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Boys and Girls,


This constant bickering has to stop. First off I am as guilty as anyone on here. But the level of anger and spite has reached an unprecedented level. If we don't stop then Gibson may have no choice but to deep six the lounge--and that would be a shame. It would be a shame for us blow-hards as well as the innocent souls who are just here to chat and hang out.


Look, I am not saying we can't talk about politics or religion--or even throw a few punches once in awhile--but it should be the exception, not the rule.


At this point I think we have vetted just about every political, religious and social topic out there. I know where most of you [and you know who you are] stand on these issues...I don't agree with them, but I can respect them.


Look, if we don't stop then someone (Gibson) is going to do it for us. And that would suck.

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It would be nice if it could stop.

However some members on this forum are responsible for bashing people of faith on a consistent basis.

It's the first thing they do whenever there is a difference of opinion.

I can stop.

But, I'm not going to sit back and let the intolerance continue.

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It would be nice if it could stop.

However some members on this forum are responsible for bashing people of faith on a consistent basis.

It's the first thing they do whenever there is a difference of opinion.

I can stop.

But' date=' I'm not going to sit back and let the intolerance continue.




I don't think you should sit back. I am not going to. But hopefully we can at least tone it down a little.


Fcuk, if the British and the Irish can live in relative peace, then we should be able to do the same on a guitar forum.

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At this point I think we have vetted just about every political' date=' religious and social topic out there.



What about sex between lesbian comunist midget nuns of different race? That one would really get gibson's atention



Just kidding... I'm with you... it has to stop.

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What about sex between lesbian comunist midget nuns of different race? That one would really get gibson's atention



Just kidding... I'm with you... it has to stop.


I would pay big bucks to see that!!

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Homz' date=' Californiaman....any chance you guys are willing to delete your threads from yesterday?


I was hoping to see something like this....

After a 3 day absence I come back and find Homz (I call him D!ck Head) has started another big batch of his trademark idiot threads - and there are several pages of activity to show wide participation.


Then I see Californiaman has taken a couple shots at **** Head and hit him squarely between the eyes.

I wasn't here for it, and I'm a little bummed I missed all the fun.


I was scrolling thru several days of unread threads in the Lounge and took note of the offending party - the topic starter.

After clearly determining who is starting all the sh!t myself, I can suggest maybe you send a PM to Homz instead of adding more bait to the open forum. I think you'll find the reactionary threads from CaliforniaMan and others would magically evaporate.


I'm not sure that Homz is not Buddy Light with better manners.

How far can you push ill-mannered, ill-considered, ill-advised, ill-posted, ill-spelled/punctuated threads of incendiary nature before you get banned?

NOBODY knows better than those two, and frankly I have the same regard for posts made by either.


Personally, I can tell all of you to keep your politics to yourself and I will do the same.

Nobody seems to get that - it's the very basis for my creation of the NeoConMan character.

It's sort of a spin on the old admonition you might hear from the tough guys who might kill you for nothing -

Don't start no trouble and there won't be no trouble...


As far as closing the Lounge, who knows?

Gibson has taken a hands-off approach, only deleting a few posts here and there, so I don't know.

They haven't removed anything I posted, so I haven't really considered it.


I understand that our mysterious Plunker stirred that fear in a few people too self-absorbed to think of it by themselves.



Well, that, and the idea that the irritating kid on the playground who keeps getting picked on and can't figure out why will finally realize he has no friends and go crying to the teacher - much like my wife's first graders....



I'll keep operating as I have for years, in this forum and every other.

I rarely start sh!t, but will eagerly finish it.

People are free to click elsewhere if they don't like my posts, and challenge me if it means that much to them.

Good luck.



So, a truce?


I'll shake anybody's hand with an assurance they will stop their sh!t, and pop 'em in the nose as soon as they forget.

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I just put a note under the "honest review of yesterday" thread that I think hits it from my perspective.


I've seen music and even guitars change thanks to variations of politics, economics, national and international law - even religion - in my time.


I think we can even argue whether something along those lines is good or bad, but having facts is a pretty good deal and I think a bit of human courtesy ain't bad, either.

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I just put a note under the "honest review of yesterday" thread that I think hits it from my perspective.


I've seen music and even guitars change thanks to variations of politics, economics, national and international law - even religion - in my time.


I think we can even argue whether something along those lines is good or bad, but having facts is a pretty good deal and I think a bit of human courtesy ain't bad, either.


BTW, today I just had several difficulties in posting or getting onto the "feedback" menu. I do wonder.

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To paraphrase Bluemoon's excellent comment about the Limeys and the Paddies living in relative peace.....

If the British and the Americans can live in relative peace, so should we be able to. Heh heh heh.


And the worthy NeoConMan hits the spot too.....

Don't start no trouble and there won't be no trouble. End of.


So - anybody want to start a thread on reverb units - is tube better than transistor, or maybe is small mic'd through the PA better or worse sounding than giant stacks hitting the punters directly. Anything but religion or politics, man, those topics are war starters, and that's the truth.

=; Religion=; - =; Politics=; ..... =D> Music=d>

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And the worthy NeoConMan hits the spot too.....

Don't start no trouble and there won't be no trouble. End of.

That means no swearing, getting in a big huff and name calling everyone who disagrees with you, right? Just want to clarify that for a certain someone =D>
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Just want to clarify that for a certain someone

The house is burning' date=' the fire department shows up, there's bol316 reeking of gasoline saying "What...?"


Excellent demonstration for the masses.


As stated above;

[b']Don't start no trouble and there won't be no trouble...[/b]

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