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Page/White apology


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I've said on here that I don't like Page. Well I've been watching clips of 'It might get loud' on you tube.

In fact I've ordered the film from Play now. Watching them 'one to one' shows their talent. Page is very 'mystical' in his playing and White is better than his music vids show. I think the Edge was out of his league there though.

When I've watched Page on live situations he makes a lot on mistakes especially on solo's. But, it's his rhythm that shows through. It's surprising what I've learnt from this forum. I'd never heard of Jack White before I came on here.

You can always teach an old dog new tricks seems right.

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having seen JP live twice and watched just about every Zep clip imaginable, Page's playing seems to boil down to 1 of 2 factors:


1) time. after about 1975, his live playing took a nosedive. it has since recovered imo.

2) the on/off phenomenon. i can't think of another player who exhibits this more than Jimmy Page. When he's off, he's off.

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Never saw Page live (Dammit!) but I've watched everything there is to watch.

Seen his playing absolutely suck at times, but I think it often was due to external pressure.

Remember, he's a legendary hermit and avoids the media at all costs.

Stage appearances after Zep folded were extremely rare.


In the early eighties, he did a brief instrumental of Stairway - was it the Ronnie Lane benefit?



He couldn't do the full song without Plant, and probably wouldn't have even bothered but for his obligation.

He agreed to appear because of the other musicians involved - they meant alot to him.

So what would he choose for his set list?

Some old Blues number?


Well, he decided to kinda trot thru Stairway to please the crowd, and it was halfassed at best.

I think it was a mistake.




His playing with The Firm was a waste for the most part.

I'll qualify that with two counterpoints;

Satisfaction Guaranteed is one of my all time favorites, and Paul Rodgers is a God.

But both albums, overall, sucked big time.


I like his work, warts and all.

All the Rush/Yes/Genesis Prog Rock cats can have their "perfection" and I'll take the sloppy, bluesy rock.



Jack White is simply weird.

Sort of a Johnny Depp character created to make people scratch their heads and wonder.

A bit contrived in my opinion.


It Might Get Loud gave me some insight on him, and raised my opinion a bit.



Edge is still an effects-addled techno-geek, stuck with Bono.

God help him...




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Jack White is simply weird.

Sort of a Johnny Depp character created to make people scratch their heads and wonder.

A bit contrived in my opinion.


It Might Get Loud gave me some insight on him, and raised my opinion a bit.



I gotta go run off to class, but when I get back, you best believe I will have some reading for you to do [sneaky]

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I just watched "Under the Great White Northern Sky" yesterday. Its about the White Stripes Canadian tour where they stopped in every province and territory in small towns and playes random shows etc....


I still don't love the White Stripes, but I like Jack's view on performing...he makes it difficult for himself up on stage and i think that makes for a better show.


I prefer him with the Raconteurs without doubt...but i like when he just rocks and acoustic guitar too!

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IMO Jimmy Page has got skills where it counts, yet he has messed up on stage in the past, pretty badly. However, there is still no doubt about his playing ability. I think most of his mess ups on stage were caused by a mixture of drug usage and pressure to perform.


The only thing I know about Jack White is that he's got a lotta soul and a serious desire for the blues. Which is ok in my book. msp_biggrin.gif

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I just watched "Under the Great White Northern Sky" yesterday. Its about the White Stripes Canadian tour where they stopped in every province and territory in small towns and playes random shows etc....


I still don't love the White Stripes, but I like Jack's view on performing...he makes it difficult for himself up on stage and i think that makes for a better show.


I prefer him with the Raconteurs without doubt...but i like when he just rocks and acoustic guitar too!


Now don't call me' a fanboy... :)


I had that sensibility before I even knew about him, but I found out I share a lot of ideals with him. I love the raconteurs stuff, and there is a possibility of another record gettin dropped :D

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I was disappointed by the "It might get loud" film overall.


I did warm to Jack White having been unfamiliar with a lot of his music, a totally different philosopy to most players. Agree with others who have commented on the Edge contribution which was not much. The Edge is not a technical player, he has produced plenty of good riffs with his trademark delay sound but to compare him with Jimmy Page is a non starter. Like the best players The Edge has his own unique sound so kudos to him for that.


Jimmy is one of the greats, I have been fortunate enough to see Led Zep many years ago. Jimmy's playing did suffer from years of body abuse but he seems to be back on form these days which is good. Jimmy is the ultimate rhythm player, on records his solos were carefully constructed and often performed on a Fender Telecaster rather than the Les Pauls he is more known for.


Looking forward now to seeing the other great guitar player Jeff Beck in October on the final night of his tour. Bring it on!!

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Jimmy Page in his prime was one of the 4 top rhythm guitarists in my opinion. The others being John Lennon, Pete Townshend & Keith Richards. The one & only time I saw Page was the first firm tour. He was ok during the first half of the show & whatever drugs he was on kicked in for the second half & he played with all his old fire.



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stevejoshlay1 - Gary Moore

Fred61 - Jack White

swleary - Metallica

MojoRedFoot - Metallica

ShredAstaire - Buckethead


Twiz - Mr. Belvedere




I couldn't find a picture of Doug Martsch (Built To Spill) that I liked. Crap.

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I've said on here that I don't like Page.

As have I, so I will refrain from further page bashing, For The Moment.

Not for lack of trying to listen to him/them, I just don't get why guitarist world wide feel the incessant need S**K his D**K.

There are FAR more influential, and FAR more talented guitar players out there, And WTF is Plant's obsession with hobbits?

In the wise words of my Grandfather, "Boy, opinions are like A**holes. Everyone has one, And they all stink."



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Jimmy Page in his prime was one of the 4 top rhythm guitarists in my opinion. The others being John Lennon, Pete Townshend & Keith Richards. The one & only time I saw Page was the first firm tour. He was ok during the first half of the show & whatever drugs he was on kicked in for the second half & he played with all his old fire.




Where the hell have you been!? msp_confused.gif Jimmy Page is a lead guitarist! angry.gif

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Add my name to the list and put down Jimmy Page, Slash, Angus Young, and Disturbed.


LMFALULZ Disturbed? [flapper]


Anyways, back to the whole original Jack White thing, he isn't "weird just to be weird" He plays eclectic music, get over it. He is a genius in his song writing, his playing isn't "Top 10 guitarist", but his song writing makes up for it. I take a lot of my sensibilities either from him, or shared with him. "God cursed the ground to make life hard for man, whether it be farming or playing guitar" and I feel that's to a T. I mean, if it isn't hard, and it doesn't piss you off, then I don't know why to do it. I enjoy the struggle, the pain, the feeling that I can't do anything right, because that forces you to push yourself, and work harder and make yourself better.


Oh well, some people don't care what I say. I'd write more, but who cares?

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Anyways, back to the whole original Jack White thing,

he isn't "weird just to be weird" He plays eclectic music, get over it.

"Eclectic music" is basically weird music that people will pay money to hear.

If nobody's paying, then it's just plain weird.




I watched the movie too.

There's something to be said for all that, but the majority of it is marketing himself.

There's talent, and I liked getting a glimpse into his influences, but he's still a Depp clone.

I don't dislike him, and I find him mildly entertaining, but he is NOT a Guitar God.


Do remember that I was in high school and learning about all the guitar players I could - 30 years ago.

Seen a lot of hype come and go in the meanwhile...



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