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Dang. I just cut a chunk off my thumb


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I'm very handy with a knife but had a brain fart and paid less attention than required.

Result: A good cut that seems to want to keep on pumping. I had to wake up my wife to give me a hand.

Seems to be under control now.

I'll try a barre cord or two tomorrow, see how that goes.

Just whining a little.

Thanks for indulging me.



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I'll bet it hurts..

Stitches? Steri-Strip?

Or not that deep?


I slit across my fretting middle and ring finger, on top of the finger on the 2nd and nail section of my fingers with a hobby knife...needed some SteriStrips


Hurt like hell....also the part of my finger between the cut and nail is numb...


I played guitar about two days after, just to stretch it a little after giving it some time to heal...I can play as usual now.

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I nipped the tip o the thumb once with a table saw.


Band rehearsal was fine that week with bandaged thumb.

Hope yours will heal just as easily!




They have blades that sense when you're fingers are too close now.

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I'm in the building trade. I cut myself almost every day. Minor stuff like splinters etc. I sliced my left thumb as well last week. Keep it clean and when suits, air it. I find that keeping it wrapped up extends the healing.

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I'm in the building trade. I cut myself almost every day. Minor stuff like splinters etc. I sliced my left thumb as well last week. Keep it clean and when suits, air it. I find that keeping it wrapped up extends the healing.


Definitely....bandages will keep it damp and promote bacterial growth as well..........smell a wound after unwrapping it after two days, it will smell horrible....


Once its sealed, then open air is the best thing to heal it.

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No stitches I think. Not a slice. Took a piece off the end. I'm sure it will be all right> I'll have a better idea in the morning when I look at it again.


Ouch! #-o Sounds like you just have to wait for new skin to grow back.


I work in a machine shop, using lathes, milling machines, drills etc. Between the hot, sharp chips, the razor-like strings and all the burs left on the parts I make, there's almost always some kind of cut on at least one hand. Mostly they're minor, but occasionally I'll slice it open real good. That's usually right before a gig. [cursing]

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I cut myself quite often as well. I have discovered that Neosporen is magic. What it does is negate the effects of not getting air to it. So, in other words, like was stated above, when you keep a wound covered and don't air it it get funky and also your skin gets that shrivel thing happening, almost like when you soak in the tub. Neosporen actually seems to work as well as having air to it, if not better.


Also, the other thing is while dirt and such is not really a big deal, it does matter. the cleaner it is, the better it heals. Even if it is not to a level of having an infection, there is some level of infection that happens when it gets dirty even a little and that is actually one of the things that triggers that "pain" you brian tells you to feel.


So, for me, I clean it (which I may have to sack up for if I got dirt in it), squirt Neosporen and cover it with a napkin and tape, and back to work.


Hope this might help.

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I always use the utmost of care whenever using anything sharp and usually wear a chainmail filleting glove whenever doing any large amount of cutting such as when cutting vegs for a big pot of soup.

Once while drying my sharpest chef's knife I was talking to someone and consequently sliced the index finger of my left hand.Bandage wouldn't keep it closed and I was too squeamish to get sutures so I held the skin together as best I could and brushed on crazy glue-it healed in no time.

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About a year ago before I lost my Benchmade Balisong...I was very good with a butterfly knife...I was downstairs messing around doing some flicks and tricks..wasnt watching and cut about a 1/2 inch of my index finder off...nail and all..I had to literally pick my finger off the floor, while my finder was shooting a laser beam of blood everywhere...Did'nt hurt when it happened but the next week or two afterwards killed...

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I'm very handy with a knife but had a brain fart and paid less attention than required.

Result: A good cut that seems to want to keep on pumping. I had to wake up my wife to give me a hand.

Seems to be under control now.

I'll try a barre cord or two tomorrow, see how that goes.

Just whining a little.

Thanks for indulging me.




Same thing happened to me a while back,


it took a month to heal completely, in the meantime I got better at slide,


it takes a lot of less pressure on your thumb to play slide,


good luck.

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Really could have been much worse. Could have been on the fingers. I can't hold a guitar right now. Any pressure is too much pressure for now.

Maybe I'll give the slide a try. Bought one recently but haven't really given it a run.

I'm still not quite sure how I did it. I'm quite skilled with a knife and can't figure out how my thumb got in the way.

Beer, Tequila and stuff doesn't mix well with knives I guess.

Was in a bit of a party mode enjoying our first real nice day outside.

Lesson learned.

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I'm very handy with a knife but had a brain fart and paid less attention than required.

Result: A good cut that seems to want to keep on pumping. I had to wake up my wife to give me a hand.

Seems to be under control now.

I'll try a barre cord or two tomorrow, see how that goes.

Just whining a little.

Thanks for indulging me.




tony iommi lost the tips of his fingers, i'm sure you will be fine... [biggrin]

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Sorry to hear that sharp knife cuts don't hurt at first but they make up for if later. Injury is never fun as a artist that makes jewelry and sculpture I'm always handling a blade or hot metal that was just turned or milled so small cut's and even worse burns are pretty normal unfortunately.


Cut's Ive gotten pretty good at avoiding unless Im carving linoleum as a printing block or engraving steel with a graver, but burns are another story you get rocking and rolling on something or even worse anneal something and lose track of your order of work or time reach down to pick up something and you burn a finger sometimes pretty bad. The bad thing is they don't usually bleed but blisters take a long time to heal. Sorry no great advice other than superglue and a slide this week but as a warning don't play anything with a maple neck with a damaged hand the blood really shows and freaks out the audience. [crying]


In a related way I guess I just got back from getting six stiches in a toe the one next to the little toe that I broke last week (Thursday) when my wife opened a door without knowing i was painting trim on the other side of the door. [crying]


Never would have thought it needed stitches but I've had butterfly bandages on it since last Thursday and I am still filling shoes with blood. The doctor just looked at it said it looks clean but you definitely need stitches. Oh well at least I don't need to fret with my toes.

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