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Do you remeber the first time you got drunk?


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So in reading about Stevie's unfortunate mishap with getting drunk and missing the concert he was looking forward to, it made me think of the first time I got drunk;


I was about 14 or 15 years old and it was New Years eve... My parents went away for a New Years celebration and left me, and the house, in the hands of my big brother Steve... :blink: Everything was cool and then Steve's friends started arriving. I don't remember how many came that night but it was a good gathering. Then someone was going to make a booze run and I ordered a 1/2 pint of Seagram's 7 V.O. [scared] I still remember the taste, god awful!! Man it was really horrible but I drank the whole bottle in just a few guzzles and got wasted... ](*,) I don't remember anything else except for waking up in my bed in a pool of vomit and a path of other body fluids leading from my bedroom to the bathroom. I can also remember hearing my dad's voice saying what the hell happened here last night...


That may have been the last time I ever got drunk... To this day I can't stand the taste of whisky... :-&

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When I was just a litle guy my folks had some friends that were Jamaican. They would have big parties and serve rum punch. I got smashed before anyone noticed I was drinking it... I couldn't have been more then 9 or 10. All the adults thought it was way funny.


Ahhhh... the 70's



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Oh i remember it...and remember what was told to me about my behaviour. I was 17 (i was a late bloomer)


I drank a bottle of Bajan rum and then proceeded to make out with a friend of mine (GIRL!) all night....people were trying to stop us cuz they knew we were just wasted and i was like "no...I love her!" lol!


Had a HORRIBLE hangover the next day...said the whole "i'm never drinking again" and it was really awkward between me and Kelly lol!

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I had one sip of beer when I was 11, promptly expelled the contents of my stomach. That, and some personal reasons (fear of intoxication and some other stuff), kept me away from alcohol for good. In the future I may indulge in a glass of wine or so, but never much more considering the history of alcoholism in my family.


I've always been baffled when I consider that some people get hammered so they can have fun. I'm not here to argue the pros and cons of drinking, I am always funner when I'm sober and alert.

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In addition to being too young to drink (and, honestly, very few people I know who are my age care about the law--just about everyone I know drinks,) alcohol is a depressant, and I'm hesitant about taking depressants in general. Knowing myself, alcohol would probably be a bad idea in my case.


Then there are those who think that alcohol is a good cure for depression symptoms (and I understand that a lot of it is both less conscious and more complex than that.) "Hey, let's treat depression with depressants!" I call it "reverse psychiatry." [lol]



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In addition to being too young to drink (and, honestly, very few people I know who are my age care about the law--just about everyone I know drinks,) alcohol is a depressant, and I'm hesitant about taking depressants in general. Knowing myself, alcohol would probably be a bad idea in my case.


Then there are those who think that alcohol is a good cure for depression symptoms (and I understand that a lot of it is both less conscious and more complex than that.) "Hey, let's treat depression with depressants!" I call it "reverse psychiatry." [lol]





This could get complicated... Lets try and keep it lite...

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Then there are those who think that alcohol is a good cure for depression symptoms (and I understand that a lot of it is both less conscious and more complex than that.) "Hey, let's treat depression with depressants!" I call it "reverse psychiatry." [lol]




i feel depressed [crying]

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I was 12 and my buddy and I were camping out in my back yard. We borrowed a bottle of vodka from my step fathers cabinet but didn't have proper mix. We decided to use root beer. We drank a few then took a dozen eggs and went behind some bushes. Egged cars as they drove past until the police showed up. Ran to the near by school and hid for a while. We then decided to go back home. We cut through a neighborers backyard and proceeded to jump the fence. I got caught my the crotch of my pants, on the fence and hung upside down. I yelled to my buddy to help me but we were to drunk so I told him to put a straw in my drink and give it here. I slept that way for the night lmao......moral of the story...it's always fun and games until life has you by the crotch ..When I woke up, I just un did my pants and slipped right out...haha too drunk to think of that the night before lmao.

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Here in Newfoundland "Pissed" means drunk,to denote mad it's followed by "off".To be extremely drunk is to be "Pissed to the gills" or"to the eyeballs".


In the states pissed means angry... i.e. That guy really pissed me off! = That guy made me so mad!

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A party at a friends house when I was in jr high. I lost my glasses there and my dad had to take me back the next day to look for them. I remember the look on his face when he saw the yard littered with beer cans.

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I can't even remember what I had for diner last night! And no I wasn't drinking...


I don't remember what I had for dinner last night either, and no, I wasn't drinking either. But I do remember the first time I got drunk some 40+ years ago....

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Guest FarnsBarns

I can think of 2 occasions, don't know which was first. Not that exciting. Once.l when I drank some vodka, Couldn't open the door when I got home so I rang the bell. My father opened the door and I fell into the house and said, "sorry I rang the bell but I live here". He was livid and rang my mother who's response was that I was 17 and he should be thankful it hadn't happened before (18 being legal drinking age), I didn't know about her response until quite recently.


Another time I remember drinking with some friends in one of the guys barn. I was drunk but felt ok when the the floor shot round through 90 degrees and smacked me in the side of the head. I stayed there for a moment actually expecting the floor to move back where it should have been before I realised I had fallen over.

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