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Led Zeppelin Reunited?


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Eh, maybe they should just go the same route as the Beatles and continue doing what they want on their own.


Let It Be, to coin a phrase.


They have all the freedom in the world to work or not.

How many musicians really can do whatever they want?


But under the Led Zep banner, as glorious as it might turn out, it's doing all the old songs RIGHT.


Yeah, I'd like to see it happen but wouldn't blame them a bit if it didn't.

Personally, I doubt I would attend a show unless the tickets were free.

Ain't paying $500 for a nose-bleed seat in a crowd of 70,000 people.



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Had several chances to see Plant live and just never made it for one reason or another.


When Page was touring with Black Crowes, I told the lady I was dating at the time that this

was one concert I was NOT gonna miss - work schedule or ticket prices be damned.

Page dropped out and the tour was cancelled.





Rarely have I gotten that excited about a concert - certainly not since high school 30 years ago.


Seeing and meeting Joe Perry last year was a treat, but it was a small show - the way I like 'em.

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page can't play his own crap

He never could!

That's why I wanted to see him with Rich Robinson and Audley Freed - 3 guitars would cover all the parts.


Depends on Page's health.

He's been notorious for medical problems since Led Zep's heyday.

Put him on a tour schedule at his age?



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Your all haters! msp_sneaky.gif


By the way, if you read the article would have seen that it's Robert Plant that wants to put the band back together!

If you can call, “I think we’re probably thinking about talking,” wanting to get back together. He just doesn't want to come right out and say "Never Again" because he know that his Band of Joy wouldn't get any press at all if he didn't have Zeppelin Rumors to dismiss.


In other words, He's said Crap like that before, it doesn't mean anything. Like I said, he's made it pretty clear in the past that he has no intention of getting back with Zeppelin, keeping the rumor alive is a different story.


Also, comparing himself and Led Zeppelin to Neil Young and Buffalo Springfield is just a little unrealistic. I can't believe he really thinks those situations equate. [rolleyes]

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That's a tough call. In a way I would like them to reunite, so I could see them live. On the other hand, however, I fear that they wouldn't be able to meet the expectations of the fans - and then it's better to "Let It Be", as other members stated.


If Led Zeppelin decided to get back together, it might end up as a "Schumacher story". Before his return, Michael Schumacher had won the championship seven times, and he was regarded as one of the best F1-drivers ever. Now, he is pluggin along as #10.


For the reason stated above, I voted no.

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Perhaps if they got a good singer from a Zep tribute band ;-)


After all, age has taken it's toll on Plant's voice (unfortunately).


It's better to quit when people are saying that they should make another appearance than quit after people are saying that they shouldn't have made another appearance.


Insights and incites by Notes ♫

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Perhaps if they got a good singer from a Zep tribute band ;-)


After all, age has taken it's toll on Plant's voice (unfortunately).


It's better to quit when people are saying that they should make another appearance than quit after people are saying that they shouldn't have made another appearance.


Insights and incites by Notes ♫


Well Geddy Lee can't hit the high notes in his songs anymore and I would suggest he sounds better now than then, at least to my ears. The trick is to not try and do what you could do 30 years ago. Find the right voice for the singer he is now. I've seen him recently with his new band doing some Zep songs and where he controls his range it's good, where he does not........ B)

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Like Nancy Wilson on Vocals and even the guitar player from Great white (who did a entire album of Zep material live and it sounded 4 times better than Zep; vocals and guitar work).


Your dislike of Page and Zeppelin is almost as annoying as Steves love of Gary Moore.

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