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Who's the most annoying person in the lounge?


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why arent i on this list??



i like the notoriety that both axe and thundergod enjoy!

they have better guitars than i do and probably play them better but did they run into pete townsend the other week??


i dont think so!


In the words of Pete and the boys - Who are You?

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I just love Homz's tactic of baiting members into fights with questions like:


"A priest looked at my *** the other day, what do you guys think of that? Is that wrong?"


"I don't want to turn this into a political fight, but do you think it was immoral for Bush to invade Iraq"


"I think unions have a place in today economic landscape. What is your take on it?"


Then some poor soul takes his bait and he then gets defensive and rips them a new one. When the storm blows over he then pats himself on the back and justifies his actions as being part of his strategy to inject some intellectual debate into the forum.


But focusing on such hot-button issues as religion and politics is kid's stuff. Anyone can start a debate with those two topics. It has predicable results.

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I just love Homz's tactic of baiting members into fights with questions like:


"A priest looked at my *** the other day' date=' what do you guys think of that? Is that wrong?"


"I don't want to turn this into a political fight, but do you think it was immoral for Bush to invade Iraq"


"I think unions have a place in today economic landscape. What is your take on it?"


Then some poor soul takes his bait and he then gets defensive and rips them a new one. When the storm blows over he then pats himself on the back and justifies his actions as being part of his strategy to inject some intellectual debate into the forum.


But focusing on such hot-button issues as religion and politics is kid's stuff. Anyone can start a debate with those two topics. It has predicable results.



Hmm, perhaps I need new topics.


I did go for the unimmunized home schoold kid, I thought that was a pretty good angle.

How about circumcised / Uncircumcised?

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Hmm' date=' perhaps I need new topics.


I did go for the unimmunized home schoold kid, I thought that was a pretty good angle.

How about circumcised / Uncircumcised?



That is true. I will give you credit for the home-school one. That was good.


Try the circumcised/uncirumcised as a poll. The results might not be what you expect if the Europeans turn up in force.




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I do occasionally get surprising results. For example the 'real life question from my son' one. That really happened as relayed.


I was refreshingly surprised at the closed mindedness of many of the posters. I guess I underestimated the power of early childhood brainwashing.


It made me even more adamant in my position to keep my son out of the 'faith game' until he is ready to make an informed decision.

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And Homz' date=' for the record I do really like you and have a lot of respect for you. I actually enjoy some of the train wrecks that you create (and that I've participated in).






I'm sure you understand it's not a selfless act. I do actually learn about the human beast in the process. I like that.

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