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Win 11?


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It goes up to 11.....

Or maybe not.

I downloaded the pc health check, ran it and have about 3 issues, one of which is - my processor isn't supported. 

It's an Intel Core i5-6600 CPU 3.30 GHz.    Huh?

I'm not binning it yet.   Support for Win 10 continues until Oct 2025.



Are they going to update the vaccine chips too? [smile]

Edited by jdgm
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  • jdgm changed the title to Win 11?

Here’s the list of new PC requirements for W11…

https://www.google.com/search?q=windows 11 requirements&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-1-m

Basically you’re buying a new machine if you bought it before 2019 or so. That is… if you have to use the latest MS stuff. IDK… I use Linux I’m better than all non-Linux users 😉

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Over the years my initial disdain for MS has evolved into they are what they are. All jobs I’ve had use MS products, but at home I use Linux. A lot about computer “eligibility” seems to be dependent on whether or not there is a TPM in your system at a certain rev. level and other secure components to aid Windows with this protection task. That’s from what I understood reading about the WHY upgrading today is a big deal. Either way most users IMHO need only a sub-$400 machine to suffice all their needs. “Power” users are the ones who need the HP to run servers and drive certain HW. But hey they’re giving MS users another 4 years or so before they decide to discontinue support… all those old machines W11 doesn’t like would probably kick some f’n a** if Linux was installed on them… just sayin’… I still have use for my AMD quad core PC I built back in 2009 because it runs Linux. Runs W10 good too - on desktop from cold boot in 30s. 

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I'm ok with Win 10, works for me.

But I'm rankled - is that the word? - that my processor apparently won't work with Win 11...why not?



Imagine this forum with video, so you don't read the posts but listen to whoever....telling you you're wrong.[wink]   I don't know how that might be moderated (AI bad language/aggressive tone algorithm?)  but think it could ultimately improve social media etiquette.

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Don't tell that big girl's blouse EC but I just got my booster shot.   

I was thinking it was something different but it's just another round of the Pfizer.  Only downside is no lollipop after the band aid.  I know because I asked.

Now to get my mitts on a few dozen copies of Windows 11 for stocking stuffers for Christmas!!!

Edited by SteveFord
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18 hours ago, jdgm said:

I'm ok with Win 10, works for me.

But I'm rankled - is that the word? - that my processor apparently won't work with Win 11...why not?



Imagine this forum with video, so you don't read the posts but listen to whoever....telling you you're wrong.[wink]   I don't know how that might be moderated (AI bad language/aggressive tone algorithm?)  but think it could ultimately improve social media etiquette.

"Rankled" could work fine.  

As for the other stuff....

I'd settle for "social media"( oxymoron if I ever heard one) outlets to require people to pass a spelling and grammar test before being allowed to post anything.  [cool]


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On 10/8/2021 at 10:14 AM, Whitefang said:

I still use a desktop.  HP.    Bought it in '10 with Win7.   Still using 7.  Should probably update my Windows, eh?  [wink]


I still use a Tandy/Radio Shack TRS-80 with a Cox engine and a pull-start. 

I might be in need of an upgrade as well. 




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I haven’t owned a Windows-based device since 2008 and not operated a Windows-based device since I retired at the end of 2011.  MAC only.  It’s always amusing to hear about the trials and tribulations of the Windows OS.  😁

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I did a web search for bypassing the requirements and seems like there’s hope for those that need W11 on a PC that fails the test. But in all honesty this kind of stuff is why I don’t do MS anymore. Apple also is bad too for the stuff that “just works”. All my opinion of course. If I had to pick my poison - i.e. didn’t have Linux - I’d pick MS though. That damn Apple store scares the bejeezus out of me! But hey, to each and to their own. Who am I to say what works for someone else…

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13 hours ago, NighthawkChris said:

I did a web search for bypassing the requirements and seems like there’s hope for those that need W11 on a PC that fails the test. But in all honesty this kind of stuff is why I don’t do MS anymore. Apple also is bad too for the stuff that “just works”. All my opinion of course. If I had to pick my poison - i.e. didn’t have Linux - I’d pick MS though. That damn Apple store scares the bejeezus out of me! But hey, to each and to their own. Who am I to say what works for someone else

You obviously feel you're not qualified to.  But as you might have noticed, that never seems to stop a lot of other people.  [wink]  And not just here or in other forums,  but in ALL walks of life. [cool]

21 hours ago, Dub-T-123 said:

Computer wisdom from Whitefang… good lord



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@Whitefang I’m trying to keep within the scope of the conversation with the struggles of upgrading or migrating to W11. I started to add my opinion of what I think is best and what I avoid, but not going to pick any individual out in the conversation to say they are using something that I don’t approve. I wish everyone the best with whatever they use to do their daily computing. Dealing with finding out their 3yo machine can’t handle W11 is outraging - again my opinion that may or may not be shared. I’ve fixed many, many peoples computers over my lifetime. I grew up with them since the 80s. After all, I be electrical/software engineer… 

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1 hour ago, SteveFord said:

Windows 10 screwed up my lap top - on audio I get a hiccup at 15 second intervals.

I finally called Dell and they said it's too old but we can sell you a new one...

Lol that’s what Apple (store) told me about my iPhone that needed the battery replaced. Had no issues telling me to buy a new phone… Well I know what phone I’m NOT going to get next after that debacle. 

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On 10/10/2021 at 4:09 PM, Whitefang said:

And I too, have often heard the same disgust from many MAC users.  :rolleyes:


And THAT has been going on for many years; they fix it so the older devices slow down too (so I've read).  

Something about the Snow Leopard OS was it?

I shouldn't moan then!

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Apple throttles the speed of older iPhones whose batteries have diminished capacity. A slightly lower performance level requires less power. You can disable the feature if you wish.

Snow Leopard was a version of Mac OS X, circa 2009. It didn't run on phones.

Pet peeve: Mac is not an acronym. It is short for Macintosh. It should never be written in all caps, unless you are shouting.

Back on topic, I run Windows 10 in a virtual machine on one of my Macs. It is four years old, but has a 4.2 GHz quad-core i7. I wonder if that will make the cut for 11. I'm in no hurry, though.

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  • 2 months later...

I took the plunge to the W11 upgrade on my laptop which has MS crap on it. Nah, JK!

My latest PC I bought has one requirement that fails if for the W11 upgrade - the TPM.  I can buy one for an extra $50, but I have no intention of kneecapping this PC by using proprietary corporate spyware that indoctrinates us how the computing experience "should be".  Once you go to Linux, you will understand what it is like to have an OS that doesn't spy on you, ask for upgrades that cost you money, upgrades that need "more secure" hardware on them to permit an upgrade, etc.  I have laptops running my house that are nearly 15 years old that serve as a VPN server that you bet your hide Windows wouldn't let you do...  That and ESPECIALLY Apple garbage. 

So if you want a real upgrade, learn about computers, install Linux and stop wasting your time on that dumpster fire of an OS we call Windows.  You know, MS claims they are running the "most secure" OS this time around...  LMFAO!  What took you so long?  Any system that charges me for basic computing utilities and proposes that I need antivirus is pure unadulterated trash.  I don't run antivirus on Linux...  Most of the time, those AV utilities are spying on you to begin with...  They get admin (root) privileges and can be a vector for an actual attack given the nature of their base permissions.  Paying for software is just paying the master the way I look at it.  I only want free as in freedom software on my personal network.  No Alexas, no Androids, Apple garbage, and you know how I feel about MS.  I don't Facebook (Meta), Twitter, etc.  All that stuff does is spy on you and collects your data to target ads and sell your personal info to other parties interested in mining the population.  We worry about the government overreaching, but the corporations are doing their work for them while you willingly sell your biometrics (facial recognition, etc.) and other living habits for no charge that bank these parties BILLIONS!  Big tech is the enemy of the people.  They are tied to the media and big bro.  We worry about tracking chips and such, but you carry around a cell phone...  LOL!  Try leaving your home without it...  It knows when you go to work, where you work, where you're going at such-and-such an hour...  You are a part of the machine the elites exploit.  W11 is just the tool they need... 

When I spend more than $500 for a machine, it shouldn't come preinstalled with Twitter, FB, etc. apps on it to prepare the spy machine.  It takes up space on my machine, takes up resources to take away from what I actually want to do productively, and it's trying to mine data most offensively.  When I leave a MS machine idle, that's when the OS actually does something - not for you.  I did a power comparison of my (dual-boot) machine running Linux and MS where the results I had monitoring just the power consumption of the PC increased by nearly 30W on average when running MS.  WTH is it doing...  It's letting you know the OS you paid for is NOT YOURS!  My Linux servers can run for days on end with no hiccups whereas if I ran a MS sever, it would have all sorts of defaults on that serve the mother-ship MS.  It's sad these days what commercially we are given and we are made to believe that this is what we HAVE to have. 

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