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Amp Out Alz 7


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Roxx was a band that I played in during the late 70's in Central Arkansas and we get back together every year (for the last 7) to play a benefit concert for the Alzheimer's Association of Arkansas. We raised $14,000 this year!


In addition to 3 original members we added our main roadie/manager (in the 70's) to play bass now that we are all older. He happens to be the CEO of a successful advertising/marketing company and he is mainly responsible for the gig's success. His brother plays keys and sings and we also have 2 talented women helping sing as well.


Here are some photos and also a couple of videos before they get disabled for infringement.


Loaded guitars in truck:




The stage at the Revolution Room (Rev Room):



SG Custom:



1987 Strat that I have had since 87 with a 10 year hiatus where I sold it to a friend in Sweden who sold it back to me:




Other guitarist (fabulous player and singer):



Bow at the end:




We did Stairway to heaven (yes we did). It was requested and well received by the mostly 40s and 50s crowd. Played an Epiphone Black Hummingbird using the pickups in the guitar. Guy (other guitarist) played a 12 string Dan Electro. My SG was around my back and I swung it around for the solo. Felt like a real rock star.



Final song Freebird. (Yes we also did). Also heavily requested. Hell we used to be a southern rock band in the 70's (as well as British wanna be's).


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One of the reasons we raised so much money for the event is that there were a number of "tables" that were purchased for seating by different corporations. Also a lot of things were donated for a silent auction that raised big money. This was one of those. Custom double neck and I'm not sure who built it (I know not Warmoth). Our bass players company (ad agency) designed the graphics for it including the headstock logo. I thought it was pretty cool. Not sure how much it sold for but it sold to hang up on someones wall.



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