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Everything posted by MissouriPicker

  1. I don’t think about intonation. If it really sounds off, I’ll check it. Otherwise, if it sounds good to me and feels good, I go with it.
  2. If you’ve got the bucks and the guitar feels like an extension of who you are, buy it! Life is short. Buy the guitar.
  3. Or, it pours fuel on the fire…..Women are something else! Some day science will figure-out what.
  4. No way in hell you can avoid the old crabby men on here. We are everywhere! We do lots of wondering and wandering on this forum, There’s no guarantee where a thread will go or ends up. We’re just here to pick-at the still living brain cells in each others head. Join us!👍
  5. Here’s a start for a guitar song. Change it, finish it and make it your own. You’re a damn-good picker.h A man bought this old guitar…..it was back in ‘68. Didn’t even know if he could learn to play. All he really was the song in his soul. And as he learned to play, this is how it would go.
  6. Sweet story……A song needs to be written about this guitar……
  7. Interesting! I thought they’d favor the heavier strings over the lites and extra lites. Aside from a little more bass on the heavier strings, they favored the lites and extra lites. …..Of course, there’s no right or wrong to it. Depends on the sound and playability you like…..Thanks for sharing.
  8. Or, “Honey, how long is that mess going to be on the kitchen table?” …….My wife has asked a thousand times, “How many guitars do you need?” I can’t answer because I really don’t know. Anyways….l hope my fingers are feeling good by next Thursday. Play my 2-hour coffeehouse gig on Thursday and a 3-hour one on Friday night. Haven’t done 3-hours for many, many moons.
  9. Yes, it took me all afternoon. Over five hours with a couple cups of coffee and time out to stop the bleeding…..l’ e seen those videos of some guy changing strings in fifteen minutes or so, but that ain’t me. Don’t know what got into me. Once I did the first two, I just kept going. Get the right tools and take your time……. So far I’m really liking the silk&steel strings on the J45 and Southern Jumbo. Definitely on the quiet side, but sooooo-easy to play. I plug-in at all my gigs, so volume isn’t an issue.
  10. Today, my wife went shopping with our daughter, so I thought I’d do something I’ve been intending to do since last fall. I changed some guitar strings. I ended-up changing strings with batteries (where needed) on seven guitars. Also, I got a little adventurous——I decided to try some strings other than Martin SPs. Still put the Martins SPs on the Dove, but put Earl Ball Strings on the J200, Johnny Cash D35, Hummingbird, and then Martin Marquis Silk & Steel on the Southern Jumbo and J45tv. Also put SPs on a Gretch resonator……Also. punctured three fingertips with the strings……lol…. For little-bitty holes, they hurt like hell. Anyway, now I’m set for the next 18-months or so……..The Silk&Steel are on the quiet side ( I think they are custom lites), but are truly easy to play.
  11. Very informative articles for me. Especially, the first one.
  12. What do you expect? I’m three years older than you…….They don’t make adult diapers? Maybe that’s why the damn things don’t stay-on when I’m at Wal,Mart. Got to use more Gorilla Tape.
  13. For once, the internet is correct………….Such a sweet and beautiful human being. First class lady.
  14. Apparently, women don’t like being complemented on their mustache. WHO KNEW!
  15. Be careful of those old t-shirts at the thrift stores. You never know who was wearing it or what they were doing while wearing it. ….I forgot to mention that the best dumpsters are behind the retirement homes and rehab centers. Never pay for Pampers again!…..BTW, 72 ain’t bad. You’re just kind-of-an-old-folk. ….In three years you could catch-up with me, but I ain’t wait’in.
  16. Damn’it, you’re always “pushing the envelope.”…..lol……If you[ve got to know, I get them out of dumpsters. Rinse’Em out, let’em dry and you’re ready-to-go. In a few years you’ll be one of us old folks, so remember this financial information.
  17. Some people are like a case of Pampers. Self absorbed and full of ****.
  18. Started my”fast” last week. It’s going pretty good, so far.)
  19. You don’t need therapy….You’re human. It’s easy to have mountains of once desired/needed stuff pile-up. Then, we gradually forget we’ve even got it……My wife and I use a rule that works reasonably well for us: if we haven’t needed it in the last five years—-it’s outta here……..Of course, with musical items I tend to bend the rules.
  20. All my Gibbys and my Cash Martin D35 mostly live in their cases during the winter. I keep each case supplied with a damp rag in a plastic sandwich bag, with the bag partially open at the top. We’ve got a humidifier attached to the furnace now, but I don’t think it does a real good job. The case is the best place in winter for my guitars.
  21. You’ve got to play it. I might think it’s the “holy grail” of guitars, but you might think it’s a real clunker.
  22. Now he chases ghosts on TV……..Actually, I was never a big fan, but seeing him not being outrageous makes him more entertaining to me. He and his wife can be pretty funny.
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