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Not even Eye have ever needed to get a refret job even with used guitars. However my '78 would probably need one in a year or so if Eye hadn't stopped playing live last year.


Eye like my frets warn and low. Eye suppose most folks would have re fretted my guitars by now if they were theirs.

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My Sonex had its frets dressed about a year ago. That guitar probably was used by me for 20+ hours a week for about 15 years before I put it away. I think it did quite well to last that long. It'll probably need new frets in 3-5 years because I'm playing it a lot again. The intonation is spot on for now...

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Pretty much what I thought.

Some fiddles 20 + years in age and all original frets.


And the home noodlers are worried about the type of strings they use because of fret wear???


My 22 year old heavily gigged and still used Charvel has only had minor fret dressing. and I just did that recently.


And it has to be crap because it was only $350.00 new right?

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I put divots on my Epi Les Paul Special and Epi Les Paul when I started playing again a few years ago, in a matter of six months they had visible damage but that's because of my stiff hand and nerve damage, I tend to clamp too much and I do not know I am doing it.


The other reason is that import guitars don't have as good fret wire IMO. I have not put any wear on American guitars after 4 years now. I also have more guitars so that plays into the equation.

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I wore the frets off my '72 Recording Les Paul. 14 years of gigging from Mesa/Phoenix, to Louisiana, to Illinois.


I had just moved here when they got unplayable, I dressed em' myself when needed, and didn't know anybody I trusted around here, was short on funds buying more land than I needed, (but am glad I did, he, heee.) and just swapped it off.


I've never had a fret job done, just moved on.


Good topic.


(not gonna say...........................)





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Ive played for a year and a half and already had a full fret dress. Im kinda anal tho...



It was on a cheaper ibanez. It plays great now. I have some weird places on my sg that need to be looked at. If I do vibrato on the 9th or 10th fret of the g string it turns into a harmonic. I dont mind it that much. If im playing any metal it sounds killer.

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I have a MIM Strat that I had the frets files down on. It was about 10 years old when I took it to have set up and he talked me into letting him file the frets because they had some small divits in them. I wish I would have left it the way it was. The frets now are too low and he scraped some of the laquer off the maple fretboard while doing it. But on the bright side, I might not have gone and bought my Les Paul if I hadn't been so displeased with my fret job on the Strat :-

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I've never had an all-out fret replacement, but my CL-20 acoustic is about due for a good crowning. All the "cowboy chord" spots and the 7-12 range on G,D,A,E are pretty flat.


Also, for those of you who just want a fret polish, there's a product called Never Dull, they usually sell it with household cleaners - it comes in a silver can. The effect is instant, and from what I can tell it won't do any damage to the fretboard. Works great for cleaning strings, too.

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Under the high three, mostly around 7th to 14th frets, three or four of the electrics and one acoustic out of some 15 or 20 guitars (the remainder needed it but got sold first) over maybe thirty years. And did the work myself. Whydya ask, man?


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Pretty much what I thought.

Some fiddles 20 + years in age and all original frets.


And the home noodlers are worried about the type of strings they use because of fret wear???


My 22 year old heavily gigged and still used Charvel has only had minor fret dressing. and I just did that recently.


And it has to be crap because it was only $350.00 new right?



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I've never had to have one of my guitars re-fretted. I've worn the paint off the neck of my SG Standard from playing it so much, but the frets are fine. Maybe a little worn, but okay.

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