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Steely Dan


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Absolutely one of my favorite bands, when I remember to remember them.. [blush]


Pretzel Logic, Aja, The Royal Scam,

I loved the way their music wrapped itself around itself and occasionally, you hear a great solo, but it was just music swirling around other music that no one else was making.

Thanks for the vid!

Loved the guitar work in this song especially


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I posted a thread about Steely Dan a couple of years back and was greatly gratified that so many people loved 'em.


They are not the kind of band I usually like, but Steely Dan is one of those rare "bands" that is so brilliant in their songwriting that they overcome any kind of genre hang-up. Their hooks, melody, and twisted lyrics all seemed to blend seemlessly.


Long Live Steely Dan!

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Absolutely one of my favorite bands, when I remember to remember them.. [blush]


Pretzel Logic, Aja, The Royal Scam,

I loved the way their music wrapped itself around itself and occasionally, you hear a great solo, but it was just music swirling around other music that no one else was making.

Thanks for the vid!

Loved the guitar work in this song especially


Thankyou so much for this post


My all-time favourite 'Dan' track


Do you happen to know who took the solo


On the semi?

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top 3 bands, Rush

Led Zeppelin Steely dan


Ive got the hard rock, the jazz, and at the top... mixed.


I love steely dan. the first I heard of them was my dad's alive in america cd, and then when I heard their studio records I was like what?


but yeah, I like all their records now.

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That was good Dave, Thanks. I love Steely Dan. I never knew Michael McDonald was singing in Peg.


Did anyone else notice that the sub-titles were horrible? They got about every third word wrong. [huh]

Those subtitles were quite funny. We get translations like that here in the UK from China and India.

I was watching them more than the vid by the end.

How can you not know it was M mcdonald? He's got the best (original) voice going.

As it was once said..'He's the best 'white' black singer out there'.

Wasn't he the first white man to win a black music award?

My favourite singer.

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I don't sorry. And it's not nearly as fast as the studio version, Jeff Baxter on that (I think, if Wiki is right).


On the studio, Countdown to Ecstasy version, I think Denny Dias did the first solo, and Skunk did the second solo. The studio "Bodhisattva" is one of my favorite recordings.


This is just good stuff.

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