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uncle fester

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Everything posted by uncle fester

  1. Wow really good. Great version and I heard some of that Roy Orbison phrasing in there - great stuff!
  2. my first was a Hondo II electric (Les Paul copy) back in 1980 or so... first one I bought knowing what I wanted was a fender strat back in '00
  3. Merry Christmas, a general Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year All - hope you all enjoy!
  4. I don't think there's an 'oh well' about it, you just landed a sweet 'bird - enjoy!
  5. Merry Christmas Sal and to all, and here's to steps forward in 2020! Rgds - brfm
  6. Hey Rather-b, out of curiosity where are you from... just wondering where it get's that dry?
  7. that was great, love this group of players... class acts all the way!
  8. Awesome! And a very merry Christmas to you and yours... thank you for posting 🙂
  9. Hey BK - how about a quick side by side compare of your two new gibby's - the maple dove and mahogany(?) J50. They're definitely different beasts... how do they compare in your mind?
  10. Ok, maybe i missed it in the thread, but what makes this person's review so wonderful. Is he an established player or some sort of role that makes him an authoritative critic? Or is it just a cool guitar? Not sure I'm getting it?
  11. Thank you all, good food for thought. To put numbers to it, I would say it goes from low 50s (deg F) to high 60s, maybe low 70s.... but humidity is maintained pretty well above 40% (and below 60%). I think I understand the best practice in this situation (maintain the micro environment...i.e. w/in a case), unfortunately keeping my J45 in it's case really is not enticing to me. It makes enough sense though, so I have to think on it. Right now I work out of my office, so I'm in and out a lot and pick up the guitar 6 different times during the day in between breaks etc... it's nice to have it in a stand. Thank you again for the input, it's appreciated!
  12. Hi all - I have a question about 15 to 20 deg temp changes on guitars. To control the humidity of my guitars, I keep them in my office and maintain the humidity of the room. Usually I can keep the doors cracked a little bit so heat from the other rooms flow through or I use a space heater to keep my self warm. Under these conditions the temps go up and down a little bit (+/ - 5 to 10 deg). When it's really dry out, I have to keep the doors to the office closed to maintain the humidity, which in turn leads to a pretty cold office. When I'm back and forth working in there during the day, I use the heat and it could heat up 15 to 20 degrees or so... The humidity is maintained, and I have not seen any issues due to this, but would anyone have long term concerns with temp changes like this? Thank you all for input? Rgds - brfm
  13. I love 4 margherita lunches, but 4 margherita afternoons get tough 🙂
  14. I'm pretty sure it's your first name followed by man, are you sure?
  15. damn flu, better not mess with our Christmas production... feel better though - it's been kicking people's butt. and skills, shmills - first i think you got them, and second you put up one of the most memorable happy vids of the year...several years running, gotta mean something.
  16. Just to have fun with this topic, and hoping no offense is taken by anyone, figured I'd put down my thoughts about everyone's screen name.. Again no offense meant to anyone, and wondering - does anyone have any (non offensive) impressions of their own of the different screen names? Navy vet - a navy vet O1GT eibach: The Russian guy from Rocky Sparquelito: Someone fun in a fun band Retired: Frankenstine Old Cowboy: Texas, bronco rider Sgt Pepper: A slapstick sgt, maybe named pepper Jaxon50: Someone slick Merciful evans: A decider of big things, but he's merciful Kidblast: Boston verson of Kid Rock Karloff: Frankenstine Twang gang: someone in a band with a tele Tman: someone with the first name T Gmac: : MC GMAC Saturn: The Jetsons Larsongs: Someone who produces comforting music Notes Norton: Someone who is proficient on a piano, probably in jazz billroy fineman: Someone really cool, and fine
  17. billroy fineman came in two parts. billroy happened naturally, my first name is bill, my last is roy...(the guy w/ 2 first names) and all my buds naturally called me billroy. 15 yrs later i was living in Mali, W Africa (as part of the peace corps - a volunteer organization focused in 3rd world countries). I lived in a village (in a mud hut, no running water or electricity) about 2 hours away from a main city where volunteers local to the area shared a house. I was there on business one day early in my tenure, was on my way out back to my village when a group of other folks came in to celebrate one of their birthdays... long story short, I stayed to celebrate with them, they all got to saying 'that billroy he sure is a fine man for staying'... which evolved to 'billroy fineman'.
  18. Streaming has become my favorite way to discover new music. I love plugging in a genre or musician and seeing how the playlist builds. I pay for the right to stream music (google play) not sure how the musicians get paid, hope they get something for it. I have discovered quite a lot of music / musicians this way, it gives exposure...
  19. Red333 that is... been awfully quiet, but hoping a Christmas video is due 😉
  20. Wow Jinder, good stuff and good luck! A little deviation from other work of yours I heard, and done well. Appreciate you posting.
  21. yessir - finding a like minded cohort doesn't seem to get easier the older you get
  22. Freakin' loved it! Totally went from Doors Riders on the Storm feel into some kick *** resonator blues - had to go to my office to listen to it on proper speakers!
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