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Everything posted by SteveFord

  1. I can't say I've ever encountered a bad vagina. Bad people with vaginas, yes. I also can't say I've ever heard anyone say a Guild electric from Korea was super wonderful but whatever makes you happy. BadBluesPlayer had one for a while but I think he sold it off if I remember correctly. I'm pretty sure his didn't have a vagina on it, maybe that's what did it.
  2. The Seagull felt and sounded like a cheap guitar. I wanted to like it but back it went.
  3. I bought a Seagull S-6, I think it was? I kept it for a week and returned it if that tells you anything.
  4. That was GREAT! Nice choice in guitars, too.
  5. The most interesting bit was post WWII everyone forgot about the other inventors and how Gibson was really late to the scene.
  6. Interesting video, thanks for posting that. Now I know a little more than I did before. I would like to try Johnny Winter's Firebird but wouldn't pay to do so.
  7. It felt like snow today and, of course, I spent most of it riding a motorcycle. Note to self: if you get a mile from home and think that you're under dressed, turn around and put on your cold weather riding suit instead of hoping it'll warm up.
  8. Good for them! Maybe I'll be famous when I'm 80, my laugh for the day.
  9. It sounds like they're on the right track with the Epiphones, I know there's a real push to upgrade the brand. My guess is if you played the Epiphone first and then picked up a Gibson ES-335 one would make you go Now AT'SA SOME-A NICE-A plywood!!! in a Father Guido Sarduici accent. and it would be the one with the gigantic price tag. The Casino is going to be the real test. Price is close to the overpriced Gibson ES-330. Will it stack up? I say overpriced as they have it the same as a 335 and it used to go 330/335/345/355 as far as pricing.
  10. This made me think of an old Ted Nugent interview in Creem Magazine. He's talking about practicing the guitar and he said, "I play with myself a lot, sometimes it's so beautiful it makes me cry" and then he realized what he said and went, "Don't you guys print that, I know how you Creem a@@holes are!" so, of course, they put that as a caption under a big picture of him.
  11. I think it's figured, the quilted ones seem to have a lot more going on in the pattern. Maybe curly maple?
  12. Hey, Mr. Natural, Don't ignore that. I did, had a heart attack and blacked out while riding a motorcycle.
  13. I feel gypped. To make up for it, my Marshall DSL40 does make weird oceanic noises every so often and the push buttons on the front seldom function.
  14. It must be my breath or something but I've never had a static issue with a Gibson. I've had output jacks with problems and pots with issues but no static.
  15. Now you've gone and done it!
  16. Looks like they're always breaking down, too. I got suckered into another clip on his guitars and they showed three from the stage rack: a 67, a 70 and a recent Billie Ray Cyrus or somebody signature model. No Angus Young signature SG, though.
  17. What I took away from it was if it breaks you throw it away. I can't see buying something and then wonder how much time do you have left before you strip it and then slam it in a dumpster. I guess it's the same thing with a laptop, though. Eventually it croaks and you throw it away and buy a new one so a different mindset than a tube amp customer.
  18. The dot necks always make me think of Dave Edmunds so either dot of blocks are fine with me. When you do give your Fedners a spin after a layoff, let us know if they feel weird to you. I could never get the hang of the necks but plenty of people sure do. I chalk it up to my ineptitude, not the instrument.
  19. Thank you. You know, the Esteemed sparquelito had an awful lot to do with this purchase. I seem to recall you having a photo with a black or blue single cutaway hollow body and I always thought that was such a classy looking guitar. Every time I'd see that picture I'd get to thinking about how cool looking those big things are. Then an ES-175 would pop up here every so often and I remember how beautiful that one my buddy had was back in the late 70s, they're just so elegant looking. Then someone started posting about wanting a Byrdland which got me thinking about things that are way out of my price range and then Gibson has a video out with George Thorogood and he uses a single cutaway hollow body and he always just sounds great. And whatever model Lenny showed me (a blue 135?) made my eyes pop out and then the ES330 that they just came out with got me poking around for P90 hollow bodies but maybe a single cutaway. Well, I didn't get a Byrdland or a P90 hollow body or something with a trapeze tail piece but that's how it came about. A whole mishmash of ideas in my head and what the hell is that thing? I don't think I've ever seen that model before...
  20. Got my license in 1977, first street bike was a Triumph 250 and still have Triumphs but the new variety. Here's Sir Costalot:
  21. Here's the old girl. It's hard to get pictures showing all of the stuff going on in the wood grain and Pennsyltucky's cool, wet weather isn't helping too much with lighting. As for what I think about it, I think I should have gotten one of these a long time ago. The neck is full without being ridiculously big, it's a large, fairly heavy guitar but it sits well when you're playing seated, the pick ups really need to be low on this model (that's why Lenny said his went BONGGGGG! - the neck pick up in particular can be overwhelming with the bass output). The ebony fret board gives it some snap, the Tone Suck Control is a lot of fun and the body is wider than a 335 but not acoustic guitar wide, it's kind of inbetween. No problem with upper fret access for me and yeah, it's a lot better than I thought it would be. It'll do just about everything. The sound is surprisingly close to a Les Paul but not quite as biting, I guess the word would be. It's not a jazz box although you can mess around with the controls to get that type of smooth move, ladies please disrobe kind of sound. If you like a Les Paul but you wish the body was larger and you like a 335 but wish for a larger tonal palette (as they say), this is worth getting. I honestly wasn't sure WHAT I was getting but I really like what they did. For me, it's just about perfect. No famous guitarists are pictured with this model so prices aren't ridiculous. Pardon the crappy strap I left on there, I forgot to remove it and the one I ordered has yet to arrive.
  22. Chin up, my wife and her entire family are on their way to come live with you! You even get a dog (he's the best part).
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