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New song…


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Not long ago, a friend confided in me and told of a late-in-life crush on somebody and of how there were glimmers of hope. The tale put me in that other person’s shoes for a bit, so this little song came about. 
As usual, nothing fancy here, but a little offering to my friend…and to all who keep their good hopes alive—Give Me Time.

Take a listen, if you like…and thanks.

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Wow, everyone…I’ve been mainly lurking lately, and I’m delighted to see the resurrection of my little offering. Thank you so very much for the listens and for all the encouragement and kind words. ❤️

I hadn’t heard it in a while myself, so it was fun to give it a re-listen. Yeah, it does seem to stand up just fine. Whodathunkit? 

Cheers, one and all!!

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