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Gibson Bashing ?

Andy R

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So I see a lot of people get pretty riled up when someone has a negative or contrary opinion about Gibson. Just wondering why people seem to get so mad about it. I mean I like the brand, I like a lot of other brands too. Some people love some of the same things I do some people don't. I just look at it like people are welcome to their opinions and even voice them if they feel they must. I don't have to agree or disagree but pretty much as long as no one is disparaging my mother's honor I could care less yet alone get mad about it.


Just tossing it out there....

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This has always done.

I guess alot of people bash because Gibson still trys to do new things in the guitar "world", to the majority of the guitar players it looks like they are just ruining the company. I admire that, they are doing alot experimenting more than Fender has done in the last 20 years by the looks of it.

Sure not all of the guitars they add new features to will come out great but there are still a few that have come great.

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Are you talking about the products or the company itself?


A flawed guitar is what it is if the factory goofed.

A stupid guitar will be judged by the marketplace - even if it sells like crazy for the first two years.


Corporate ******baggery is self-evident.

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I have to admit, I'm glad I don't have the job to decide what to spend company funds on in this crazy market place. Trying to keep a company going, guessing what musicians will buy. How many styles can you afford to manufacture?

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Did you READ any of the Robot threads?

All the "technical" issues?



Last year I copied and pasted about 40 threads into the Lounge with titles that would make your skin crawl.


But they kept selling, the gee-whiz gadget freaks were buying the lines from Gibson.


Go figure.

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Again, I'm just asking why people get so personally bent out of shape about it. Not why or why not someone likes or dislikes the product. Someone could say they think any of my Gibsons, Charvels, Taylor, fender etc... are the cheapest POS on earth and I wouldn't give a fook. That's their opinion I'm not going to spend the time and energy to get Pissed about it. Look at the turd with strings that Eddie played for years, I doubt he really cared much what people thought one way or the other.

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I don't get bent out of shape about it, I mainly just like to argue [biggrin] But seriously, a lot of the people who relentlessly say Gibsons suck and are grossly overpriced have never played one for over ten minutes. If I'm not pleased with Gibsons, I'll quit buying them. Actually, I probably own the only two Gibson's I'll ever own, but I can attest to the fact that the two I own don't suck.

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I don't like to bash, but I think that Gibson can do better. I've played a lot of them in music stores. They are great guitars. But most of them have flaws that should not be there. These are mostly cosmetic in nature, like a paint bleed, so it's not a big deal. But I feel that if you're going to pay over 2k for a guitar it should be flawless.


The other aspect is their customer service. I've spoken to many local repairmen who have horror stories about Gibson. This is not true for companies like PRS and Taylor. For example, a repairman once told me that an old Taylor was brought to him because the mic system has shot in it. This guitar was long past its warranty. So he ordered a whole new system from Taylor. When he got it there was no bill. He called Taylor and told them it was out of warranty. Taylor told him "don't worry about it." This type of thinking is the way to create good business. It worked on me! When I asked him "what acoustic guitar do you recommend?" he told me “get a Taylor." I never played one before, but when I did I was blown away.


I have never seen one PRS or Taylor that ever had a flaw. This is why I had no problems buying a PRS sight unseen, which I wouldn't do with a Gibson. I still love my Gibsons and their sound is second to none. But if PRS and Taylor can build flawless guitars and have great service then I think that Gibson can too.

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a repairman once told me that an old Taylor was brought to him because the mic system has shot in it.

This guitar was long past its warranty.

So he ordered a whole new system from Taylor.

When he got it there was no bill.

He called Taylor and told them it was out of warranty.

Taylor told him "don't worry about it."

This type of thinking is the way to create good business. It worked on me!

Same for a buddy of mine in Kansas.

Batteries were dead - okay, no problem.

Except that dead batteries can decide to leak overnight - which is what happened.

Went to the local Taylor repair guy, same story.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not expecting a freebie.

If I screwed it up, then I'll pay within reason to have it repaired.

Buddy of mine said he expected to pay at least something...


Nope. [thumbup]


What brand do you think his next guitar will be?

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This is the Gibson forum after all you kinda half to either be a big fan or have a axe to grind or else you wouldn't be here. Go to any other forum and you'll see the same rabid loyalty and the same few dissidents. Not every Gibson is perfect and sure I don't always agree with the new models or who get's a signature guitar but overall I still play Gibson's more than anything else, and I vote with my wallet which is why I don't get excited when they make a guitar I disagree with. I'm not one of their stocking dealers I don't have to buy anything I don't like.

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Buncha namby pamby whiners I tell ya !!msp_mad.gif


Love em or hate they are iconic and still can make quality instruments.


Now whether they are better or worse than they were in the 50s, 60s, 70s, or 80s is subjective as to the needs and preference of each individual player.

Do they screw things up occasionally? Yup and so does my company but since we love guitars we just notice it more.


Which leads me to this. Back in the good old days before this internet forum thingy became so popular we didn't know that the lemon we bought was a lemon a lot of people bought.

We now know when there are problems and issues with a certain product and we garner excellent info/ incite into whats been done about it.


Let the bashers bash. I'll read it, file it away and make my own decisions based on many member's advice and experience.


Especially my own.

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The big problem that has Gibson in a huge rut with most is the past releases that were more computer than guitar and they were released before the product was fully checked out. It started with the Robot first being hailed as the first self tuning guitar by the way it wasn't. Then either these were a huge quality control issue with Mfg, Parts and a large amount of customer issues either from not reading the book completely or maybe a poorly written manual. Or it could be a combination of the four in various degrees of each depending on the individual. I know Dave in Spain has never had a problem with his Robot but others did. Then the Dark Fire came out riding on the shirt tails of the Robot and more technical issues happened; so on and so forth with the Dusk. Finally with the new "X" it was marketed as a Revolution and there was no new ideas in this guitar; effects were done a long time ago and even the attached expression pedal was done before by Moog.


So maybe Gibson is a victim of its on History; maybe its a victim of too high of standards placed by its customers? There have been arguments here that when Les came out with the Log; many complained as much as we did with the "X". I don't know I wasn't even around then; although I do know at its current pace Gibson better be very careful with the "X" because it could be the final straw with allot of people. Yeah collectors will still continue purchasing the Gibson Brand; but the individuals who really purchase the guitars don't need a 3 or 4 thousand dollar guitar; we need a kick arz instrument at the 1.5k price tag. Thats what a normal gigging musician can consider spending. I honestly think that Gibson has forgotten about those guys in the trenches gigging every weekend to make a few bucks. Yeah its nice to have a 4k Custom but how many people would actually gig with one; not me. To damn expensive and I would not want to take a chance of it walking. Yeah it would hurt if my LP or SG would walk but allot easier to replace. Yes they are coming out with newer lines at that price level of 1 - 1.5k like that new Vampire Explorer but for every affordable guitar that actually usable they also produce loads of expensive guitars that IMO is not worth it as a gigging musician.


Just some thoughts...



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Buncha namby pamby whiners I tell ya !!msp_mad.gif


Love em or hate they are iconic and still can make quality instruments.



There ya go.


This has ALWAYS been the case.


Orville was pretty much insane.


The tradition lives on.

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Play what you can afford! HOPEFULLY, it's Good Stuff!


In my Pre-Navy days I owned a 1978 and a 1979 GIBSON Les Paul Custom, AND

a 1978 GIBSON "The Paul". When I joined, I had to SELL all my gear (including a

MUSICMAN 130HD Head and two 412 Cabs - [crying][crying][crying] ) as I had NO

"reliable" family member to keep my goodies for 6 years.


I STILL have ALL the original paperwork from the Gits, serial numbers, hang tags, etc.


When I became a "civilian" again, I found Gibsons to be a bit too $$$$$$ for my

immediate purchasing, so I did research and headed for EPIs. I HAVE upgraded my 2 LPs

to 498T/490R pups and Gibson Deluxe Tuners. ME HAPPY for now, but ALWAYS on the lookout

for a GIBBY.

Local Craigslist AD has fella selling a GIBBY Studio w/ HSC for $450, needs the cash for

HIS christmas expenses.

Between bills, Xmas, etc, I could NOT pull it off. Waaaaahhhhhhhhh! [crying]


Oh, well - the hunt continues.

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