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Audition Canceled


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Monday, I was supposed to audition for a lead guitar position. Got an email from the band's drummer - the audition is canceled. They found their noise maker. [rolleyes] At least they are going to jam out with this guy out for the next two to make sure it is a proper fit. They asked if they can contact me in the event this cat doesn't work out. I said sure. Mainly disappointed because I dug their sound and thought we could make some killer music together.


Sorry, needed to vent. Thanks for letting me rip this blues jam.

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Screw 'em. That's lame that they didn't even give you a chance to play. -Not very professional. I bet the cat they hired is the brother of one of their girlfriends or something.

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Thanks everyone.


I am pretty much over it now. My tendency is to get way down and then 12hrs later let it go. What made this one sting like it did was that I thought it was such a good fit in both style and schedule. Most of the guitarist wanted posts I see around just aren't my thing: cover bands, genres I don't dig on, or cats that want to get in the van now and tour in two week chunks. I have a project going now, it's just that it isn't going anywhere so I wanted to see what else is out there. After two years, one destroyed friendship, and a ton of auditions it is back to a two piece. Makes me think everyone in their mid thirties has hung it up.

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Thanks everyone.


I am pretty much over it now. My tendency is to get way down and then 12hrs later let it go. What made this one sting like it did was that I thought it was such a good fit in both style and schedule. Most of the guitarist wanted posts I see around just aren't my thing: cover bands' date=' genres I don't dig on, or cats that want to get in the van now and tour in two week chunks. I have a project going now, it's just that it isn't going anywhere so I wanted to see what else is out there. After two years, one destroyed friendship, and a ton of auditions it is back to a two piece. Makes me think everyone in their mid thirties has hung it up.



Hey, I'm game. I'll join your band :-$

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Monday' date=' I was supposed to audition for a lead guitar position. Got an email from the band's drummer - the audition is canceled. They found their noise maker. [sad'] At least they are going to jam out with this guy out for the next two to make sure it is a proper fit. They asked if they can contact me in the event this cat doesn't work out. I said sure. Mainly disappointed because I dug their sound and thought we could make some killer music together.


Sorry, needed to vent. Thanks for letting me rip this blues jam.


There's no other option, you're going to have to kill him to get the lead spot. I reccomend staging an electrical fire as its difficult to prove. :-$/

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  • 3 weeks later...

The world works in strange ways.


Got an email from the band. Their new lead player didn't work out and they offered to have me out. I am meeting up with them this week. Hope it is a good fit. They seem like pretty cool cats. Been itching to get back into a project where I can not only stretch out, but where we all support each other.

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The world works in strange ways.


Got an email from the band. Their new lead player didn't work out and they offered to have me out. I am meeting up with them this week. Hope it is a good fit. They seem like pretty cool cats. Been itching to get back into a project where I can not only stretch out' date=' but where we all support each other. [/quote']

Great News! This is a good example of why you don't get mad and start slinging Crap when you get aced out of an Audition or a spot in a Band.


Love to hear a clip or see a vid from the band your joining.

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Great News! This is a good example of why you don't get mad and start slinging Crap when you get aced out of an Audition or a spot in a Band.


True. Burning bridges is not my style. That always comes back to bite you right in the a$$. I also believe heavily in karma.


Love to hear a clip or see a vid from the band your joining.


I don't want to jinx it so I'll post this weekend, after we meet.

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