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Here ya go, Guth........

Buc McMaster

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A new video of an old song on a new guitar, accompanying a croaky old voice........ [unsure]


This is the title song of my last bands' CD, If It Never Rains. You'll have to pardon my hesitant guitar playing and my weak voice.....I'm still on the road to recovery, so to speak. I do like the song if not the performance. Sheryl Crow made some noise about recording it back in 2008 (I think it was '08), but it never happened. It was nice to be considered. Without a solo instrument and backing vocals the song sounds a bit naked.......




If It Never Rains - MBBowen - Copyright 2006


I hang my head and stare at the floor again,

.....you sigh aloud and turn in your chair.

The shadows grow long on the wall as the sun goes down,

At least we agree this just isn't fair.

Yesterday is a song we sang,

.....tomorrow's a door at the end of the hall.

Today is the silence we wear as the darkness comes,

Deep in the night, hear my heart call....


Oo oo don't you let me go

Glad, sad or mad they're all part of the game

Oo oo oo oo baby we both know

Love never grows if it never rains.


Below is a audio only copy of the bands' recording of the tune if you care to listen.......much more meat on the bones, if you like.



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Awesome - thanks Buc!!


As always, viewpoints are often a matter of perspective. Your "sounds a bit naked" is my "straightforward and not over-produced". It's funny how many times I've gone to see someone perform a solo show and really enjoyed their work. I'll often purchase one of their CDs because I dug their tunes and basically feel good about supporting them. Only to get the disc home and find I'm way disappointed in their studio efforts and how much "stuff" gets in the way of their craft and their message (all in my own opinion of course). Maybe that's why I've always been such a big fan of live shows.


At any rate, I'm truly grateful for you sharing your music here. The new 'bird sounds fantastic and I do like the way it fits in with your style.


All the best,


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Sounds great Buc, really. Your voice is prima, and its an excellent tune, while the Bird' looks and soudns great. Noticed you already put in the tulips, oh yeah !


I like the stripped back approach, often all it takes is a Gibson and fine voice.

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Y'all are too kind! I appreciate the support.......thank you all.


Yes, Aussie, it is pretty stripped back. That has always been my approach when writing: keep the guitar simple and try to let the lyrics be the thing. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. And I could not help myself.......I did have to remove those factory Rotomatics and mount the Keystones. They do look so much better on a Hummingbird.......

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Top performance – How brave and generous to present this fine tune.


I don't receive the band version, so I'm not sure if it's already there, but I hear a F# harmony starting on the chorus - Oo Oo don't you let me go. . .


Fine picture too. The shadows to the left – the sun caressing the burst. From one end of the Bird to the other.

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Song has a John Prine feel to it (a compliment).


John Prine!?! Well thank you very much! Good company to be mentioned with, no doubt. Prine is one of the best song crafters out there. Used to play Hello In There and Illegal Smile years ago.....what a writer! Thank you, sir!

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