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Silenced Fred

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Just quit smoking.


I've stopped with my panicking/anxiety which was the initial reason I picked it up in the first place. Smoked my last cigarette about two hours ago, gave the rest of my pack away. Like XDemon said, its no longer fun, and I started to notice it becoming a habit. I won't be one of those people out there in the rain or extreme cold trying to get their fix


just sayin

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Good for you. Best decision you'll make if you want to live for a while. 2 things make me never want to even be around second hand smoke and this will hopefully help you stay quit. btw I smoked for 9 years. I wish badly I could take those years back and have a do over.


1. Cigarette smoking is a major (if not the major ) cause of pancreatic cancer. My father died of it. I don't wish that on anyone. Terrible suffering and he died one month after diagnosis. He smoked for years and even though he didn't inhale (I'm not joking, people in the 1930's through the 1950's used to smoke because it was glamorous) he was still exposed to years of exposure.


2. When I was in school there were 2 age groups of people in the ICU: those in their 50's and 60's and those in their 80s and 90s. The big difference between the 2 groups? You guessed it.


Hope that helps and I hope the thread doesn't get locked!

Best of luck to you.

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Congrats to all the guys that have kicked the habit in the last few days. I lit up my last f*g at 11:50 PM EST on Dec 31st 2010, and have not touched a cig since. Its a great thing to be done with.

Just to give you an idea of the cost, I started at 15 and would spend $1.38 (tax included) on a pack of name brand smokes. I'm barely 30, and my last pack of Camels was $8.00

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Congrats to all the guys that have kicked the habit in the last few days. I lit up my last f*g at 11:50 PM EST on Dec 31st 2010, and have not touched a cig since. Its a great thing to be done with.

Just to give you an idea of the cost, I started at 15 and would spend $1.38 (tax included) on a pack of name brand smokes. I'm barely 30, and my last pack of Camels was $8.00


I spent 6.06 a pack on American Spirits and I smoked a pack a week for about 2 months

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My first carton of Lucky Strikes cost me $8.99. Crazy!

At that price, I would pick it back up again! Seriously though, If you start a thread about quitting Fred, that means you really need to quit. Dont let me catch you smoking, I'll f#cking tell your mom!

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At that price, I would pick it back up again! Seriously though, If you start a thread about quitting Fred, that means you really need to quit. Dont let me catch you smoking, I'll f#cking tell your mom!




luckily enough for me, i haven't been smoking long enough to get hooked

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Just quit smoking.


I've stopped with my panicking/anxiety which was the initial reason I picked it up in the first place. Smoked my last cigarette about two hours ago, gave the rest of my pack away. Like XDemon said, its no longer fun, and I started to notice it becoming a habit. I won't be one of those people out there in the rain or extreme cold trying to get their fix


just sayin


Word dude.


The less you spend on smoke, the more you can spend on fuzz. [smile]


I decided today that I want a really f-ing clean tube amp. Like, a pretty, vintage clean. Fender-y. Probably gonna go for a Hot Rod Deluxe, or a vintage Deluxe Reverb if I can snag a workable price on it.

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Word dude.


The less you spend on smoke, the more you can spend on fuzz. [smile]


I decided today that I want a really f-ing clean tube amp. Like, a pretty, vintage clean. Fender-y. Probably gonna go for a Hot Rod Deluxe, or a vintage Deluxe Reverb if I can snag a workable price on it.


I see vintage DRs for about 600 quite frequently on CL and the sort.


The next amp I go for is going to be a handwired AC30

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$600 is a perfect price. Damn cheap for such an awesome amp. Also, they take pedals like a pro.


Handwired 30s are sweet, dude!


word. I guess I tried to tell myself I was a Fender guy through and through, but Voxes are super sweet.


Vintage Fenders are the way to go because you can find the silverfaces dirt cheap for what they are

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Smoking is a nasty habit to break tough emotional and physically only thing worse is caffeine. I quit years ago but it was tough I had a wife that was very allergic so high motivation but it was still hard. I used to fake it thinking if I only smoked outside and then sprayed Fabreeze on myself and chewed gum thinking she wouldn't notice it after killing my own sense of smell smoking two packs a day. After finally quitting it was pretty funny actually to hear it hadn't fooled her at all, of course she knew every time I smoked a cigarette but she let me go through all the hoops figuring what the hell it amused her and made it a lot harder on me so it helped cut the smoking back considerably. I haven't smoked regular tobacco in years and sure don't miss it, although I still like the way it smells. Guess that's weird most ex smokers can't stand the smell of cigarettes but I like it.


The price of cigarettes is ridiculous also, hell you can almost buy good weed for the price of name brand cigs now.

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Good work gents!


I've never smoked a cigarette in my life...never had the inclination and frankly, i've never understood why anyone would.


Keep it up both of you...you likely smell a whole lot better without it and you will be healthier and happier without them dirty, smelly sticks.

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Good luck [thumbup] The "Beer Cigarette" was the hardest for me to give up.


One thing, it's bad luck to tell anyone you've quit before the second trimester....or something like that.


i don't smoke when i drink, and i kept them purely around for when i got stressed out and started to panic. I just have to work on different coping methods, but my panicking has all but completely stopped, so I figured kick it while I can.


I never got addicted to them, so its just me saying no I guess. Not tied to them at all

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i don't smoke when i drink, and i kept them purely around for when i got stressed out and started to panic. I just have to work on different coping methods, but my panicking has all but completely stopped, so I figured kick it while I can.


I never got addicted to them, so its just me saying no I guess. Not tied to them at all



yesterday was a terrible day to quit. today sucks.


i've substituted throwing up for smoking though

Surprise, you're addicted.


You self medicated your anxiety, aka used smoking as a crutch. That's the biggest open front door to addiction. The sooner you realize it the sooner you'll be in the mind set to quit. You don't quit and suddenly become the person you were before you started. It takes some grumpy days and restless nights. Don't give in, fight that urge [thumbup]

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Surprise, you're addicted.


You self medicated your anxiety, aka used smoking as a crutch. That's the biggest open front door to addiction. The sooner you realize it the sooner you'll be in the mind set to quit. You don't quit and suddenly become the person you were before you started. It takes some grumpy days and restless nights. Don't give in, fight that urge [thumbup]


I'm not trying to say you're wrong, but I've always had stomach issues since I was a little kid. Even when I was smoking, they never let up. I throw up a couple of times a week and just get bad headaches

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congrats Fred,


I smoked when I was just a bit younger than you and also quit before I formed a habit. Basically when I saw myself starting to be one of those people who felt the smoke was worth standing in the rain and cold I decided to quit and never looked back.


Want a good deterant for never wanting to start again, go to a hospital and visit the cancer ward. I watched my father pass away of cancer a few years ago and if I was still smoking it would have been enough to make me quit.

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I'm not trying to say you're wrong, but I've always had stomach issues since I was a little kid. Even when I was smoking, they never let up. I throw up a couple of times a week and just get bad headaches

I'm genuinely concerned. Have you had these issues looked at by a Dr?

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