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6 hours ago, ksdaddy said:

I walked around some last night and this morning with my IV tree, at least until I started getting that familiar chest pain. Still not scheduled for bypass. I’m afraid when they go to put the catheter in, they’ll be laughing so hard they won’t be able to operate. 

[laugh] …when the nurse pulls it out on about day 3 don’t watch, just mentally go to your happy place [smile]

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1 hour ago, 'Scales said:

[laugh] …when the nurse pulls it out on about day 3 don’t watch, just mentally go to your happy place [smile]

I had a prostate laser surgery in 2016 and had a catheter for 9-10 days.  I had a long guitar strap holding the bag like a wine bag but lower.  I took it out myself, standing over the edge of the bath tub. I saw my late father telling me to come towards the light. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Surgery was done on 5/15. For the first couple days I wished I had never gone to the ER in the first place and would rather have been found dead on the floor of my garage. The pain was that bad. I was on opioids that made me a catatonic slug. I often slept sitting up in a hard chair, propping my chin on a pillow turned end-ways on my lap. I got off the opioids as soon as I could (my choice). I was on a very mild opioid when I got sent home, then down to Tylenol 4x/day, now 2x. The pain(s) have subsided to what one might feel like if they took a nasty bicycle spill 2 or 3 days ago. I am still easily winded but I largely attribute that to my anemia (RBC and hemoglobin are really low). They say both will improve in time. I’m taking Geritol, hoping that will boost the blood. I’m unable to drive until at least 6/27 when I follow up with my surgeon. I’m also not supposed to lift over 5-10 lbs but I have lugged guitar cases around the house (shhhh). My mental outlook is mixed. “They” said I would hit the ground running and feel like a million bucks. That was a lie. It is a slow recovery and my mind is moving faster than my body is ready for.  I will start cardiac rehab on 6-19. I will jump through whatever hoops they present to me. I have not had caffeine since 5/3.  That addiction is gone. It had no teeth. My diet has changed dramatically; zero junk, tons of unprocessed fruits and vegetables, haddock, salmon, chicken, low salt and low sugar, quick oats for breakfast. I did have a bowl of ice cream last night. As to the events of the past month, I would rate it 1.5/5, would not recommend. As the saying goes, if I had known I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself. 

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Pleased to hear you are progressing well ksd. 🤘I found once you can cough without feeling you will explode in a ball of pain that’s the first step, the second is when you can walk, albeit slowly like an old man, for 30 mins… you feel like you are coming alive again, and before you know it the 6 weeks have passed and you can drive and do most things (carefully) but still avoid/evade 😉tasks you’d rather not do. The rehab is pretty straightforward - I did mine via a zoom hookup - and a good chance to test where you are at and see improvement…soon you’ll be back to normal!

…except, my big unsolicited advice would be, don’t go back to normal, but embrace a new nutritious eating and fitness lifestyle. In a couple of months you’ll really notice a difference. Tell anybody that needs telling it’s for your heart under medical direction if needs be. Watch a lot of docs about obesity and simple (not self-interested wacky diets) approaches to enhancing your health and weight loss…it’s incredible what you can achieve in a few months without depriving yourself once you know how, and you already know the ‘why’…my 2 cents. Well done and all the best!

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My wife is seriously pursuing a heart healthy diet and has lost about 20 lbs. Now that I am on board (was forced on board lol) she prepares meals with that in mind. Lots of fresh vegetables, haddock, salmon, chicken, quick oats and fruit for breakfast, things like that. I’m okay with the stripped down basic no sugar added ragu mixed with ground turkey atop spaghetti squash. I’m getting used to all of that and don’t miss the garbage. No Pepsi, coffee or tea in the last month. I’m trying to lower my cholesterol through diet and hopefully wean off the statins. I think my one vice now is orange juice. Lots of it. I crave it like I did when I was a hung over teenager. 

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Posted (edited)

Good stuff ksd! I’ve gone heart healthy big time this year and am down over 25lb in 4 months without starving myself - I actually feel like I’m eating more, plus daily light to moderate exercise. By my 55th birthday I’ll weigh what I did at 20 and it’s very sustainable…so you can do it for sure [thumbup]

I accept the blood thinners are going to be lifelong, and I’m ok with statin as cholesterol happens no matter what and we live longer than nature ever intended, so happy to use that as a preventative thing. I’d like to lose the blood pressure pills and exercise means my BP is now very healthy so I’m querying the cardiologist about this now. Smokes are extremely occasional and alcohol once a week or less, and that was much easier than I thought possible as I was limited but daily on both for years. Going through this you learn a lot about the incredible body and effects of what you put in it, if you choose to listen. Go welL ksd!

ps (edit) - you may be aware, but orange juice and Pepsi are pretty much the same sugar wise - sugar is sugar whether added or not in calorie terms.

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7 minutes ago, 'Scales said:

ps (edit) - you may be aware, but orange juice and Pepsi are pretty much the same sugar wise - sugar is sugar whether added or not in calorie terms.

Yep, that’s why I’m recognizing it as a vice. The last few days in the hospital and the first few days home, I was guzzling it non stop. Now I have one tall glass in the morning. I tried looking for unsweetened orange juice, and all I found was some “light” type. One sip and I almost barfed it into the sink. It had Stevia in it. 

Years ago we bought big 2 quart cans of unsweetened grapefruit juice, no idea if it’s still available. It was “store brand” and dirt cheap. I’m willing to shift over and see if my oj lust can be slaked with something else. 

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Nice one. And that’s  the thing, it’s counterproductive to try and entirely cut stuff (fat, sugar, starch, carbs etc etc) out cos you just feel like you are suffering and eventually people give up in frustration. Just finding a better but not perfect option ( different ingredients, different brand, different quantity) ongoing as you become aware of them seems the way to go on all things, and making those small changes pays off big time.  That saying about great being the enemy of good. 

also, I have started using MyFitnessPal ap - very helpful in decision making and tracking I’ve found.

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Hey KS Daddy - Sorry to hear about your illness and hope you recover soon.  My wife went thru something similar about 5 years ago, and she is doing great.  Keep that excellent mental toughness about you and you'll be back 100% in no time

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On 5/7/2024 at 3:17 PM, ksdaddy said:

I am 90% positive. I’m positive that the procedure is excellent and I will get through it fine, with “good times here, but better down the road”. I have had a couple meltdowns in the privacy of my hospital room. Not out of fear, just not being home in familiar surroundings. I know I need to just suck it up and know a half dozen days from now I will be on my way home with a massive reset. A friend who lives not far away brought me in a Bourgeois OM to noodle on in the meantime. gMDYWDN.jpg

Go get 'em sir.

When I was in I got to play my SG via tiny amp and head phones. Took some doing to get them to realize its way quitter than an acoustic.

God speed sir. 

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KS, I just read this all at once from the scary OP through to post op. It was a rollercoaster ride at x2 speed! 

I'm glad you got through everything ok it and are so positive. You look a dang sight better than I did when I was cobbled up to Ivy 5 years ago. Probably the guitar helped?! 

Good luck & keep the progress reports coming. 👍 

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Sorry you're going through all of that, Scott.  I know it's not easy to get through every day of recovery.

I had a triple bypass twenty years ago and I haven't had any problems since, knock on wood.

It takes a while to get comfortable and start getting good sleep.  A good easy chair is the best place for naps when you can grab them.

Don't worry too much if you have a bad day or two.  As long as you're making progress every week or so.  I'm not religious, but god bless the doctors and nurses who do this stuff.  It's truly a miracle what they can do.  Before too long, you'll be bragging about how tough you are and how many probes and tubes you had sticking out of you.  Hang in there!

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Ya KS!!!

On 6/3/2024 at 4:18 PM, ksdaddy said:

Yep, that’s why I’m recognizing it as a vice. The last few days in the hospital and the first few days home, I was guzzling it non stop. Now I have one tall glass in the morning. I tried looking for unsweetened orange juice, and all I found was some “light” type. One sip and I almost barfed it into the sink. It had Stevia in it. 

Years ago we bought big 2 quart cans of unsweetened grapefruit juice, no idea if it’s still available. It was “store brand” and dirt cheap. I’m willing to shift over and see if my oj lust can be slaked with something else. 

Glad you're doing well..... And just in time for summer!!!!!

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On 5/7/2024 at 3:17 PM, ksdaddy said:

I am 90% positive. I’m positive that the procedure is excellent and I will get through it fine, with “good times here, but better down the road”. I have had a couple meltdowns in the privacy of my hospital room. Not out of fear, just not being home in familiar surroundings. I know I need to just suck it up and know a half dozen days from now I will be on my way home with a massive reset. A friend who lives not far away brought me in a Bourgeois OM to noodle on in the meantime. gMDYWDN.jpg

Nice guitar to noodle on.

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