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Do you remeber the first time you got drunk?


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I don't care for alcohol. Just as Billy Gibbons says 'bout money " its the root of evil and you know the rest ". Tasted some Miller Lite on accident when I was 5 ( my Pepsi was sitting right next to it ) and spit it all over the table. I se e people at my shows all hammered and stuff, kinda freaks me out. Especially when I played for a Halloween gig last October ( on the 30th as Halloween was on a Sunday ) at a local bar and some drunk guy keeps coming up to me after our set and keeps asking, " Hey man. Go play some f----n AC/DC." I say, " Sorry but we are done and we have to let the other band play. " AW c'mon man". You get what I am saying. And you get those guys who are like " Come to my house and jam i live over there". Plus, alot of bars in my town ( Butte, MT ) do not have a stage, so my band ( Friends of the Family ) has to play on the floor. That gives an opportunity for drunk " groupies " to come up and " sing " and hog your mic.


So I ve never been drunk. But after my last gig I played, I was so tired the next day that I was hungover---FROM ROCKIN' !!!!!

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I had tasted wine, beer or whiskey a few times. But the first time I actually got drunk was on 4th of July between 8th and 9th grade. My buddy and I both had a bottle of Boonesfarm Tickled Pink and walked up to the local park to watch the fireworks. His sister had to smack me in the face repeatedly to try and sober me up enough to call my mom and say I was spending the night at his house that night.

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I remember taking a cross-country road trip with a great friend after graduating high school and we were in Louisiana and setup in this campsite after driving from El Paso that morning. I remember we had went into a corner store and I just happen to look older than I really was and thought we could try and buy some beers. I think we ended up buying a couple 40's. We got back to the campsite and got pretty drunk off a 40 each, I think it was steel reserve thats why. We ended up chasing lighting bugs/fireflies in this open meadow and jamming on a few acoustics. I will always remember that trip because a few years after that he passed away before his time. I have so many stories from that trip that would really make for a good read sometime. Lots o' drunk adventures on that road trip. But Louisiana was the first time I really got drunk.


Another highlight from that trip would be when we were staying at a KOA and got in late and no one was there for us to pay for our campsite. They happen to have a watermelon patch in front of their office and I think we took a few melons and left an envelope with a little extra cash for the melons and our site. We munched on those with a case of Budweiser. Weird combo.

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I remember the drunkest I ever got...my 21st birthday 1971....drinking boiler makers made with Black Velvet...I was so drunk I remember putting my hand over one eye and seeing four of everything.....I was sick for a week....bad mojo....never drank like that again..

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I was almost 12, my best friend almost 13.......he was 364 days older than me.

we were riding the horses around his neighborhood, showing off before hitting the hills for a days ride during which we'd burn the oz of weed I had in my jacket pocket.

he says, "lets stop by the bootlegger and get some beer too, i'll buy", so we each filled one of our saddlebags with ice & a 6-pack of beer and off we rode......

we rode, and drank, and toked, and smoked, and chewed tobacco.....and got back to his Moms house totally polluted !

instead of sending me home wasted his mom called my folks and asked if I could stay the night, and put us to sleeping in the livingroom floor of her rental house across the street as punishment, completely clueless that I still had 1/2 oz in that same jacket pocket [biggrin] and an 8-track tape player & plenty of tapes my friend had smuggled from his bedroom as soon as his Mom went to sleep....we quickly got bored with the tapes and ended up wandering the town on foot until daylight.


Life was so much simpler back then.......we had fun, hurt nobody, and repeated almost the same scenario nearly every weekend until we both discovered girls....which was the following year.


Edit: i'm sure I had been drunk before that but have no memory of it.......my Dad used to tell stories about how his Brother(My Uncle Tommy R.I.P.) used to give me beer and cigarettes to toddle around with when I was .....a toddler, and how "cute" it was.

Wonder why i've spent my life battling substance abuse issues........ [unsure]

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It was in New Orleans, during Headbangers Ball (when they actually played Exodus, Anthrax, etc - as opposed to the later hair ballads garbage). My friend's mom always made us go to Mass the next morning. Matter of fact she burned all his tapes whenever she found them. We just did shots of straight liquor: bourbon and gin were what his dad mainly drank. To this day I will swear on my mother's grave I could drink more in 7th grade than I can now-- my record was 17 shots of gin lined up on the bar in shot glasses, with no chasers puking or passing out etc. His old man was old school too, he had pickled quail eggs which were awesome... and now that he's dead I can say that he had a more amazing gun collection than I they had at the FBI gun museum... regarding 9mm semiautomatic handguns alone, he had over 1,000 easy. And that was only one facet of his collection, he had cartridge-firing weapons from every armed conflict in history. And one hell of a bar!

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I'd just turned 18 and was at college; dorm rooms were closet-sized in a dorm built after WWII for servicemen who were tired of sharing space with a platoon in barracks.


I'd had liquor before but always was cautious to have just one, and I determined it was time to see the parameters of my intake capability.


So... About 2 hours, most of a bottle of Hiram Walker Imperial and a six pack of Pabst Blue Ribbon, the guys downstairs thought it was raining outside.


Since then I overdid it a few times. Once in Korea the soju got a bit much and getting up the next morning was not fun - and I was over 40 at the time.


Lately... Just no real inclination and with my work schedule regardless, it doesn't make sense to drop a batch of cash. So, just an occasional shot of Scotch before beddie.


In my teens, btw, there were a few occasions where I made cigarette money by not drinking while others did and we were playing poker. One need not cheat to win in that situation - which perhaps is one reason casinos give out free booze.



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I remember the drunkest I ever got...my 21st birthday 1971....drinking boiler makers made with Black Velvet...I was so drunk I remember putting my hand over one eye and seeing four of everything.....I was sick for a week....bad mojo....never drank like that again..


I too, remember my 21st birthday..... was in 'Nam. Meant I could buy "hard booze", not just beer. As I recall, I ordered a pizza, (Papa-San sold them out of a wagon on base.... wagon said "Nguyen Van Luccesi's Pizza"), for $2, and had a beer or two.


FIrst time drink was my Sophmore year in high school.... a guy would steal booze from a liquor store and sell it to us for whatever the price was on the bottle. Vodka.... me and a friend drank the whole bottle. We were both 15, but he drove me home. Waited on the

street in his mom's car 'til I got in the house...... was nervous 'cause the lights were on in the living room....figured my folks were still up.


Opened the front door, only my sister was up....went to wave him off that my parents weren't up, and fell off the porch....

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I was about 18 or 19 and was at a party were there was a lot of booze. I drank a lot of vodka and 7-Up and white wine, not mixed together but as chasers. I got a ride home and while sitting in the front seat I experienced a revelation that has served me well. I could "see" why it isn't good to drink and drive, mostly because I really couldn't see, at least not well enough to even think about driving. I have never driven while drunk because of that.

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Yeah, it was actually a blessing in disguise.


I don't share this story with anyone other than my close friends, but since I'm unlikely to meet anyone on here, here goes.


I was about 19 or 20 years old, I've had alcohol before but I never drank to get drunk, more of a one or two beer social drinker.


Anyway, my then girlfriend invited me to her school's brewery tour of a local brewery, we were to have two hours of all the beer you could sample. I was excited but I didn't eat much (though I knew I was supposed to)


So, we get there and it turns out by the time they're done their set up and promotion there's actually only about 45 minutes to "sample". So I sampled away! Very Quickly. Well, I ended up consuming quite a few "samples" and didn't realize the trouble I was really in.


We were downtown, the group left the brewery to go to someone's apartment. Don't remember, other than being semi conscious and people asking "is he alright?"


By the time we left I was only able to walk, or talk, not both, so my girlfriend pushed me in the direction of the bus stop and I'd just make turns at the proper spots (apparently my sense of direction was pretty good)


We got on the bus, and about half way through the ride, I woke up, and hurled. She had a bag just in case and tried to shield the poor bugger infront of me, to little effect. She was so embarrassed she rang the bell and we got off no where near our stop.


Anyway sadly my mom had to bail us out while my poor girlfriend stood there holding the bag. However that night I learned how much she truly cared for me in sticking by me no matter what and that was one of the major realizations that I was going to marry this woman. [thumbup]



Also, since then? I've never drank to get drunk. I was so damn hungover once was enough.

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Probably around the time of my 1st cigarette, so 5! Hey I was young and stupid and my dad would leave both laying around and what kid is not curious, plus my older sister would always egg me on "come on, try this"!-)

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first time i ever got drunk i ended up on the evening news :blink:


We want Steve'e story!!

We want Steve'e story!!

We want Steve'e story!!

We want Steve'e story!!

We want Steve'e story!!

We want Steve'e story!!

We want Steve'e story!!

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ok heres what happened...


i was about 17, arsenal (football club) were playing in a euro cup semi-final against psv eindhoven, me and my cousin went down to the pub outside the staduim and got very drunk indeed! we jumped up and down on the seats and they collapsed underneath us drinks and other stuff went all over the place!...we lost the game, on the way home a news team were outside the stadium getting peoples views on it all...i stood there and slurred my frustration at losing the game then went home a crashed out and forgot all about it.


next morning my workmate came running into the factory..."STEVE! STEVE! i just seen you on the f**king telly!, couldn't understand a word you said but you were on there mate!"


so shred was sort of right [laugh]

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ok heres what happened...


i was about 17, arsenal (football club) were playing in a euro cup semi-final against psv eindhoven, me and my cousin went down to the pub outside the staduim and got very drunk indeed! we jumped up and down on the seats and they collapsed underneath us drinks and other stuff went all over the place!...we lost the game, on the way home a news team were outside the stadium getting peoples views on it all...i stood there and slurred my frustration at losing the game then went home a crashed out and forgot all about it.


next morning my workmate came running into the factory..."STEVE! STEVE! i just seen you on the f**king telly!, couldn't understand a word you said but you were on there mate!"


so shred was sort of right [laugh]


HEY! A celebrity in our mist!!



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