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Andy R

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I apologize for the long replies in some of the threads. I thought this was the Gibson forum not the Gibson twitter lounge.... Just thought people here would be interested in actual conversational thoughts, ideas and theories and maybe sharing some knowledge other than "I think you should get an SG or a Les Paul.... " [flapper] I will go back to my little hole at the top of the page now.... [crying]

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Bull Crap!

Your a valuable member of this forum Andy.

I enjoy your long posts. Sometimes I can post the long winded post too.

This is where we all chose to be. I don't know of anyone who doesn't enjoy reading your posts.

If we were closer (same state) I'd be seeking you out for your knowledge and of course you passion for guitars and music.

When it comes to posting the little Twitter blurbs, that's OK too.

I love a short, witty reply.

Hang in there. We're all here for a reason. You can post 'em as long or short as you want.

I'm glad I've got to read your posts and gotten to know you as a human being.

Thanks for sharing some of your world with us.

No apologies needed.

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Andy, I think of your posts as especially substantial. You have a lot of personal and professional experience with guitars and music, and your posts have been excellent since you got here, so when you post something I tend to read it and pay close attention.

Keep doing what you're doing, man--unless you decide you want to do something else, which is OK too. :)


Personally, I feel honored when someone writes a long post on a thread of mine, because it says to me that they care enough about the topic at hand to write a lengthy response. That's not to say that a short post isn't as valid--I'm not talking about length for length's sake, here--but usually, when it's a long post, the words are there for good reason.

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Andy pleeeez....



I love your posts. Like it's been said, they are substantial and I'm grateful for expert information. I mean, you know your stuff and we are fortunate that you choose to hang out here. Like I said before, Andy pleeeeeeez... [flapper]

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Andy, what prompted you to write this one? I like reading your posts, short or long. You have a ton of knowledge that is really helpful and insightful and there's no need to stop doing what you're doing.


If people don't wanna read the long posts, they can skip past or simply choose a different thread to read right? T'would be a shame to lose your educational posts cuz a few people don't like em...

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You're kidding right? I've been on this forum for a few years. The best part for me is learning new things. I think if you possess vast knowledge then you should spread it. Keep posting and make them as long as you want. I'll be here learning...

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Thanks guys! I was just screwing with a couple people that were giving me a hard time ( I'm pretty sure they were kidding).[flapper] I'm thick skinned and can blow some crap back. I appreciate the feedback from you guys but I'm not really upset. I figure people have a scroll function if they don't want to read my ramblings.... For those of you that do I would love to hear good point but maybe it is this way or I think you're wrong or You're talkin' out your arse occasionally. I have a lot of theories but that's all they are for the most part...[biggrin]

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Thanks guys! I was just screwing with a couple people that were giving me a hard time ( I'm pretty sure they were kidding).[flapper] I'm thick skinned and can blow some crap back. I appreciate the feedback from you guys but I'm not really upset. I figure people have a scroll function if they don't want to read my ramblings.... For those of you that do I would love to hear good point but maybe it is this way or I think you're wrong or You're talkin' out your arse occasionally. I have a lot of theories but that's all they are for the most part...[biggrin]

you know, you don't always have to act so think skinned, you can share your feelings. if it ends up that this site becomes more of a therapy site then that would work because i think we all need therapy here. for those that don't think that is true, just go count how many guitars you have.

i also share everyones unanimous feelings that we love your writings here, and i want to support what you and others have said that just because it is there, it does not mean you have to read it. this is not a homework site, it isn't work. it is a lounge. but most or all realize that it does take work to write as you do, and we are the recipients of your work. and lets be honest, we are mostly here for the interaction. for those lucky enough to have freinds, it is not like you can find someone who cares about such things as the intricacies of tone and music and guitars that we find here, let alone poeple who want to interact with poeple who need threapy.

and not only is it true that not everyone agrees, but there is differences in what poeple care about and how much they want to know or get into it. and the goal is not to agree, but to learn and share. interaction is far better than just reading because a book can't answer questions.

you know we all value your time here, and we are lucky to have you. there will come times when you are not able to contribute as much because life may get in the way, so it is not fair to expect you will always be here, but while you are we want all we can get. you make this a better place, and i hope that where ever you are and go you nake that a better place. i have a feeling you do.

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if it ends up that this site becomes more of a therapy site then that would work because i think we all need therapy here. for those that don't think that is true, just go count how many guitars you have.



Andy's quotes are fine but the above quote is completely wrong I don't need therapy I need more storage space. The physical limitation is the issue not the ridikules (sp intentional) number of guitars I might own.

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I apologize for the long replies in some of the threads. I thought this was the Gibson forum not the Gibson twitter lounge.... Just thought people here would be interested in actual conversational thoughts, ideas and theories and maybe sharing some knowledge other than "I think you should get an SG or a Les Paul.... " [flapper] I will go back to my little hole at the top of the page now.... [crying]


I love well thought out posts, no matter how long.


Who's the nincom-twit that has been complaining? :angry: LEt's go out in the parking lot and rough him up. [cursing]

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you know, you don't always have to act so think skinned, you can share your feelings. if it ends up that this site becomes more of a therapy site then that would work because i think we all need therapy here. for those that don't think that is true, just go count how many guitars you have.

i also share everyones unanimous feelings that we love your writings here, and i want to support what you and others have said that just because it is there, it does not mean you have to read it. this is not a homework site, it isn't work. it is a lounge. but most or all realize that it does take work to write as you do, and we are the recipients of your work. and lets be honest, we are mostly here for the interaction. for those lucky enough to have freinds, it is not like you can find someone who cares about such things as the intricacies of tone and music and guitars that we find here, let alone poeple who want to interact with poeple who need threapy.

and not only is it true that not everyone agrees, but there is differences in what poeple care about and how much they want to know or get into it. and the goal is not to agree, but to learn and share. interaction is far better than just reading because a book can't answer questions.

you know we all value your time here, and we are lucky to have you. there will come times when you are not able to contribute as much because life may get in the way, so it is not fair to expect you will always be here, but while you are we want all we can get. you make this a better place, and i hope that where ever you are and go you nake that a better place. i have a feeling you do.



Thanks for the message. Now I feel bad because it appears I was looking for a pity party. I thought the emoticons would convey my intention a bit more but apparently not. As I said before in Fred's" do you like me thread" it is difficult to convey emotion and intent with just written word. Of course in every joke there is a bit of truth and it does bum me out a little when I take the time to write something that I hope will get people interacting on a deeper level of a subject but at the same time I can't expect it. I have been treated extremely well and graciously by everyone on the forum and I'm sure the couple of comments about my replies or posts being to long were just meant as a friendly ribbing.


I have been a "Jack of all trades but master of none" all of my life so I know a little bit about a lot of subjects ( some more than others ) so I enjoy contributing where I can but also hope to maybe learn more about something I might not know as much about or be corrected if my theory is wrong or at least get me thinking in a different way. I'm afraid it might sometimes come off as me trying to be a "Know it all" which no one likes.


You and I seem to be more of the type that try to understand something in more intricate detail than some of the others on here but that is "our" thing and maybe not theirs. I'm cool with that. I enjoyed our tube discussion as tube amplification fascinates me and I have learned a lot about it over the last couple of years by modding and repairing my Marshall's and building the MetroAmp JTM45 kit. Doesn't mean I think I know everything as there is so much theory involved that it helps to get other peoples perspective to ensure my understanding of that theory is correct or maybe I was missing something.


So everyone here knows... I basically only made it to through the 9th grade in High School and as far as grades were concerned I barely made it by each year to get though that point. I did get my GED when I was 18 and took some basic college classes for a year or so. Despite of this I have managed to become fairly successful in my life and career. I owe pretty much all of where I am today from taking an interest in learning guitar. Through the pursuit of learning, playing and trying to make a career out of being a guitar player or staying as close as I could to the music industry I have met a lot of knowledgeable people and learned a great deal about life, and multiple other subjects in that pursuit. I have also always had a fascination with how and why things work as well. So as I said in another Post " I learn by doing ( and from others), I learn more from mistakes or when something doesn't work, and I learn the most by teaching others")


With that I will taper this off here. Thanks for your support Stein and I can tell you are already making a positive impact here. Thanks to the rest of you guys for the encouraging words I appreciate it.





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