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Anybody here ever go on a cruise?


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Anybody here ever go on a cruise?

Did you get sh!t-faced and pull stupid stunts like THIS?



Anchor Drop Lands Cruise Passenger In Brig


Feds say action could have led to ship's flooding or sinking


NOVEMBER 29--In the high seas equivalent of trying to open an airplane door

mid-flight, an intoxicated California man early Saturday released the anchor

on a Holland America cruise ship while the vessel was traveling in

international waters en route to Florida, investigators allege.


The deployment of the stern anchor on the MS Ryndam “could have caused

significant damage,” though the 719-foot ship was unharmed, according to an

affidavit sworn by FBI Agent John Manning.


Federal agents reported that the “free release of a cruise ship anchor” could

have damaged the ship’s propeller or rudder, which “could disable the ships'

ability to maneuver” or puncture the vessel, resulting in “sinking or severe

flooding.” The MS Ryndam, which has a capacity of 1260 passengers and carries

a crew of 580, was traveling to Tampa from Costa Maya, Mexico.


A review of surveillance video identified Rick Ehlert, 44, as the passenger

who released the anchor (as well as a life buoy). Manning noted that Ehlert

was seen in the surveillance footage wearing the same clothing he was

photographed in Friday while attending the ship’s formal night (for men,

attire can range from a tuxedo to a jacket and tie).





Ehlert is pictured in the above mug shot.


In an interview yesterday with federal agents, Ehlert, who was traveling with

his girlfriend, admitted to deploying the ship’s anchor and throwing the life

buoy overboard. During his confession, Manning reported, Ehlert admitted

entering a restricted area, donning work gloves, and taking several steps to

release the anchor. Ehlert, who said he was drunk at the time, “stated that he

owns a fifty foot boat with a similar anchor system to the ship's anchor system.”


Ehlert, who owns an RV dealership in Thousand Oaks, was arrested on a felony

charge of attempting to “damage, destroy, disable, or wreck a vessel.”


The FBI affidavit notes that the MS Ryndam’s captain made an announcement

Saturday morning asking any passengers or crew members to come forward with

information regarding the tossing of the life buoy overboard. When nobody came

forward, “the ship's emergency alarm was sounded and all passengers and crew

were mustered on deck.”After everyone on board was accounted for, they were

released from the deck.”





The MS Ryndam is pictured above.





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Looks like a cross between Mark Wahlberg and Kevin Costner.

I can say I've never been on a cruise. Although I crossed the Atlantic at age 6 on the Queen Mary with the fastest crossing of the Atlantic at that time, I have no desire to spend a bunch of time on a rocking ship with nothing to do but eat and consider but not do exercise. Plus I hate to vomit and don't even want to take the chance. Would rather fly to Europe. Also too many stories of weird things that go on.

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Yeah, I've been on three cruises myself.


First Carnival ride I took outta Florida was a short one - 4 days, and it was cheap.

I found that to be a mistake.


It was all college kids and twenty-something party hounds puking over the rail.

Noise never stopped.



I decided that the long cruises were the way to go.

Lotsa old people, slower paced, laid back.

Still lotsa drinking, but at a more relaxed pace.


7 to 10 day cruises weed out most of the riff-raff because they can't take that much time off work.


Lotsa retirees/self-employed/mature women - makes a huge difference. [thumbup]

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Strange that it was so easy to gain access to an area which lends itsself to so much mischief!


As far as the original question is concerned;


The only Cruise I've ever undertaken was when my wife was 3 months pregnant. We decided our holiday that year should be very laid-back (for obvious reasons) and flew to Aswan to take an ancient cruise-ship up the Nile to the Temple of Abu Simbel.


Seven days of Total Luxury. Excellent day-trips all up the course of the Nile to visit the important sites; excellent food and staff who would go to any lengths to ensure their charges were comfortable and happy.


And then we visited Abu Simbel. Wow!



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I was 7 or 8 coming back from Europe on the Queen Mary. My brother and I got into trouble. My mother wasn't feeling to good and was Barfing. So my brother and I went over the whole deck we were on and took all the barf bags off the rails running down the halls. We hit a storm and everyone was looking for barf bags. My father wouldn't let me or my brother see the Statue of Liberty when we came into New York Harbor. [unsure]

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I gigged on cruise lines for 3 years and have never known anybody to be allowed on the "rope deck". The deck is in full view of anyone on the bridge, so somebody must have been 'asleep at the wheel'. I suppose it can happen, putting a ship on auto-pilot and then putting your time in must be a boring job.


For those of you who have never been on a cruise, here is my advice.


1) Go for the cruise, not the ports. You don't get enough time in the ports to enjoy them, and you are disembarked into a giant shopping area.


2) Do take at least a week long cruise, it takes a few days to get into the rhythm of the ship.


3) Don't go around Christmas time. There are two kinds of people who take cruises at Christmas, those who want a special Xmas and those who want to escape Xmas - the two are not compatible


4) If you are into gambling, do your gambling at the beginning of the cruise, the slots are set pay a higher percentage on the first few days.


5) Check your bags before getting back on the ship, and do not under any circumstances imbibe in any illegal substances. Check your bags? In the 3 years I cruised with at least 2400 passengers, two of them had drugs planted in their bag and then turned in for the reward. Now 2 people out of 2400 times 52 weeks equals odds of 1:124,800 so the chances are slim indeed, but the penalty could be severe. I knew both people (crew members) one was the cruise director (who felt it going in his bag) and the other a musician who I happen to know for a fact did not drink alcohol or do drugs - plus he was middle aged, intelligent, passed the same checkpoint and had his bag checked every week. He wasn't dumb enough to put an ounce of pot near the top under his beach towel.


6) Bring a flashlight. In the extremely unlikely event that the power goes out, you'll need it.


7) When in port, don't seek out the nearest US style disco. Try to get away from the port and sample the local color.


8) Be sure to get back to the ship on time, if you miss the boat, it will be expensive.


9) The first day of the cruise, ask the room steward for an extra blanket or pillow and give him a decent tip. You will get extra service for the entire cruise because he will assume you will give him a nice tip at the end of the cruise (and please do, these people often send most of their money back home to feed their extended families).


10) Have a lot of fun. Check out all the entertainment, drink the booze (but don't go overboard - pun intended), and eat the food (come on as a passenger and leave as cargo).


I enjoyed my 3 years on the cruise ships. It's a great place to entertain.


Insights and incites by Notes ♫

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I agree...while this yahoo should get in all the trouble he deserves, whoever wasn't paying attention to him accessing the anchor release should get some serious "career counseling"!


I've been on a couple of cruises. I've enjoyed them all, and would do it again....maybe Alaska next time.

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Never been on a cruise. My wife has it on her bucket list. SHe constantly brings home these $99 deals from her work place fax. I've always been leery of these. How does one check out the college studentness of these cruises?


Neither I, nor my wife drinks, nor gambles.. well, I'll have a beer now and then, but she tea totals. I'd love to just take in the 'scenery' and music. Probably don't need all the food as I'd be getting on the boat as cargo. What does that mean as I am dis-embarking? Jetsam?


I always take a flashlight with me when we travel. My wife thinks it's stupid, but you never know. My dad always kept 15 or 20 feet of rope in his suit case. He saw some hotel fire movie back in the 70's and has been wrapping rope around the inside perimeter of his suit cases ever since. He figured he'd be able to get down a floor or two if he needed to get beyond the flames. My brother-in-law counts doors to the exits. Me too.

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There are two kinds of people who take cruises at Christmas, those who want a special Xmas and those who want to escape Xmas

- the two are not compatible

Notes, I never considered that aspect of it - profound wisdom.


Good stuff.


And Tommy, I won't go into my practices for "just in case" stuff but I have a few quirks myself.



Yes, the bow anchors are in clear view of the bridge on every ship I've ever been on - even merchant/freighters.


Did crane work on lotsa ships in port, so when I was cruising I wanted to see the mechanical stuff.

The crew won't allow you ANYWHERE near that stuff - not even if you're older.

On one cruise, we noticed couples on the deck near the anchors getting chummy in the wee hours.

Turns out they were crew. Their berthing was adjacent to it, and behind locked doors.

I guess my asking how WE got down there drew some attention, and they soon disappeared.


Some of the newer ships seem to have that machinery concealed between decks and access truly limited.

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The wife and I don't cruise. She doesn't swim and would never be comfortable. Knowing that if something happened I might have to swim for both of us would likely get me little rest as well.


Watching a show on the Scandinavian Star now.... [scared]

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Yeah, I've been on three cruises myself.


First Carnival ride I took outta Florida was a short one - 4 days, and it was cheap.

I found that to be a mistake.


It was all college kids and twenty-something party hounds puking over the rail.

Noise never stopped.



I decided that the long cruises were the way to go.

Lotsa old people, slower paced, laid back.

Still lotsa drinking, but at a more relaxed pace.


7 to 10 day cruises weed out most of the riff-raff because they can't take that much time off work.


Lotsa retirees/self-employed/mature women - makes a huge difference. [thumbup]


Most cruises have lopsided demographics more or less on purpose, and you can tell your travel agent what you're looking for (more families w/ kids/more middle-age singles/more more white haired couples/20-30 year old party hardy, etc). The one time I took a cruise, there was a middle-class Chicago all-girl high school graduating class aboard. It was fun.

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We should save up some clams and agree to all go on a cruise. Perhaps we can try and work out a group discount. I want to share a few drinks with some members here. [thumbup]

Now that would be a blast. I've only been on one cruise, back when I was 17. It went to one of the St. Islands (can't remember, spent most of my time having fun and doing some underage drinking - sneaking vodka in saline bottles was a pretty ingenious thing to do if I do say so myself). Anyways we hit a tropical storm before we got to any islands and we missed one stop and 2 others were 1-2 hours long because of it. The only stop we spent somewhat long term was Playa Del Carmen, first topless beach ever (and at 17 that WAS a big deal, until some of the older moms who had breastfed a few kids started taking their tops off) and I did drunken scuba diving. I'll blame the lack of intelligence on being young and irrational but I had 8 Coronas on the bus to scuba dive and got lost from my group in the water. Luckily I found another group that started after us and went back with them to shore.


Edit: Oh yeah the 24 hour pizza bar was awesome :D

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Now that would be a blast.

Edit: Oh yeah the 24 hour pizza bar was awesome :D

I'd do it in a second if there were some takers. Need at least 6 to be fun....there's a constant designated driver, 24 hr room service (at on the Celebrity Cruise line). Had a shrimp caesar salad at 2 AM. I think I paid just under $300 for a 4 day cruise out of Miami, hitting key west and Cozumel. My and my wife went for a wedding. I ate so much sushi...wanted to get my money's worth. Did not not gamble w/ my money. Just my weight. I ate so much while I was there. Good times.

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