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Is there anything cuter than a puppy


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So my sister is down for a few weeks with her kids and a new one.. Alfie the schnoodle which is a cross between a schnauzer and a poodle. Hes VERY cute and I haven't played with a dog like that since our family dog when I was young (and I still miss him)...


But really is there anything cuter than a puppy :)

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nope, nothing cuter.....schnoodles.....labradoodles......I guess Poodle mixes are the "it" dog now.


full sized Poodles were origionally the waterfoul dogs of wealthy German Lords, hence the clipped coat to relieve weight & aid the pup in swimming.


Dad had a Poodle when I was a kid......a fine all around pet.

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Um, a kitten? [smile]



Hmm... I donno, kittens are cute but they scratch you up with the razor sharp claws.. puppies you can really have some fun with.. When was the last time you saw a kitten play fetch ;)

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My sister-in-law's neighbour keeps sheep in his huge garden and uses a llama to protect them-llamas easily bond with sheep and get extremely protective of them. Since so many of the ewes had lambs this spring his flock size has grown by at least 30% which of course puts tremendous demand on the llama.The neighbour has now bought 3 absolutely beautiful Great Pyrenees pups that are only about 10 weeks old so that they too can bond with the sheep.Apparently these dogs almost consider themselves sheep because they become so imprinted on them and they actually bed down with the sheep at night.Anyway these pups are among the most beautiful pups that I have ever seen,they almost look like live Teddy bears but will grow to almost 150 lbs. in some cases.Unfortunately I didn't have my camera but I just looked them up in Wikipedia and there was a good photo there of pups.There are fewer things cuter than a puppy.Famed publisher William Randolph Hearst once said that a pretty girl,puppy or a baby on the front page will always sell more papers.

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Great puppy. I love the smell of puppies.


We have a new puppy too. Charlie Sausage the Dachshund. He's a tad small to play with our four staffies yet but they all love each other. He loves licking their faces and is eager to play. They all love him too. It's not the breed, it's the owner.

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Too stinking CUTE! I have three dogs (2 bassets and a Rottweiler/Chihuahua mix - he is small like a Chihuahua, but has Rotti ears and markings. Before you ask, Mom was the Rotti, Dad the Chihuahua! :D) We only had one as a puppy (the ChiRotti), we got him at 10 weeks old from the shelter. Our bassets were 9 and 1 when we got them (the 9 year old from a shelter, the 1 year old from my husband's co-worker). The oldest basset is now 15 and the younger one is 5.

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Great puppy. I love the smell of puppies.


We have a new puppy too. Charlie Sausage the Dachshund. He's a tad small to play with our four staffies yet but they all love each other. He loves licking their faces and is eager to play. They all love him too. It's not the breed, it's the owner.

VERY cute too [thumbup] and VERY quite for four dogs in the house together :)

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So my sister is down for a few weeks with her kids and a new one.. Alfie the schnoodle which is a cross between a schnauzer and a poodle. Hes VERY cute and I haven't played with a dog like that since our family dog when I was young (and I still miss him)...


But really is there anything cuter than a puppy :)

Too cute, I remember my dog long since gone though. Still miss him to this day. Enjoy

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