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Clues, you're hearing could be gone.


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This could be embarrassing but; I have been playing my Casino both plugged in and not for a week now. Today, I seemed to hear it loud, like an acoustic but,  I was not seeing any red light, like  in the past. No sustain and not very loud like in the past.  No reverb either so I was checking out the amp.  "Did one of the tubes blow out?"  It sounded like it was on but none of the functions working.  So I kept playing Black Magic Woman and trying to get more sustain for the slides and bends. Finally, I looked at the power grid and Behold! It isn't even plugged into the wall outlet. LOL. Anyway, I got a big chuckle out of it.  It came on and boy was it loud! 

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3 hours ago, Retired said:

This could be embarrassing but; I have been playing my Casino both plugged in and not for a week now. Today, I seemed to hear it loud, like an acoustic but,  I was not seeing any red light, like  in the past. No sustain and not very loud like in the past.  No reverb either so I was checking out the amp.  "Did one of the tubes blow out?"  It sounded like it was on but none of the functions working.  So I kept playing Black Magic Woman and trying to get more sustain for the slides and bends. Finally, I looked at the power grid and Behold! It isn't even plugged into the wall outlet. LOL. Anyway, I got a big chuckle out of it.  It came on and boy was it loud! 

You sound like me.   I do that occasionally in public….lol.  I’m tempted to say it’s a “getting older” thing, but then I’d be admitting I’m getting older.

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15 minutes ago, Rabs said:

As you get older your bones get softer allowing tone vibrations to flow through your body... Its what keeps Keef alive  😄 


If bones get softer and I'm sure they do as I have seen older people fall and break some. Mine are probably bad now being that they took so much bone marrow out Haha. 

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2 minutes ago, Retired said:

If bones get softer and I'm sure they do as I have seen older people fall and break some. Mine are probably bad now being that they took so much bone marrow out Haha. 

My dad had osteoporosis so I know a little about it (being serious for once).. From what I remember cos he had bone density scans a few times.. Calcium and Vitamin D (vit D helps the body absorb the calcium) helped and actually made things better. Not that I am a doctor in any way and couldn't advise anyone... Just sayin what I have experienced.

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12 hours ago, Retired said:

If bones get softer and I'm sure they do as I have seen older people fall and break some. Mine are probably bad now being that they took so much bone marrow out Haha. 

Getting old is when ALL the bones get soft. Especially one, which no amount of Vitamin D can help.  [wink]  And which is obvious because "old" is years beyond "middle age".  And as I always say....

The way you know you've reached "middle age" is when you wake up in the morning, and it's your BACK that's stiff!  [tongue]


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15 hours ago, Rabs said:

My dad had osteoporosis so I know a little about it (being serious for once).. From what I remember cos he had bone density scans a few times.. Calcium and Vitamin D (vit D helps the body absorb the calcium) helped and actually made things better. Not that I am a doctor in any way and couldn't advise anyone... Just sayin what I have experienced.

That's one thing I used to do every day when I lifted weights, was take vitamins. I quit when Covid hit because I stopped working out.  I should start again.  Weird about bone marrow though,  before I had that brain tumor surgery, they took out so much bone marrow that I could't even stand on my feet, Fell straight down.  You wouldn't think that would effect you so much? It was like I had a ton of bricks on my head. That was when I could squat 435 pounds for reps. Just missing bone marrow makes you that weak. 

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17 hours ago, MissouriPicker said:

You sound like me.   I do that occasionally in public….lol.  I’m tempted to say it’s a “getting older” thing, but then I’d be admitting I’m getting older.

Much of my loss of hearing came from working at Burlington Northern Santa Fee Railroad.  When I hired on, they made us do a hearing test each year.  I saved all of the results. In the beginning, My hearing was perfect with decibels of 0 to 05 at the worst.  That continued for years until I was forced to work certain lines around the shops. The main building was very loud  with all that was there.  Building 181 isn't much better and Shot Blast was the worst where I had about 17 years in off and on. One guy who served  in the Navy on a Air Craft Carrier said, Shot Blast was louder than that. That is where my hearing took a dive.  

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53 minutes ago, Retired said:

I've  never seen that one yet.  The last one was with Halle Berry, She was good.  I guess there were 8 different women that played Cat-Woman? 

She was Catwoman from the original TV series. Ertha Kitt was another CW on the original show too.

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2 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

She was Catwoman from the original TV series. Ertha Kitt was another CW on the original show too.

Really? I did watch Batman all the time but Don't remember her looking that good.  I guess the memory goes too huh? Lol

As a experiment, I took my aides out and played two guitars unplugged. My Epiphone Standard  solid body, I could not hear a thing. Complete silence. That was strumming hard & loud. Then the Casino, also struming loud. I could barely hear it.  

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On 1/4/2022 at 12:03 PM, Retired said:

Much of my loss of hearing came from working at Burlington Northern Santa Fee Railroad.  When I hired on, they made us do a hearing test each year.  I saved all of the results. In the beginning, My hearing was perfect with decibels of 0 to 05 at the worst.  That continued for years until I was forced to work certain lines around the shops. The main building was very loud  with all that was there.  Building 181 isn't much better and Shot Blast was the worst where I had about 17 years in off and on. One guy who served  in the Navy on a Air Craft Carrier said, Shot Blast was louder than that. That is where my hearing took a dive.  

I had significant hearing loss with my last yearly physical. I therefore went to see an ENT doc that I've worked with for years. He said, "Phil, any family history?" I said "yea, My grandfather, my mom, and my sister." He said "any occupational exposure?", "Well I played in a rock band for about 10 years in the 70's and 80's and for the last 30 I've played between 1-3 times per year." " Any protection?" "Yes, the last 10 years or so." "Phil, You're screwed."

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On 1/4/2022 at 6:28 PM, Retired said:

Really? I did watch Batman all the time but Don't remember her looking that good.  I guess the memory goes too huh? Lol

As a experiment, I took my aides out and played two guitars unplugged. My Epiphone Standard  solid body, I could not hear a thing. Complete silence. That was strumming hard & loud. Then the Casino, also struming loud. I could barely hear it.  


Well, if there is an upside to this, it's that you can save some money by not bothering to put strings on your guitars anymore.


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10 hours ago, Whitefang said:

Y'know, to be on the safe side you oughta  lie down in bed with your eyes closed, pretending to sleep while your wife somehow sets off the smoke alarm and find out if you hear it or not.


That would be a good test.  With the aides in or out?  I cannot hear thunderstorms at night with them out. There is one blessing though, I cannot hear my wife snore beside me at night. Haha.  That used to keep me awake when I used to have tinnitus.    That also bothered me constantly day & night and one day, it disappeared. 

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3 hours ago, Tman said:

I had significant hearing loss with my last yearly physical. I therefore went to see an ENT doc that I've worked with for years. He said, "Phil, any family history?" I said "yea, My grandfather, my mom, and my sister." He said "any occupational exposure?", "Well I played in a rock band for about 10 years in the 70's and 80's and for the last 30 I've played between 1-3 times per year." " Any protection?" "Yes, the last 10 years or so." "Phil, You're screwed."

Yep, Once the hearing is gone, nothing they can do. Debbie was sick of screaming at me all the time and made her throat sore and insisted I got new hearing aides. There was a place that offered it free. "Starky"!   As coming in for a trial, they offered a huge discount. As we know, hearing  aides are not cheap. When she sold the farm she wanted to use some of the cash to buy me new aides. I told her to not waste her time. They won't work. My hearing is too far gone. My last tests had like  0.90 decibels that were lost in one ear and 0.80 decibels lost in the other.  I took their hearing booth test and heard nothing unless they made it very loud. The gal told me that I was the worst customer they had ever tested for hearing. I qualified for their top aides on the market that they had and she kept adjusting them on her computer over and over again.  In the end, I did not like them as it was too metallic  or in other words, it sounded like I had microphone stuffed in my ear like in a band on stage. She kept adjusting  till I actually liked them. It is a huge difference with them in & out. As long as I can hear Debbie, I'm happy but when I get up and forget to put them in?  She talks to me and I cannot hear a word she says. It's like I go deaf.  Anyone that bad here? 

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3 hours ago, RBSinTo said:


Well, if there is an upside to this, it's that you can save some money by not bothering to put strings on your guitars anymore.


That is funny! I got a chuckle out of that one. Problem is, I'd be strumming away in the air and singing way off key as I cannot hardly hear myself without the aides and Deb would grab one of my guns, (As I'm a collector of them,) and shoot me in the head to shut me up? LOL 

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8 hours ago, Retired said:

That is funny! I got a chuckle out of that one. Problem is, I'd be strumming away in the air and singing way off key as I cannot hardly hear myself without the aides and Deb would grab one of my guns, (As I'm a collector of them,) and shoot me in the head to shut me up? LOL 


To extend your Golden Years, once you remove the strings, try playing only instrumentals.


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12 hours ago, Retired said:

That is funny! I got a chuckle out of that one. Problem is, I'd be strumming away in the air and singing way off key as I cannot hardly hear myself without the aides and Deb would grab one of my guns, (As I'm a collector of them,) and shoot me in the head to shut me up? LOL 

Well, I sing way off key, and my hearing is just fine.  [wink]  So at least, YOU have a good reason for it.


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I just got my hearing checked and they said it was pretty good.  Not much loss until over 5000 Hz.

I can't hear very well at all, but they tell me it's pretty good.

They did vacuum and detail my ears.  Got the dust bunnies off my eardrums.  Best $20.00 I ever spent.  There was stuff in my ears from the sixties.  So I got that going for me...

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