy doing Borders coffee shops in recent years.



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