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Nerd training 101


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Nerd training 101


My son and I are watching Star Trek (original series). This is the new enhanced DVD set. They have updated some of the space scenes making it more interesting to the young viewers.


My son shuns the nerd title. I asked him who he thinks comes up with all those cool video games he loves to play. Star Trek is a good indoctrination into the realm of the nerd. Any suggestions for 200 level classes.

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Well, I don't know how old the kid is, but my baby brother (28 years younger than I am) started programming before he was really physically capable of typing - told my Mom what to type while watching over her shoulder.


I s'pose the current languages would be either C+ or whatever's the big thing right now, or Java. Both are well after the era in which I was writing code, and therefore are a lot more neat.


That's kinda nerdie.


Or go the opposite route with a bit of the classics. A true adventure story, one of the greatest in world history, is Xenophon's Anabasis. Xenophon was a great soldier as well as something of a philosopher and one of Socrates' students. (He wrote the "other" version besides Plato's about Socrates' trial and death.) He also wrote a really interesting piece on cavalry.


Anabasis tells the tale of an army lost deep in "enemy" territory that survives a long travel home.


So... heck, there are nerds and there are nerds.


Probably the worst you could do to the kid would to be to get him turned onto Webern and composing in the 12-tone row concept. <grin>

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Hmmm. How old is he? I'd suggest maybe The Hobbit & The Lord of the Rings books? I think I read them for the first time when I was about 10. That got me into Dungeons & Dragons a little later. I guess that's kinda nerdy.

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Hmm, let's see here. I'm no longer that geeky nerd I used to be in high school and college. Yep, I'm proud to say that I'm a professional nerd these days!! Why even shun away from that title? In high school I played in 2 bands (rock and jazz), I played soccer, and I was in the chess and math clubs, so I guess I was a nerdy jock. However, this "nerd" married a high school cheerleader (got the babe!), drives a brand new bimmer, lives in a big house, travels the world, plus has all these cool guitars! Tell your son being a nerd may not be glamorous now, but later on it pays off.


Get him into launching model rockets. That's what got me into becoming a rocket scientist...

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Here's how I know he's a nerd--a couple of years ago, he wanted to go on vacation to Washington, DC. To see Abraham Lincoln. Not the Lincoln Memorial....the MAN. Homz told him he'd have to build a time machine. He says "Ok. Think Mom will help?"


The subject of time travel comes up again during the Star Trek-a-palooza today. Homz asks the boy if he's finished his machine.


He said, "No! Cause I didn't have a giant clock!"

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Hmmm. How old is he? I'd suggest maybe The Hobbit & The Lord of the Rings books? I think I read them for the first time when I was about 10. That got me into Dungeons & Dragons a little later. I guess that's kinda nerdy.


I read 'The Hobbit' to him a couple of years ago. We've been teaching him and his sister how to play D&D for years now. He loves it.


To Milod: 12-tone row?

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  • 1 year later...

Needs some Star Wars and Nintendo (not the company the system!). I was raised in my dad's Mustang, which he decked out to be like Nightrider, and had a ColecoVision and a TV hooked up were the glove box usually is. Donkey Kong FTW!

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Bump for Homz, Wicked1, and NeoConMan.

Rest in Peace.


Half the people here now probably don't know who Homz and Wicked1 are :-k


BTW, is Neo booted permanently? And if so, why? PM me if it will cause controversy.

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Nerds run the world, and make your email work. I'm a nerd, I have not one, but two nintendo tattoos.


Also, get some Monty Python and the Holy Grail up ins, you can't be a nerd without that one under your belt.

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Nerds run the world, and make your email work. I'm a nerd, I have not one, but two nintendo tattoos.


Also, get some Monty Python and the Holy Grail up ins, you can't be a nerd without that one under your belt.


I remember being told many years ago to be good to nerds, they'll probably become your boss one day.

I was always part of both the athletic group and the rocker head group. Now I work in the IT industry. Have for over 25 years.

I guess I belong and am accepted everywhere. Yay for me.

A good way to live is not to be good to any particular group, but decent with everyone.

Works for me.



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I remember being told many years ago to be good to nerds, they'll probably become your boss one day.

I was always part of both the athletic group and the rocker head group. Now I work in the IT industry. Have for over 25 years.

I guess I belong and am accepted everywhere. Yay for me.

A good way to live is not to be good to any particular group, but decent with everyone.

Works for me.



Yeah I played sports, was in band, did all that too. Now though I pretty much just have one group of good friends who share similar interests and that's it. Good philosophy though Dave!

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OK so it's old, but I'm new --


True Star Trek NERD ADVANCED TRAINING involves these courses:


NERD 201 "Beginning Klingon"

NERD 228 "Famous ST quotes: Memorization"

NERD 204 "Titles and StarDates of Favorite Episodes"

NERD 291 "Vulcan Cultural Explorations"


And...... you have to Netflix or otherwise obtain and watch every single episode of every single ST spinoff. Don't forget DEEP SPACE 9.

And possibly including unrelated but also nerd-inspiring series:

Stargate SG-1

Battlestar Galactica (old and new versions)

Anything STAR WARS


Memorization of the phrase, "Tae Nasha No Korosha" ("Live Long and Prosper") in Vulcan


Then you'll almost be getting there.


Don't forget ... more advancement is possible....


NERD 340 "Shakespeare in the Original Klingon"


NERD 472 "Leadership Styles: Kirk vs. Picard"


NERD 557 "Attending the Star Trek Convention"


NERD 648 "Attend ST Cons in FULL COSTUME" ... with extra credit for being asked to sign autographs as your resemblance to the star is THAT. GOOD.






Y'all don't even KNOW the beginnings of Star Trek nerd-dom.


Which is ... sort of in its own way... a relief.



Don't ask me how I know all this [scared]=;

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