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Carrie Prejean


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it's good to see you back again ol' buddy.

Haven't read a piece like that from you in some time.

Always a pleasure to read a post like that from you.

You make some great points.

Not trying to stroke you or anything like that, God knows you don't need it.

Just saying, nice job.

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We are all on journey of discovery on this Earth. There are different religions, political affiliations, etc. There is not any one who is perfect. And some have more success than others doing what they do. I think the best lesson for her to learn is that she should just shut up. People will judge her no matter what she says or does - for good or ill. Maybe we can all wish her some growing up lessons and humility.

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Well' date=' I was born in England. My parents are British. I left when I was 10. Moved to Belgium and lived there until I was 14. Then moved to New Jersey...[biggrin


So I am a hybrid. Though, even here "I couldn't care less" is correct. Here is a little chart that might clear it up.


I could care less....means that they do care but have the capacity to care a little less than they do.




This is awesome!!!!!!!!!! I am copying and pasting the photobucket link and storing this!





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The addition of "under God" in the pledge was not just something from the "right wing" since at the time in the US just about all but overt Marxists were not against it any more than all but a few overt Marxists were really against "In God We Trust" being on US currency and coins. Up until Vietnam you'd have radical leftists and rightists both wearing uniforms of veterans' organizations and badmouthing Rock as unmusical.


If anything' date=' I'd posit that politically our education system has done a fairly good job of moving the U.S. toward a more socialist culture. I'm not, here at least, suggesting that's good or ill, but rather that it is. Heck, Marxists badmouth earlier styles teaching of public school arithmetic as an evil bourgeois artifact to brainwash the masses - and guess what, we've changed how we teach math at the grammar school level how many times since the 1950s?


Yeah, WWII stuff was horrid in ways - but not to me as horrid as the way it's now hidden away or reviled as "evil" rather than as an exemplification for study of what was going on culturally at a period of time.[/quote']


Revealing racist aspects of our culture continues to be just as taboo as it was in the postwar years-- for example, many racist critics of the President repudiate racism. Where I'm from, it's the same people that voted for David Duke that spew vitriol and rage against Obama. I agree, I think the double standard is an elephant in the room, and I would also love it if people refused to be cowardly about racism and classism.


But I still think the 'Under God'/'In God We Trust' add-ons in the 50s (however popular they were) were part and parcel of a vehement right wing response to the Cold War/perceived Communist Threat, and thus a tacit, preemptive censure of what was distinctly not PC for the time. The attitude of "love it or leave it" followed this new Federal God rhetoric. McCarthy very harshly censured public figures at the slightest hint of left-leaning.


The college political scene is mostly liberal. Maybe it's trickled down to lower education? Maybe political leanings are tied to the profession? I don't know. Maybe many academic intellectuals aren't capitalists at heart, being that they're institutionalized as opposed to 'in the game.'

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Seriously, in the 1950s you had "regular Americans," a few Marxist types such as a cousin of mine <grin>, and a few folks making their living from commie conspiracy theories such as McCarthy. (I remember watching those hearings on tv, btw.


The "under God" was not perceived as "right wing" any more than growing corn, feeding cattle or having coffee for breakfast. That's a rather newer perspective of what constitutes "right wing," and frankly one that kinda bothers me.


Don't forget that in the 1950s we had a serious majority of the population attending various churches regularly; the churches in general (a very few did) didn't get into various "issues" that the past quarter century brought up variations of politics ranging from some Marxist Roman Catholics to some interesting "fundamentalist" variations. But "mainstream" Catholic and Protestant operations were pretty non political. No real argument on abortion, homosexuality, party politics or whatever.


The "religious left" actually preceded the "religious right," but both really got into U.S. partisan politics relatively recently. (Well, within the past 50-75 years for the left, the past 35-40 for the right.)


The logic involved in who is currently available as a target for media attack and who is in a protected class of some sort would, IMHO, have old Socrates laughing up his sleeve as he'd tear up arguments from indignant folks on both sides.


As for a leftward tilt to U.S. education - definitely. But you've gotta figure that currently public K-12 at the classroom level is run by one or two labor unions.


I didn't realize until about a year ago that even the teaching of arithmetic had been seen as overtly "right wing" political by some Marxists, and that it appears some current teaching of math is a reaction to the traditional; the Marxists at minimum brought out the potential that there was an undercurrent of support for a bourgeois status quo and... golly whiz, guess how since then we've had "new math" and now "inquiry-based arithmetic" and...




GUITAR CONTENT: One of my major objections to current "arts council" funding and support is that it goes to the darlings of certain politically-oriented groups, usually academics or those who have ties to academics.


When's the last time that a local full or part time band of any style but without connection to academia might even have been considered for a grant to help music students in school, to do a concert....


Ditto guys who learned how to make a living out of painting or sculpting instead of teaching those arts. Failed artists who become teachers get the grants and recognition, the artists who succeed as artists don't. Interesting, ain't it?


Yeah, you nailed it when you spoke of institutionalization of academics and bureaucrats although I'll admit freely that my "guitar content" comment is a little bit of overexaggeration. It also brings a degree of hatred from those who are convinced they are the arbiters of public taste.



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This topic yielded interesting comments and the discussion has been fun to follow.


The OP had to do with Miss P so I'll give my 2 on that.

As a member of the gay community I did NOT take offence to her statement, and I made sure to watch the vid just now.


I didn't think she was very articulate (makes me appreciate journalists), so when she said


"...we live in a land that you can chose same sex marriage or opposite marriage, and you know what, in my country and in my family I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman..."


I thought, "poor thing, she sucks utterly at public speaking. Well, they get what she means, lol, how cute."

I did NOT think, "die ***** die, I pay taxes I want the same rights as my straight co-workers." There is NOTHING wrong with having ANY opinion as far as I am concerned and considering gay marriage is still a debatable topic she simply tried, as respectfully as she could, to express that opinion.


Freedom of speech all the way. In media, I vote freedom so long as you don't get nasty and mean. She could have said "fags are gross, omg, they are going to hell." She can think it all she wants, don't know if she does (don't think a TRUE christian would), but I'm glad the media has enough power to make that sort of nasty outburst a no-no. I mean, call me sensitive, but hearing that I'm a disgusting pervert does hurt my feelings, and I don't want it on national tv.

Have the anti-gay, anti-porn, anti-jew, anti-whatever propaganda printed with private funds, say it in church or at home, whatever, just keep hate (directed at anyone) out of the media and I'm happy. Again, I did NOT take offence to how she put it. I did look up that bf vid, after all *coughshe'shot

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milod, nice post #61!


As to Ms. Prejean, I don't feel sorry for her, and I don't think poorly of her either. She said her piece and the Government didn't stop her or punish her. To me, Free Speech means you can say whatever you want, it doesn't mean that there won't be consequences for what you say, some people won't like what we say, some people will agree with it, and some couldn't care less (I hope I used the term properly). She's getting face time on tv, she's getting paid as a spokesperson for different causes and she's getting paid to model, so she's apparently getting what she wants for the most part.


Good for her. As to the "sex tape"...that's too bad she made one, it seems to be becoming a more common thing in the younger crowd,what with sexting and other activities. There will be consequences for that too...as there should be, it seems. She's just another passing social blip in the big picture. She'll be gone in a few months...

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Well, she really didn't do herself any favours on Larry King last night. Have you seen that one yet? I think the fault here lies on both sides. I'm guessing Larry baited her on the show by saying he wanted to talk about the book, then did an about-face. Carrie, equally, is at fault for having a 'do-as-I-say-and-not-as-I-do' attitude. Her religious values/morals seem to exclude herself. This is downright embarrassing....


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Well' date=' she really didn't do herself any favours on Larry King last night. Have you seen that one yet? I think the fault here lies on both sides. I'm guessing Larry baited her on the show by saying he wanted to talk about the book, then did an about-face. Carrie, equally, is at fault for having a 'do-as-I-say-and-not-as-I-do' attitude. Her religious values/morals seem to exclude herself. This is downright embarrassing....



OK. Two things.


1. If you cannot take the heat, princess, get out of the kitchen.


2. Larry King is old as dirt and slow as a tortoise. His interviews are beer league, coed, slow pitch softball. If he schools you in an interview it's time to step out of the public spotlight.

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I think it's a bit hypocritical to instruct others to live a conservative lifestyle when you're acting in porn videos' date=' getting breast implants, and posing for soft porn pictures.



Oh come on!


She's different now.


You know, she's got a book to sell.

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Hey, I liked Izzy's comments. It's funny how a history nut like me finds so many cultures that believe variations of "treat others as you'd like to be treated."


This young woman Prejean is not good at spoken expression. I'll agree she was pretty nastily treated by some folks. On the other hand, it also appears she's an example of people who live in glass houses.


BTW, as to "sexting," I'm told that the average high school kid probably has photos and/or words on his/her cell phone that would get an adult sent away for years and then being placed on an "offender" list. But how do you tell that to kids?


I'll also admit to being an arch-conservative in the use of words - and yet, from some rather broad exposure to other cultures, probably far too liberal for a majority of socialists or the average "gay activist" in what I figure are acceptable lifestyles that should be allowed legal sanction in an increasingly bureaucratized world. But we won't go there beyond noting that a horrid example is how the US Government forced the Lakota to dump all but one wife in the late 1800s. Which do you dump? The oldest, the youngest, the one with the fewest offspring? You seldom hear about that one.



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That seemed like the adult of equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears when you don't like what someone says...


Notice however, that she did nothing to move out of the camera frame! She even had a stage hand pick up the mic for her so that she could get every second on camera. Milk that 15 minutes, baby!

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I think it's a bit hypocritical to instruct others to live a conservative lifestyle when you're acting in porn videos' date=' getting breast implants, and posing for soft porn pictures.



Oh I didn't realize she was acting in porn videos and posing for porn pictures now. I thought the diddle texting thing was when she was 17.

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