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What do you think is worse to be called: Fat or Obese?


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I tested it on my gf.

I called her fat and she slaped me.

Then i called her Obese and she had to google it' date=' then slap me.


What do you guys think?[/quote']

Corpulent is the best you can be honest

her:does this make my butt look big?

you:very corpulent

her:what's that mean?

you:I think it's Fench

. but on topic I'd say obese. It just sounds worse.

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Obese. Fat is a perception' date=' obese is a medical thing.[/quote']

Which is why British Health is asking doctors to refer to patients as "fat" now. "Obese" is a medical condition so patients don't care. If you call them fat they're more likely to do something about it.

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Then i called her Obese and she had to google it' date=' then slap me.




She's perfect for you? :-













Sorry...couldn't help it....I voted obese, its worse because as said before its an actual medical condition.

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I never liked the use of the word "fat" to describe a person--it's the n-word for fat guys, really, and as a fat guy (232 lbs at most recent weigh-in, down from 245 in August of last year--hooray for me!) I take offense when one of these "look-at-me-I'm-so-great, I-can-eat-anything-and-stay-healthy" types starts calling me "fat." Under a strict medical definition, I am obese (with a dangerously-high BMI of 36.9--I have my concerns over the validity of the BMI, but that's really for another thread,) and I'm not offended when someone calls attention to my clinical obesity--some might, if they aren't, in fact, obese, but then if you can tell that they're carrying a little extra weight around, then they're probably "near-obese". I am, however, offended slightly when I'm referred to as "fat."


Here's the difference: first off, you have to remember that "fat" is a biological term, too, referring to a specific form of lipid. So, unlike "obese," which is clinical, "fat" is biochemical. Referring to someone as "fat" is really as good as saying that they are comprised solely of fats--trust me, it hurts more the more you think about it. So, really, "fat" is much, much worse.


Oh! As for the "n-word" comment? I have a good friend (currently living in Indiana) with whom I share the burden of obesity. We've established that we can refer to each other as "fat guys," as well as being able to refer to others sharing our problem as "fat guys," if it's something they're comfortable with, knowing that we've been through what they have. "Fat," is, for all intents and purposes, our word.

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I tested it on my gf.

I called her fat and she slaped me.

Then i called her Obese and she had to google it' date=' then slap me.


What do you guys think?[/quote']


And you probably need someone new to test your comments on.

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To me its the same. IMO 80% of those who have those handicap tags that are either word just need to stop eating or slow down. But we as a nation are too soft' date=' we don't spank our brats any more, we feel sorry for the criminals and dont care about the victims don't actually carry out punishments of crimes more on death row die of natural causes like old age than getting justice served and all immigrants who are here illegally to dictate our policy by allowing english to become a second language.[/quote']

That's what I call SPIN. From Fat to Immigration in one run-on sentence. That's impressive.

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You can delete my post but its still true. Nothing medical about people fast food and being fat. Also this nation is way to soft with caring about those poor little criminals and not the victim but thats OK we know whos back Mr I'm Liberal from Calif.


Well I'm sure you're not perfect either....


As for my political views' date=' I keep those clear of these forums, and with any subject matter such as illegal immigration, we all know this subject matter can very easily spiral into a firestorm. So please try and refrain from making post of this nature.


Thanks for your cooperation[cool']

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Fat to me equates to someone who could be mildly overweight to massively overweight

Obese = massively overweight


I don't know why doctor's tread so lightly in discussing this with their patients. They'd tell a smoker to stop smoking, because it kills you. So does a bad diet/no exercise.

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I think both words, like most words, depend on the spirit in which they are used. We all know that there are words, slurs-racial and otherwise, that are not socially acceptable to use. At least not without being labeled a bigot, or worse. I know as a life long Southerner that words like "Hick", "Redneck", and "Hillbilly" can be just as hurtful depending on how and from whom they are used.


That being said, I would say it's best to avoid all uses of the words "fat" and "obese" in future conversations with your girlfriend. Assuming your desire is to keep her as your girlfriend. :-

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I tested it on my gf.

I called her fat and she slapped me.

Then I called her Obese and she had to google it' date=' then slapp me.


What do you guys think?[/quote']

What do I think? I think you're a bit of an idiot.


Seriously who would say that to their gf? Sheesh, that's just disrespectful.

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