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Gibson: Afraid of the truth?

freak show

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"I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it any more!"


OK, not really, but I just had a funny experience.


A couple of weeks ago I was on the Gibson site, checking out the Jimmy Page Nr.2. There's a space where one can give a so-called "Player's Review", so I gave mine:


"Another overpriced Gibson for the wall of a dentist's office."


That must have "struck a chord", because last week over 250 people had agreed with the comment.


Today I went by to see what some of the other "Players" were saying about Gibson's newest brainchild, only to discover that my comment had been deleted!


Now, I'm not going to start ranting about Freedom of Speech and Civil Rights. I know it's Gibson's site, and they can do what they want. That's fine by me.


But there are a lot of critical remarks there. One "poet" even wrote:


"How about lick my tick infested moose balls Gibson! Quit trying to rip people off."


This comment wasn't deleted. Just mine...


I sort of get the impression that Gibson found my comment a little too accurate, and I think it's a shame that a multinational corporation is scared of 10 perfectly unoffensive words just because they might be true.


But I'm not bitter: I'm even prepared to forget the whole matter -- under the condition that Gibson sends me one of these guitars free of charge...



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Well, do you have a dentist's office to display it in?


Hey Freak Show, I thought your comment was clever and (sadly) accurate. The #2 is expensive even by Gibson standards. I want to say "You get what you pay for," but sometimes I really do wonder.


But really, an affordable Gibson? What do you think this is, the mid-20th century? #-o

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I don't get the hate people have towards items they can't afford. Why make that comment in the first place? Just shows your immaturity. I'll never own a Lamborghini Murcielago but I don't go around saying they're overpriced and only lawyers can afford them. Gibson would be stupid to sell these Page reissues for anything less than what they actually selling for. Why?...because people would just buy them and flip them for a profit. People are going to flip them for a profit even at the current prices. I won't be surprised to see a Page No. 2 VOS sell for $15,000 on eBay in the next 5 years. It's not Gibson's fault, it's the customers.

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I was pretty good with a YoYo when I was a kid. One day while I was going through my routine of Shotguns and Loop de Loops a fellow asked me how much a Good YoYo cost.


"Six to Twelve Bucks," I said, "but I'm sure you can find a $20,000 YoYo someplace."


If I was Duncan and Jimmy Page put his name on a YoYo, you can bet I'd try to fetch a premium for it.

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I don't get the hate people have towards items they can't afford. Why make that comment in the first place? Just shows your immaturity. I'll never own a Lamborghini Murcielago but I don't go around saying they're overpriced and only lawyers can afford them. Gibson would be stupid to sell these Page reissues for anything less than what they actually selling for. Why?...because people would just buy them and flip them for a profit. People are going to flip them for a profit even at the current prices. I won't be surprised to see a Page No. 2 VOS sell for $15' date='000 on eBay in the next 5 years. It's not Gibson's fault, it's the customers.[/quote']


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Yep it's just life, young men sit around *****ing about while all us old farts drive the nice sportscars, play the nice guitars and even date Playboy bunnies and the simple truth is because we can afford them, even if we don't use them as well as young guns might. It's the law of the modern jungle money puts you on top and let's you buy all sorts of nice things. don't worry though the great thing about time is it keeps going we all get older, so eventually we old farts will die off and the youngsters if they work hard and make enough money will drive the sportscars and play the classic guitars etc.


Just think it's like Disney's the lion king and the circle of life crappy song, in a monetary world. So be patient and don't covet the Dentist's Paige #2 instead go to dental school and maybe you can own it when it a real 2010 classic Paige #2...

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I don't get the hate people have towards items they can't afford. Why make that comment in the first place? Just shows your immaturity. I'll never own a Lamborghini Murcielago but I don't go around saying they're overpriced and only lawyers can afford them. Gibson would be stupid to sell these Page reissues for anything less than what they actually selling for. Why?...because people would just buy them and flip them for a profit. People are going to flip them for a profit even at the current prices. I won't be surprised to see a Page No. 2 VOS sell for $15' date='000 on eBay in the next 5 years. It's not Gibson's fault, it's the customers.[/quote']


If some of you don't understand the paragraph quoted above please read it again until you do.


By the way the post title should read "...Truth the Way I see It"

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Hey guys' date=' I've got a brilliant idea on how to get a free JP #2 from Gibson.


Start by telling them that your daddy died, and go from there...


Make sure your spelling and grammar is really, really bad.


Letter to the Editor:


Make sure your spelling and grammar are very, very poor.



(That'll be $5.00 or one chicken.)


Sincerely, Cruznolfart; Proprieter: Cruznolfart's Corrections, Collections, Connections and Confections.

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Back in 1982 I was sitting on my $700 '74 Honda 750, chatting with a friend, who was on his Sportster. Man, says I, I'd love to have a Harley but I can't afford one. His response was that if I wanted one bad enough I'd find a way. That stuck with me. I get sticker shock when I look at Gibson's prices too, but I go back to what my friend told me.

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+1 to R9,it is the sad truth........Gibson will sell the guitars for as much as they can, but hey thats buisness. JP is probably one of the best sponsers a guitar company can have (Profit-Wise). I swore that I would never buy anything over 5000 because (don't kill me here) that is WAY too much for a guitar because most wise players that have been through alot know.....The guitar doesn't make the player, the talent does. No matter if you're playing a Squier Hello Kitty Strat or a 1959 Les Paul, if you have talent, that guitar will sound good (Even if played through a Spider...lol)

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+1 to R9' date='it is the sad truth........Gibson will sell the guitars for as much as they can, but hey thats buisness. JP is probably one of the best sponsers a guitar company can have (Profit-Wise). I swore that I would never buy anything over 5000 because (don't kill me here) that is WAY too much for a guitar because most wise players that have been through alot know.....The guitar doesn't make the player, the talent does. No matter if you're playing a Squier Hello Kitty Strat or a 1959 Les Paul, if you have talent, that guitar will sound good (Even if played through a Spider...lol)[/quote']


See my sig...:- [biggrin][lol]

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I don't get the hate people have towards items they can't afford. Why make that comment in the first place? Just shows your immaturity. I'll never own a Lamborghini Murcielago but I don't go around saying they're overpriced and only lawyers can afford them. Gibson would be stupid to sell these Page reissues for anything less than what they actually selling for. Why?...because people would just buy them and flip them for a profit. People are going to flip them for a profit even at the current prices. I won't be surprised to see a Page No. 2 VOS sell for $15' date='000 on eBay in the next 5 years. It's not Gibson's fault, it's the customers.[/quote']


Because people see it differently.


It's something I've just noticed about this forum, because of the whole epiphone/faded thing: the divide between people who see Gibsons as instruments and those who see them as collectors items.


The people who see them purely through their value as instruments, like myself, who value guitars based on how they play, they sound, and to a certain extent how they look - and based almost solely on those qualities - see an instrument that's vastly overpriced. I, at least, just can't imagine how it could be worth that based on how it could sound and feel. When I see that price tag, I wonder if it really sounds like a guitar worth that much. It's not just the price tag, it's the perceived value in relation to that price tag. Rest assured that if I saw a $16,000 guitar and I played it and found that it was worth the cost because it was just that damn good of a guitar, I would have no qualms whatsoever. At the same time, if I had enough money to buy a 16k guitar without thinking twice and I couldn't see what was so great about it, I wouldn't get it. That's just the way I go about buying gear. Look at Two Rock and Dumble amps. I have no problem with the fact that they cost thousands of dollars, because I feel like they sound good enough to earn their price tags.


The people who see them as collectors items see an investment like you said, as well as a gem to look in awe at. They see the fact that it's a signature model of one the most celebrated guitarists of all time, as well as the rarity.


Don't get upset, though, I'm not judging (this isn't the people who play their guitars vs. people who look at them argument). That's just my observation.


So when you guys say we young guys are just cheap, I wanna say not so fast, bucko. It's just different strokes for different folks.



No matter if you're playing a Squier Hello Kitty Strat or a 1959 Les Paul' date=' if you have talent, that guitar will sound good (Even if played through a Spider...lol)[/quote']

This is, quite simply, not true. I wish people would stop saying this...

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there a guy who works at my Sam Ash. i watched him play a $200 Squier Strat plugged into a SS $99 fender practice amp. to put it plainly, he sounded amazing. i thought for sure he was playing thru a Twin or something. turns out he was just showing a new player and his parents how good cheap gear can sound.

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I understand the hate towards these guitars. If you are going to attach a price relative to ALL the bells and whistles, you better deliver. I think people don't see the benefit to these guitars that cost more than some cars. I still think it's collectors artificially inflating to prices of these guitars. But hey, if they have the money, why not? How does it affect the rest of us? Well, it carries the same name and I'm sure some how trickles down to the Gibson guitars we buy. Labor is the most expensive overhead cost and I'm sure they individuals making these guitars make a pretty penny. You don't like it but still want a Gibson? Buy it used and stop complaining because the fat cats calling all the shots don't care what you think.

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being able to afford expensive things and choosing to do so does not make one idiotic. is every guy who buys a BMW an idiot when a Camry is much cheaper? looking at your signature, there are plenty of guys over at MLP and LPF (who have an infinitely greater knowledge and experience with LPs, including the Bursts) who would say you are an idiot if you think tone and EMGs can be found in the same sentence. it just comes down to preference; not mental status and/or age.


buy what you like and what you can afford.

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