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We must have angered the gods of winter or something...


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Hey everyone, how's it going?? Just wanted to say "hi" from IL!! I just got done shoveling the 2 feet of snow; was out there for almost 3 hours but luckily we're all safe, no damage to our property, and the TV and internet still works!! [thumbup] It's still not safe to really go out and drive anywhere (plus most places around us are closed anyway), so I'll most likely be here for most of the day [biggrin]


So... how's everyone doing??

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East Central Indiana isn't much better. Power went out last night about 11:00. I live in the country so when electric goes so does heat, water, lights and everything else we are accustomed to having.


Power came back to day just before noon. Only got down to fifty degrees in the house and I didn't have to haul water for the horses. My extra buckets I filled yesterday watered them this morning.


We have an inch or more of solid Ice covering the roads and now we will get a few inches of snow with wind gusts up to 40 mph to pile that three inches three feet high in places.


Great Winter Weather.

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Everything is frozen over here in North Texas. All the streets are iced over and school has been closed for 2 days now. We have a very light dusting of snow on the ground. Supposed to get more today. Temperature outside is 22 degrees F right now. Supposed to get down to 12 degrees again tonight.

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I dug out today in MI.


Foot and a half when I started and it was still snowing.


Hundreds of schools and businesses (including mine) were shut down today. Michigan State University shut down for the first time since 1994.


But other than that, no other problems.


Things won't be back to normal tomorrow and a lot of the schools have already called off classes for tomorrow.

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Warm and muggy all day. Way too warm for winter! I'm in shorts and a t-shirt and still sweating.


i'm jealous... boo california [thumbdn]


Hundreds of schools and businesses (including mine) were shut down today. Michigan State University shut down for the first time since 1994.


But other than that, no other problems.


Things won't be back to normal tomorrow and a lot of the schools have already called off classes for tomorrow.


same here... even starbucks was closed today so we couldn't get coffee after we shoveled [crying]


my school and most of my friends' schools have already closed tomorrow too... [thumbup]

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Got two and a half feet here in Kansas, 40 mph winds piled that stuff really high in some places. Made for some interesting patterns in my yard including a 4 foot "wave" of snow complete with a wave break on the crest. Wish I had a camera. Had to un-bury my work car from the front of the drive. Road plows pushed snow up all the way over the trunk of the car.

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It was 80F yesterday and will be mid 70s today (due to the cloud cover), and back to 80 tomorrow. And I'm loving it. To me perfect weather is between 75F and 85F with about 60 percent relative humidity.


When I first became aware of the "global warming" prediction, they said that the polar ice caps will start to melt, which will cause the ocean currents to move and the result would be higher temperatures in the polar regions and both hotter summers and colder winters in the temperate zones. Hmmmmmmm. Seems like they may have had a point.


Fortunately South Florida is being influenced by the tropic zone right now. It wasn't that way in December though. In all the years we have lived here, for the second year in a row we had frost damage on the tropical plants. I lost a coconut palm tree :( to it.


Of course that is trivial compared to the people who have been snowed in and lost power. I hope you all survive unscathed and get relief very soon.


Notes ♫

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Cold here in Atlanta..... but nothing to complain about. Airport was open when I flew in yesterday.... hopefully it'll be open when I fly out tomorrow.


I think if someone drops a snow cone here they close the airport!


Sunny and mild at home.

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man good luck digging out be safe everyone.


No snow in Arizona but it was down into the low twenties last night (nineteen was the low at my place). I have never figured it out but the nights like this in Arizona feel so much colder than similar temps in Chicago it must has something to do with no humidity or ???.

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Stay warm all. It looks like there could be some playing time after you lay down the snow shovel. What about a new song, The Snow Shovel Blues? I remember snow shovels in my youth and it's probably why my dad moved us to California.



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"We must have angered the gods of winter or something..."


No, just one is enough. [wink]


Lost internet Tuesday afternoon. Luckily we kept our power. The street lamp out front, though, kept going out. Lightninged like a son of a gun Tuesday night. It turned night into day. [blink]


Got the drive blown off Wednesday morning. Work was called off. The city had one rough lane plowed on most streets. A short reconnoiter of the area revealed the interstate was good, county roads, better, but state highways were barely passable. But, I went to work Thursday, because I could. Guess what? Work was closed! [angry] The emailed us all (remember I was without the i'net). #-o


Ah well, my wife had to work too, then went to Dr. appt. We capped of the day playing with two of our grand kids. [woot]

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