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Hopefully it won't be snowed out. We've got about 8" of snow here and it's still snowing. Hoping the roads will be clear enough that we and the ticketed fans can get there.


The Gig is a Fubar, a bar in St. Louis that helps new acts by putting on shows where the bands' sell their own tickets and get a portion of the proceeds from their ticket sales.


We have sold 26 tickets and hope to be a big part of the audience, but the snow may put a damper on things.


They are so excited about this. Hope it all works out. [thumbup]

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Hopefully it won't be snowed out. We've got about 8" of snow here and it's still snowing. Hoping the roads will be clear enough that we and the ticketed fans can get there.


The Gig is a Fubar, a bar in St. Louis that helps new acts by putting on shows where the bands' sell their own tickets and get a portion of the proceeds from their ticket sales.


We have sold 26 tickets and hope to be a big part of the audience, but the snow may put a damper on things.


They are so excited about this. Hope it all works out. [thumbup]


Hope your son rocks the house! Have fun! [thumbup]

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Hey that's a great thing they got going on there at FUBAR (I used to know what FUBAR meant but it escapes me now).


Most places that do that sort of thing in these part give you an opening position based on how many tickets you sold, but the headliner and maybe the main opener are the only ones that see a part of the gate. I hope it catches on.


Great news, I hope your son knocks their socks off!!

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The most important rule is that no matter how many people turn up, (could even be 1 person) you play as best as you can because that person could be a label scout. Wish him gd luck from the guys on the gibson forum :)

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Hopefully it won't be snowed out. We've got about 8" of snow here and it's still snowing. Hoping the roads will be clear enough that we and the ticketed fans can get there.


The Gig is a Fubar, a bar in St. Louis that helps new acts by putting on shows where the bands' sell their own tickets and get a portion of the proceeds from their ticket sales.


We have sold 26 tickets and hope to be a big part of the audience, but the snow may put a damper on things.


They are so excited about this. Hope it all works out. [thumbup]


This is exciting and the ticket sales are a good start!! I hope it all goes well and look forward to hearing about it!






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Thanks for all the replies guys. They/we sold 27 tickets which was the most of all the 29 acts. So, they got first choice of when they performed. They chose 5th, which ended up being about an hour and a half into the show. Not a bad choice, wouldn't want to go first (hardly anyone in the audience), and wouldn't want to go last (after 29 acts, I bet people started getting tired). Streets weren't too bad by the evening, so that wasn't an issue. 14 of the 27 sold showed up. They will get a check from the promoter for a percentage of the 27 tickets sold.


They did three originals and two covers (Eruption/Van Halen) & (Alright Now/Free). Turned out pretty good for their first actual gig. I've got the whole thing on video. Only bad thing was, because of so many acts, they were rushed in their set-up and the drummer, who switched to guitar for the last song, didn't have time to prepare beforehand so they ended up with approximately 8 minutes of dead time on stage waiting for the drummer to switch to guitar which included tuning. Yes, he probably could have been a little better prepared for his guitar part, but he was concentrating on getting his drums set up. No drummer on the last song BTW, just two guitars and bass. Anyway, it went pretty well and they are looking forward to more live gigs in the future.

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It's actually two sons. One plays guitar, the other plays bass. Their jitters were gone before it began. They had too much on their mind trying to get set up in a rush.


I will try to post the video, but it is 30 minutes long, so there may be some issues. I have to download it from my camera first. Then I'm not quite sure how to post it here. Can I put it on YouTube then link to it here?

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It's actually two sons. One plays guitar, the other plays bass. Their jitters were gone before it began. They had too much on their mind trying to get set up in a rush.


I will try to post the video, but it is 30 minutes long, so there may be some issues. I have to download it from my camera first. Then I'm not quite sure how to post it here. Can I put it on YouTube then link to it here?


Take that video and cut it in half. Youtube videos can only be 15 minutes long. So you'll have to upload it in 2 parts.

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Yeah, I got a kick out of the name "Fubar."


The definitions already given are quite sufficient. <grin>


Glad the kids felt good about their appearance, anyway.


Also... <bigger grin> Up here we hardly consider 8" of snow a storm unless it comes in horizontally and makes 4-foot or higher drifts.


The first year I lived in Memphis, though, one morning I was laughing for an hour after hearing on tv that they canceled school - and you still could see the lines on the street and the surface of sidewalks under 10 or 15 flakes of snow.



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