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So am I stupid or what?


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Well, this is my story:


I have an Epi Dot and a Fender Standard Strat on the electric side of my herd. I've been wanting to round it out with an Les Paul.


I went to a small guitar store the other day and they had a new LP100 priced at $199.


Now, I don't know how up you are on Epi prices, but since I've been wanting anything better than a Special II, I know for a fact that street price for the LP100 is $299. $100 more than was marked on this guitar. (Studio is $349, Standard is $399, blah blah blah).


So I wanted it! I took it right up to the counter, took my wallet out, but felt a twinge of conscience, (hard economic times, stores closing in droves, etc), and I said, "I'll take this but I think its priced wrong, check it out first."


So he did and of course he couldn't sell it to me at the $199 price. ARGH!!! I didn't get it. I could get it at that price anywhere at any time. <sigh> I'm not in that much of a rush.


Should I have walked out of there the owner of a 33% discounted LP100 or empty handed? I bet if I got it for cheap I would have felt guilty.


I'm an idiot. I'm hoping for good karma to come out of this. Oh well. I can't believe I have honesty remorse.



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Hi Surf


I understand your quandary

There are several guitar dealers near me...some are internet franchise groups with big purchasing power and great prices/low profit margins

Others are 'the little boys' struggling to earn a living

It's always exciting to pick up a bargain at an unbelievable price

We seem happy to sub contract manufacture to the lowest labour cost centres like China

Who in the West would even get out of bed for $199 never mind make a highly specialised musical intrument to sell at that price?


Philosophy From The Living Room by V :-({|=

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You wouldn't have enjoyed it if you took it thinking you put one over on the seller. And next time you go in that store the owner will love you and give you good deals. Or, he'll think, ah, here's that mug again. But that's the downside of honesty, there will always be some cynic telling you you're daft. You know you did The Right Thing msp_thumbup.gif.

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nothing wrong with being honest. on the other hand it may have been a return and that could have been why the low price. when i bought my wildkat. i origonally picked out a black one . took it home and one pickup didnt work. brought it right back and took the red one for a hundred less. i asked why this one was less. the guy didnt like it and returned it so it was considered used. on the other hand the same store was trying to sell an ej200 for a hundred off and the back was split along the edge. i also bought a 56 gold top 50 bucks off same reason. so next time just buy it in most cases there marked down for a reason. oh the 56 came with a brand new epiphone case. i had no guilt . they know what there doing.


and im as honest as they come. nothing wrong with honesty / nothing wrong with a good deal either. [biggrin]

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You wouldn't have enjoyed it if you took it thinking you put one over on the seller. And next time you go in that store the owner will love you and give you good deals. Or, he'll think, ah, here's that mug again. But that's the downside of honesty, there will always be some cynic telling you you're daft. You know you did The Right Thing msp_thumbup.gif.

A good comment from a great part of the world [thumbup]




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I bet if I got it for cheap I would have felt guilty.



I'm an idiot.




I'm hoping for good karma to come out of this.


It already has - look at all the affirmation from the EPI-center of karma.


Oh well. I can't believe I have honesty remorse.


Give it time. I see a future of peace, contentment, and bliss coming your way! (or perhaps a good deal new 100 [smile] )

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I would have done the same, these sort of things have a funny way of working out for the best.


like, i bought a guitar from my local store for £80 more expensive that i could have bought it on line because i wanted to support local business, the store knew this and decided to do a free set up for me while i was paying it up.


something Karmic is bound to come of your actions. [thumbup]

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You did the ethical thing but it wouldn't have been a disaster for the shop either. And I'm sure you would have used the savings to buy high-markup accessories anyway - strap, picks, strings, cables, etc. over the long haul.


Dealer cost is usually 50% off MSRP plus additional volume discounts if the retailer hits a certain sales level. Then there are special deals on certian products that come around frequently when a manufacturer is overstocked, wants to make a big splash with a new product, needs to win back market share from a competitor, or needs to make seasonal, monthly, quarterly, or year-end revenue goals. On top of that, there are "spiffs" (sales incentives for the floor personnel, to get them to push certain items), as well as co-op advertising where the manufacuter underwrites web, print, TV & radio ads.


This arrangement is true in most retail distribution channels in the free world, which is why it pays to be Guitar Center, Walmart or Home Depot - more volume means lower dealer costs which means more profit at the end of the day.


OK lecture over.

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You did the proper thing, and as mentioned before the store owner will

probably love you forever. Good time to return and chat, start up a "working

relationship" - perhaps you'll find favor in their eyes - KARMA!


Your Conscience kicked in, meaning you "passed the TEST" from your "Higher Power".


Reminds me of recent News story about a Homeless Man who FOUND a backpack with

a LAPTOP and $3,000.00 in it. He went to his local shelter and MADE them find out

who it belonged to. End result - His incredibly unselfish act brought a Reward fom

Backpack Owner, and folks who READ the news about his act have sent donations to him

to help him get back on his feet.


He, too, "Passed the TEST". [thumbup]

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Let's put you in the or what category. I'm a firm believer in karma. It doesn't always come around right away. But it will come around. If the thought entered your head that you'd be thinking about it every time you picked it up, it would. You'd never feel good about it. You've obviously had a good upbringing and honored those responsible with your decision. Keep looking. That guitar was not meant for you.

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No way are you stupid, you're honest & I'm proud of you!!! [thumbup] Many time's I've seen "deals" and I always check with the "are you sure" question. Most of the time there is some sort of mistake. It does kind of irk me when the ******** or dickheadess doesn't even say thanks esp. when they've just given you back $50 too much change. But, all in all, doing the right thing is always the best path. I own a couple of business and things are very tight. When I make mistakes with a quote it really hurts. I always honor them to the client even if it ended up below my cost (a few have been REAL spankings and all due to everyone demanding you to HURRY with that price).


Again, no one likes a great deal better than me, but not unless the seller is knowing what they are doing and it isn't an honest mistake. If they are trying to hose me then there's no mercy however!! [cursing]



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Ethics and honesty aside, I think you did the right think because I can see a set necked Les Paul coming your way. You'd be much happier with a studio or a standard. [wink]


Sorry to those that own bolt necked LPs but, IMO, it's just not the right construction for the type.



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You're not stupid at all. 2 weeks ago, the cashier at the gas station gave me back $10 too much in change. I didn't realize it until I was in the car. I REALLY wanted to keep it because I didn't have much money, but I went back in and told her. She was very surprised, thankful, and it made me feel good too. Then last week I spent $5 on a lottery ticket at the same store and I won $25! LOL I never buy lottery tickets either, I just randomly decided to buy one.


Instant Karma's gonna get you. Gonna knock you right in the head!

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Thanks everyone. I'm glad the world is such a good place with us in it. lol


Can't wait for that set neck LP to land in my lap.


I have a line on an LP100 for $150. That's not bad.


However, I just learned the LP100 and Special II have the same pickups and the Studio and Standard share the same. I guess its good I waited.


Anyway, I feel better about turning that purchase into a win for the store. Thanks for the moral support.



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you know the saying goes "no good deed goes unpunished"#-o

or "damned if you do damned if you dont".](*,)

which is why i wouldve took the deal.[-X[thumbdn]:^o

maybe that was your karma coming back round.O:)

im just saying the way i look @ it is things happen for a reason.eusa_pray.gif

or maybe it was a test.[cursing]

aaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what should i do.[confused]

you did the right thing for whatever thats worth. msp_thumbup.gif


just kiddin round.B)

good for you man.eusa_clap.gif

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I would have done the same, these sort of things have a funny way of working out for the best.


like, i bought a guitar from my local store for £80 more expensive that i could have bought it on line because i wanted to support local business, the store knew this and decided to do a free set up for me while i was paying it up.


something Karmic is bound to come of your actions. [thumbup]

Yes and how does one get any after sales service online?



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey all.


Just to have some closure, after kicking myself for not "stealing" that LP100 for $199 and instead telling the store they mis-priced it, since it should have been $299, I found a literally mint condition Les Paul Standard Plus Top on Craigslist for $285!


I guess things work out. Thanks for all the support.


Check out my NGD post.



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