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Music today: A rant


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I recall a few months back seeing a video, that featured interviews with several people in the music business, among them Frank Zappa. It really got me thinking, as one of them made the distinction between today and say, the 60s. As he put it, and I paraphrase, that back then experimentation was more encouraged, you could have a song, a style, a band, toss it/them out there and if it sold ten copies, that was that. Today though it seems that each star comes along, following stricter guidelines, a procrustean bed of sorts. It may just be me, but I agree that a large majority of (what is considered by today's "future" <cough> youth) to be popular , is a lot of the same thing. I may simply be so utterly disillusioned with the music that I automatically hate it, but I honestly give a lot of it a shot before so readily dismissing it (or I try to). A rapper, a pop "singer", a young kid with a voice that some may consider nice. I'm going to refrain from naming anyone in particular.


Looking at, say, my current obsession, Thelonious Monk. If you take a good listen to his piano work, you'll hear the odd, sometimes jagged, and blaring solos he incorporates. The style is so unique to him, having drawn so many influences from his childhood. He grew up in the San Juan Hill area of New York City, a predominantly black area. The musical styles of Duke Ellington, Chopin (he had a love for both Chopin and Rachmaninoff having grown up seeing orchestras perform their pieces) had at an early age began to mold who he became as a musician (though of course he never stopped changing). Its exactly this kind of experimentation that made his, and so many other revolutionaries' music so utterly fantastic. Look at anyone else who broadened the horizon's of their art, Hendrix, Schoenberg (and his experimentations with atonality), all of them expanded the horizons of their respective genre's. So what is so revolutionary about today's artists?


Is it just me who feels this way? If you feel like pointing me in a direction to some new artist who is being somewhat experimental, please do.


Opinions? Disagreements?

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Jack White.


Have you heard any of his current collaboration with Wanda Jackson, the rockabilly queen. Great stuff, the man is a creative genius.

There is stuff musically that is creative like the 60's, it's just that it is often drowned out by the commercial dreck. Of course there will probably never be anyone like Thelonious Monk, he was way beyond genius.

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Your 100% right in regards to Radio and CD sales. If you want real music again just get off the main highway that the industry and people like Simon have created. There's still great musicians playing new and exciting music you just can't fine them on a radio dial or MTV.


Start going to live venues that have different bands, visit art shows and street fairs look for small bars where the bands are advertised on homemade poster printed on a copy machine then you'll find what everyone thinks disappeared in the 60's it's not gone it's just hiding from the normal people.

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Your 100% right in regards to Radio and CD sales. If you want real music again just get off the main highway that the industry and people like Simon have created. There's still great musicians playing new and exciting music you just can't fine them on a radio dial or MTV.


Start going to live venues that have different bands, visit art shows and street fairs look for small bars where the bands are advertised on homemade poster printed on a copy machine then you'll find what everyone thinks disappeared in the 60's it's not gone it's just hiding from the normal people.

100% True, you hit it spot on.

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Start going to live venues that have different bands, visit art shows and street fairs look for small bars where the bands are advertised on homemade poster printed on a copy machine then you'll find what everyone thinks disappeared in the 60's it's not gone it's just hiding from the normal people.

There are several good live venues round here, and a weeks worth of free concerts in the summer (I always go!). I'll keep a sharper look out :)

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Thank you DAS44 for an interesting topic to discuss!!

My favourite all round era for music? To be honest my favourite era of music is actually now! That goes for all styles too msp_thumbup.gif Yes Simon Cowell and mainstream music manipulate the mainstream tv and radio; but we live in a golden age where so many people play instruments and have access to recording equipment, that two of my favourite guitarists are unknown guys that I know of thanks to youtube and myspace!


I love contemporary classical and jazz music and there is just too much good stuff going on in rock too!



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I go to random shows where I have never heard any of the bands before, it is cheap to get in and can be hit or miss but I have gotten my mind blown away more then a couple of times.


Mainstream? I do not know who will be the next enema. Like Rocky4 said, I also don't see what the next big movement is going to be...


To some people the music today is the best ever, I know guys that think Coldplay is the most fantastic band that ever existed....

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Sad but true SH, does anyone else seem to notice the overcompression on a lot of mainstream rock music coming out nowadays?


Yep, over-compressed, over-produced, over-hyped, under-talented (too often, IMHO)...

It's all about making as much money, with as little effort, as possible. Nothing new,

just more of it. And, it's not just the music business...look at Corporate America,

and especially the Movie industry! Talk about BAD! (OK...Mini-rant over, now.) ;>)


But, as has been mentioned...there ARE good films, good products, good music...you just

have to look harder, to find them. The only way to change things, is to stop buying the

crap! Especially at their over-inflated prices.




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... So what is so revolutionary about today's artists? ...


Revolutionary ?


The amount of sag and/or bare skin that can achieved without arrest.


Other than that, not much. Same instrumentation, same time sigs, same forms.


Live venues give you more of the same, but live.

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Jack White.



Have you heard any of his current collaboration with Wanda Jackson, the rockabilly queen. Great stuff, the man is a creative genius.

There is stuff musically that is creative like the 60's, it's just that it is often drowned out by the commercial dreck. Of course there will probably never be anyone like Thelonious Monk, he was way beyond genius.


I just posted the video, I won't repeat what I wrote there, but he's outstanding

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Thank you DAS44 for an interesting topic to discuss!!

My favourite all round era for music? To be honest my favourite era of music is actually now! That goes for all styles too msp_thumbup.gif Yes Simon Cowell and mainstream music manipulate the mainstream tv and radio; but we live in a golden age where so many people play instruments and have access to recording equipment, that two of my favourite guitarists are unknown guys that I know of thanks to youtube and myspace!


I love contemporary classical and jazz music and there is just too much good stuff going on in rock too!



I had hoped it would be interesting to some degree :)


Got any favorite modern artists you'd point me to? Any genre at all.


Yep, over-compressed, over-produced, over-hyped, under-talented (too often, IMHO)...

It's all about making as much money, with as little effort, as possible. Nothing new,

just more of it. And, it's not just the music business...look at Corporate America,

and especially the Movie industry! Talk about BAD! (OK...Mini-rant over, now.) ;>)


But, as has been mentioned...there ARE good films, good products, good music...you just

have to look harder, to find them. The only way to change things, is to stop buying the

crap! Especially at their over-inflated prices.




These new movies just don't capture me as much as the old ones they play on the MGM channel! I'm not exactly sure why, but hey its how I am.


The really good music tends to get lost in the mix of poppy tunes, but if the crap is popular people are still going to buy it eh? There are some diamonds in the mix, but they get overpowered by choreography sometimes, or it seems that way. Music seems to have become as much a dance show as music, and it detracts from the overall appeal of the music itself in my eyes. I don't care if you can breakdance, as long as you can make the music sound good! I go to a show for music, maybe a joke or two from the artist, or a simple hello, thanks for coming, not to watch them to tricks on the stage for three hours!

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you just have to look harder, to find them.



Hi Charlie


I may have the wrong end of the stick, quoting the above comment you made, but I don't think you have to look very hard for 'good music' anymore. There are so many artists, that even ten years ago, would be confined to the small area they live, but thanks to youtube, myspace etc - we can hear them in the comforts of our own homes! msp_thumbup.gif


Yes, I think pop music (and commercial films too), are more than ever more formulaic and money driven, but the option to 'opt out' and enjoy alternatives is the greatest it has ever been.



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I had hoped it would be interesting to some degree :)


Got any favorite modern artists you'd point me to? Any genre at all.



Oh God loads! These are just my favourites msp_thumbup.gif



American composer Lydia Ashdown




Scottish folk singer Pauline Alexander


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Hi Charlie


I may have the wrong end of the stick, quoting the above comment you made, but I don't think you have to look very hard for 'good music' anymore. There are so many artists, that even ten years ago, would be confined to the small area they live, but thanks to youtube, myspace etc - we can hear them in the comforts of our own homes! msp_thumbup.gif


Yes, I think pop music (and commercial films too), are more than ever more formulaic and money driven, but the option to 'opt out' and enjoy alternatives is the greatest it has ever been.





Well, I'd admit, some, maybe even a lot of it, is a matter of "taste," or a preferred style...even in the

"pop" stuff.


I'm always looking into "Independent" films, and music, even local "live" (music) offerings, for something

interesting. So, yeah...I already DO look outside the mainstream. Always have. And, in all fair-

ness, to that "mainstream"...just because something IS popular, doesn't make it crap. But, it doesn't

make it (automatically) good, either.


There's no doubt, that "Youtube," and Internet access, has given us a lot of choices...brought to the forefront,

some great stuff, as well as a lot of junk. However, I still prefer seeing "Live"acts, new or old. But..."Big Act"

concerts, are (too often) too expensive, anymore...at least for Me! (I am glad, that a lot of the big names, do put

out DVD's of those concerts, from time to time.)


And, again..IMHO, there's too much reliance, on "Glitz," or "Show," and not enough on the actual music,itself.

In the case of "Film," too much tech/special effects, not enough story, or character study. But, again...this

is just "My" opinion. No doubt, others will disagree. And, that's fine...



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..just because something IS popular, doesn't make it crap. But, it doesn't

make it (automatically) good, either.





we have a mate who is almost a snob in reverse, if you call it that! Unless a film is subtitled or the music is hard to find, he will not give it the time of day!!


Cheers and once again for a great discussion!!! By the way, the Mark Knopfler documentary Pippy mentioned was ace!!! Up the wooden stairs now to Bedforshire



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