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TWilson ....... the Forum's loss


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Now Murph' date=' let this be a lesson to you. If you disappear again, without warning, and we don't know where you are, Gilliangirl, Private Investigator, will track you down! :-D



I'm outa here.......



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Just to let y'all know I'm still working on the case and may have cracked it (the case). Just need to confirm a few more things first. If I'm correct' date=' he is okay. Stay tuned and keep your fingers crossed.[/quote']



Folks it's really important this weekend to keep this post bumped near the top of page one!


Karen is real close!


Hopefully we should get some news over the weekend


BUMP away please!

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I have a number for him but the darn phone just keeps ringing. Will keep trying.




We WILL prevail


N!k sends thanks, we spoke tonight


Tomorrow's a new3 day!


Keep bumping on bthat side oif the pond please



Thanks so much

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I just talked with Terry. He is doing okay! He has given me permission to post this. I won't disclose details but suffice it to say that he will be back and have stories to tell 'from the near crypt'! I told him we are worried about him. He has lots of friend who are taking care of his guitars, home, etc. He was very glad to hear from us. OWF, I told him that you said he's risking his status as funniest guy on the forum! That got a laugh out of him! He's down because he hasn't been able to play his guitar for two months. Will keep posting updates until Terry can.

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I just talked with Terry. He is doing okay! He has given me permission to post this. I won't disclose details but suffice it to say that he will be back and have stories to tell 'from the near crypt'! I told him we are worried about him. He has lots of friend who are taking care of his guitars' date=' home, etc. He was very glad to hear from us. OWF, I told him that you said he's risking his status as funniest guy on the forum! That got a laugh out of him! He's down because he hasn't been able to play his guitar for two months. Will keep posting updates until Terry can.[/quote']



We have a limited way of sending him emails etc. Can I suggest that anyone who wants to cuss the old fart email/pm me and I will forward them on


We give thanks for this great news

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So for all of you out there who think you're safe behind your computer' date=' think again! If a funny-speaking guy from the other side of the pond, and a 50-year old hippy chick can track ya down, it doesn't say much for security now, does it? LOL[/quote']



Bad news partner


Just had a call an we have a new mission, should we choose to accept it




Amelia Earhart


Lord Lucan




Well done all

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So for all of you out there who think you're safe behind your computer' date=' think again! If a funny-speaking guy from the other side of the pond, and a 50-year old hippy chick can track ya down, it doesn't say much for security now, does it? LOL[/quote']


Sherlock Holmes and Nancy Drew?

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Supposidly there is some "mafia" guy missing. Last I heard he may be buried under Giants Stadium in NY, but nobody knows for certain. GG... could you look into that for me? You probably should PM me any information you uncover as I don't want it getting around that I know once you discover the true location.


Good job GG and Johnt and I look forward to hearing the story from the Man himself once he feels up to conversing with us again!!!


Three Cheers!


=P~=D> =D>

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Good work gang. It is great to be a part of a group that cares enough to go through all of this for a member.





Simple Gill


He owes GG $2 amd me $1.5 and in our business, it's bad for our reputation not to collect!

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