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This thing is a great little bass I love it. The weight of the Hofner takes a little getting used to after playing a fender for years. It really is light but the neck is so easy to play and with some minor amp adjustments you can go from the early beatle thud bass sound to the more polished Rubber Soul era sound. Pretty sweet!


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Cool !!!! HNBGD !!!! My wife bought me my Epi acoustic about 10 years ago to get me back into playing after laying out for several years......and she strongly encouraged me to buy my LP a lil over a year ago for my b-day, even though I didn't think we could afford it - we could, I did, and am a happy camper (although I'd still love to add a semi-hollow with single coils to my small guitar family at some point......) Wives can be great at times, eh ???

Congrats on the bass .... hope it plays as sharp as it looks 8-[

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