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My buddy Boris' biopsy came back positive. The tumor on his leg is cancerous. The particular type of cancer will not spread, but if the tumor is removed it just comes back with a vengeance in the same place. If he was younger , amputation may have been an option, but seeing how most Boxers don't see 10, and he just turned 12, the Vet said he will pass of old age long before the cancer has a chance of taking him out. Here's Mr.B getting some love from my wife... He's a good boy.



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My buddy Boris' biopsy came back positive. The tumor on his leg is cancerous. The particular type of cancer will not spread, but if the tumor is removed it just comes back with a vengeance in the same place. If he was younger , amputation may have been an option, but seeing how most Boxers don't see 10, and he just turned 12, the Vet said he will pass of old age long before the cancer has a chance of taking him out. Here's Mr.B getting some love from my wife... He's a good boy.




Hopefully you have a lot longer with your Buddy... [smile]

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Hello Karloff!


Very sad to hear that!


I know it`s nearly unbelievable: my Dad had a boxer named Boris too with the similiar fate.


Poor doggy broke His feet, and He got supporting frames implanted. Unfortunately, as a result of this, cancer attacked His feet.


Best wishes... Bence

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Hello Karloff!


Very sad to hear that!


I know it`s nearly unbelievable: my Dad had a boxer named Boris too with the similiar fate.


Poor doggy broke His feet, and He got supporting frames implanted. Unfortunately, as a result of this, cancer attacked His feet.


Best wishes... Bence


thats something. i love dogs. i've had dogs my entire life. Boxers are such cool dogs. sounds like your Dad's Boris was well loved too...

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hey Karloff.


my sons Ridge-back Buddy had what may have been the same issue. The first surgery to remove it went ok, but the same prognosis was given, (could reoccur) and that happened


The second surgery and some (I would have to assume) Chemo medication (take via pills) prevented any further occurrence.


he went on as if nothing happened for a few years (3 I think),


Buddy lived to be almost 18 years old, which for a dog that size, is remarkable.


(heart failure last February took him from us... he was the best, and very much missed all the time)


Just thought I'd pass this on. hope that Boris will be okay. These critters are family. Do what you can for him!


Best to all of you.





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hey Karloff.


my sons Ridge-back Buddy had what may have been the same issue. The first surgery to remove it went ok, but the same prognosis was given, (could reoccur) and that happened


The second surgery and some (I would have to assume) Chemo medication (take via pills) prevented any further occurrence.


he went on as if nothing happened for a few years (3 I think),


Buddy lived to be almost 18 years old, which for a dog that size, is remarkable.


(heart failure last February took him from us... he was the best, and very much missed all the time)


Just thought I'd pass this on. hope that Boris will be okay. These critters are family. Do what you can for him!


Best to all of you.






yep, the vet mentioned that chemo could help slow its return. but that it would come back. 18 for a Ridgeback is amazing. thats a ripe ol' age ...

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18 for a Ridgeback is amazing. thats a ripe ol' age ...


We're pretty sure it was their diet (there is another - female - Sydney, she's a bit younger.)


Anyway since we all "are what we eat" my son and his wife did a ton of research and figured out the best food for them, and that's what they ate for many years.


Right up till the poor guys heart gave out, he was active, he was playing catch with my son right up till the last breath.


he just stopped, fell on the floor, and went to "the bride"


this was Buddy last August, you'd never have known he only had a few more months. (heck you can even see the ball he was playing with the day I took this)


we miss ya Bud..


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We're pretty sure it was their diet (there is another - female - Sydney, she's a bit younger.)


Anyway since we all "are what we eat" my son and his wife did a ton of research and figured out the best food for them, and that's what they ate for many years.


Right up till the poor guys heart gave out, he was active, he was playing catch with my son right up till the last breath.


he just stopped, fell on the floor, and went to "the bride"


this was Buddy last August, you'd never have known he only had a few more months. (heck you can even see the ball he was playing with the day I took this)


we miss ya Bud..



what a nice pic. my friend has a Ridgeback. great dogs ... Boris still runs around and plays like he's a puppy. then he sleeps for 5 hours, lol

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I know all too well the hurt you are going through.

I lost 3 of my dogs to cancer.

Different types of cancer for each one.

The vets did try chemo, and although it prolonged their lives, I swore would never put another dog of mine through chemo again.

Two of my dogs were going through the treatments every other week, so one weekend it was with my Cocker spaniel, and then the next weekend it was chemo for my Shepard mix, Katie.

I told the vets, help them at any costs, and it totaled more than $32,000.00 <not a typo, thirty two thousand dollars>

But it was the horrible chemo treatment they went through that I swore I would never put another dog through.

I feel so bad for what you and your friend are going through, and hope you and Boris are able to spend a long time together, enjoying each others company.

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Keep your head up man.


I had to put down 4 dogs in my day due to old age / cancer etc. Hardest thing I ever had to do. Just remember when it is time, you owe it to him to take that final Ride. Usually we wait to long and I end up carrying them into my vets office crying like a baby.. Nothing is harder man.


I like Dogs better than people. Enjoy the old dude while he is still around and take him for some french fry, ice cream mcdonalds drive thru visits while he is still around.



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Keep your head up man.


I had to put down 4 dogs in my day due to old age / cancer etc. Hardest thing I ever had to do. Just remember when it is time, you owe it to him to take that final Ride. Usually we wait to long and I end up carrying them into my vets office crying like a baby.. Nothing is harder man.


I like Dogs better than people. Enjoy the old dude while he is still around and take him for some french fry, ice cream mcdonalds drive thru visits while he is still around.




yep, i agree completely with you. and its funny you said that, last night he got french fries. he got some ice cream tonight

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One thing I did before I lost my dogs to cancer was I took a sh-- load of pictures of them inside the house, outside, and just being themselves.

I am so happy I did.

Also, there is a site for dogs called " Dogster " and for those who have cats, "Catster"

Its a site where you can download pictures of Boris, write out a story about him and just get a kick out of having his picture on the net.

I lost my first dog to cancer about 8 years ago, and I am still getting responses to her pictures.

I hope you have a long time remaining with your buddy.

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Splake mentioned ice cream, here's Boris getting the first scoops of some homemade vanilla. And BRC mentioned taking some pics, we always have, but we started having some professionally done. Our daughter Vicky had the first photo session.










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Splake mentioned ice cream, here's Boris getting the first scoops of some homemade vanilla. And BRC mentioned taking some pics, we always have, but we started having some professionally done. Our daughter Vicky had the first photo session.












Awesome!. A Dogs life!!!!.

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