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It's Good To Have Cyber Company

Buc McMaster

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As I was working on a new tune last night I could hardly contain my joy at being able to pick up my guitar and play. I suppose the feeling is the same for most of you as well: what a physical, mental and emotional high it is to knock out a song, original or otherwise. What is it about music that stirs the human soul? What is music reaching in us in a way that the spoken word does not? I cannot explain the joy it gives me to sing and play, all by myself in the dim light of an evening for no one but me. While the great personal satisfaction of playing and singing is more than enough, being able to share thoughts, musings, ideas, observations and creations with other like-minded folks is part of who I am.


True confession: I am not a people person. I generally don't mix well socially and much prefer to keep my circle very, very small. This was in part the reason I quit playing out - I just don't like crowds, drunks and rowdy people. When between-set breaks came around I would wander off to the parking lot or find a place in the back of the joint to try to be by myself.....I just wanted to be left alone. Let me play and sing with the band, you folks dance and holler and chatter and have a good time, but when I come off the stage just let me be. But no.....some slobbering drunk wants to get in my face, shake my arm off and tell me how good the band is. Well, thanks. Now go away....please. I recognize that I am, in fact, quite anti-social, and I am okay with that.......I'm very comfortable in my own skin. I find this quite ironic, that I am the way I am, yet at the same like to be appreciated for what it is that I do. What a conundrum.


And then there's the Forum. Here I find others like myself that play, sing, write and appreciate what it is to be a player. Sure we have differences of opinion, differences in our approach to our common interest and different goals and ambitions, but we are all share the joy of being able to pick a guitar and play. For me part of the charm of this place is the remoteness of it all: we are here in mind but not in body. I can be my anti-social self yet share my joy with others. Perfect.


So a big Hurrah! for the Gibson Acoustic Guitar Forum and all those that come here to share a common love: playing and singing! A big thanks to all of you for being here! [thumbup]=D>


(Too much information? 8-[ )

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As I was working on a new tune last night I could hardly contain my joy at being able to pick up my guitar and play.


So a big Hurrah! for the Gibson Acoustic Guitar Forum and all those that come here to share a common love: playing and singing! A big thanks to all of you for being here! [thumbup]=D>


(Too much information? 8-[ )



Hmmm, Buc... "Pick up my guitar and play"????? "Just like yesterday", perhaps?


I can feel a song comin' on.......


We won't get fooled on this one...


Buc, everything you say is spot-on, and we love you for it.

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I can certainly relate to everything that you're saying Buc. In my youth I thought that playing out was THE dream. As I matured I found myself moving further from the crowds and rarely interacting with anyone other than a small circle of friends who share the same interests and ideals. I really enjoy the camaraderie and knowledge found here and consider myself very lucky to have made real friends here, not just cyber friends. The only thing that keeps me from becoming a complete hermit is my yearly gathering of musically inclined friends and their families to celebrate the joy and love of music that we share.

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"drunks and rowdy people"????? You just described half the people on this forum!!!...lol. I hear you Buc, and understand what you say....I, for one, and grateful for your posts and songs, opinions and experience. I wouldn't mind jamming with you, as I would a lot of guys on this forum. It seems like we share a big cyber living room, but we are a far flung group. Cheers to the forum and to the new year of playing!

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"drunks and rowdy people"????? You just described half the people on this forum!!!...lol. I hear you Buc, and understand what you say....I, for one, and grateful for your posts and songs, opinions and experience. I wouldn't mind jamming with you, as I would a lot of guys on this forum. It seems like we share a big cyber living room, but we are a far flung group. Cheers to the forum and to the new year of playing!



I'll drink to that!

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Buc, your ability as a singer/songwriter/player is a pleasure to experience. Even though the medium is over the internet and at the mercy of bandwidth, I can only imagine how much fun it would be to see you play out in a honky tonk. There are quite a few you guys/gals .. ie Anne, BluesKing, Mr. Gibs, EA..etc. that set the bar pretty high around here. I'm in awe of how much passion players such as yourself have for the love of playing a Gibson and singing your heart out.

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As I was working on a new tune last night I could hardly contain my joy at being able to pick up my guitar and play. I suppose the feeling is the same for most of you as well: what a physical, mental and emotional high it is to knock out a song, original or otherwise. What is it about music that stirs the human soul? What is music reaching in us in a way that the spoken word does not? I cannot explain the joy it gives me to sing and play, all by myself in the dim light of an evening for no one but me. While the great personal satisfaction of playing and singing is more than enough, being able to share thoughts, musings, ideas, observations and creations with other like-minded folks is part of who I am.



So a big Hurrah! for the Gibson Acoustic Guitar Forum and all those that come here to share a common love: playing and singing! A big thanks to all of you for being here! [thumbup]eusa_clap.gif


(Too much information? 8-[ )


Thanks, Buc, for so eloquently sharing. Not tmi one whit!!


"...all by myself in the dim light of an evening for no one but me" is where it all starts and ends for me, too. That's the creamy nougat center, indeed.


Music is hard-wired in all humans, I believe, but those of us with this need to hold a guitar snug up against our hearts and to access and vibrate with that music--well, I think we are fabulously blessed.


I always enjoy your music, your observations, and your wisdom. Unless there's something Dexter-ish you're not sharing ([scared] ), I wouldn't have chosen "anti-social" as a descriptor for you, given its connotations, but I do believe I understand what you are saying.


Again--thanks for sharing, and I whole-heartedly join in your enthusiatic Hurrah and thanks for this place--those who host it for us and especially those who make it what it is.




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Well said, Buc, Anne et al...Buc, I understand your 'big crowd' feelings. I am much the same way. I feel that I am far from anti-social though, as I can and WILL talk to anybody....especially in one-on-one situations. In a crowd, I tend to lay back and be the observor.

I play music more comfortably by myself or in a group with no or few spectators. However, I at times will get enthused and feed off of a small, appreciating audience.

Drunk and Rowdy...? That is a given..... [thumbup]

I really like the interaction of the Forum. Really good stuff.....and better than watching television. My wife is the TV Freak....but watches all the "dumb ****".....Nuff said.. [laugh]


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Yes, very well said everyone.



I am not antisocial - I just don't like anybody touching my guitars and I don't like talking to drunks. (Well the truth is I have played Blues for many years, so make that drunk singular).


So we probably don't play anywhere unless we have the team like these chaps below keeping everybody nice:







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I too am glad that you decided to participate here once again. Your music/performances are one of the true highlights for me. I've often thought that it was a shame you weren't out playing solo gigs at a place like the Cactus Cafe back in Austin, a lot of folks there would really dig what it is you do. But I can understand where you're coming from and can certainly respect the sentiments.


I'm just glad, make that really glad, that you continue to share your creativity with the rest of us hanging around here at this little outpost in cyberspace.


All the best,


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As I was working on a new tune last night I could hardly contain my joy at being able to pick up my guitar and play. I suppose the feeling is the same for most of you as well: what a physical, mental and emotional high it is to knock out a song, original or otherwise. What is it about music that stirs the human soul? What is music reaching in us in a way that the spoken word does not? I cannot explain the joy it gives me to sing and play, all by myself in the dim light of an evening for no one but me. While the great personal satisfaction of playing and singing is more than enough, being able to share thoughts, musings, ideas, observations and creations with other like-minded folks is part of who I am.


True confession: I am not a people person. I generally don't mix well socially and much prefer to keep my circle very, very small. This was in part the reason I quit playing out - I just don't like crowds, drunks and rowdy people. When between-set breaks came around I would wander off to the parking lot or find a place in the back of the joint to try to be by myself.....I just wanted to be left alone. Let me play and sing with the band, you folks dance and holler and chatter and have a good time, but when I come off the stage just let me be. But no.....some slobbering drunk wants to get in my face, shake my arm off and tell me how good the band is. Well, thanks. Now go away....please. I recognize that I am, in fact, quite anti-social, and I am okay with that.......I'm very comfortable in my own skin. I find this quite ironic, that I am the way I am, yet at the same like to be appreciated for what it is that I do. What a conundrum.


And then there's the Forum. Here I find others like myself that play, sing, write and appreciate what it is to be a player. Sure we have differences of opinion, differences in our approach to our common interest and different goals and ambitions, but we are all share the joy of being able to pick a guitar and play. For me part of the charm of this place is the remoteness of it all: we are here in mind but not in body. I can be my anti-social self yet share my joy with others. Perfect.


So a big Hurrah! for the Gibson Acoustic Guitar Forum and all those that come here to share a common love: playing and singing! A big thanks to all of you for being here! [thumbup]=D>


(Too much information? 8-[ )



+10 on this bud!


There's something magical that happens when I pick up my guitar; especially since I got my H-Bird [biggrin] . Even my son told me that I was addicted! Hel yeah, my guitar is by far the best drug/ medecine for me [smile] . Wether I'm down, happy, bored, upset or whatever, nothing sooth my soul like playing my beloveth H-Bird [biggrin]


The magical pleasure of tunig a high end guitar and strumming an E chord is [drool]


I would categorize myself as anti-social too. I much rather be at home with my family than with a large crowd of people, and playing in my kitchen with my cat as a fanbase suits me just fine [biggrin]


Like Keith said in an interview: at best you can make a living and at worst you'll have a lot of fun. Keep on pickin! [thumbup]




Oh, and yeah by the way, being here with all the gifted and knowledgable folks is surely a pleasant way to socialize!

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See folks, so the internet if root of all evil, it also can provide a great experiences and support, if used in the righ way.


Were really glad to have you here Buc, honestly great to have you back and back on the saddle !


Mind you, I do enjoy playing out in big venues with ladies throwing their bras on stage and giving suggestive winks .... i wish ;-)


Let the music do the talking.

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On his dvd, Guitarist Doug McLeod states the brutal truth about playing live venues


- apparently he was told: "If they ain't dancing, they ain't drinkin', and if they ain't drinkin', I ain't payin' ya!"





Hey Cool BK777, I had the great fortune of seeing Doug McLeod play at a very intimate auditorium in Virginia Beach, Va. Got to meet and speak with him during the break. Very great player/entertainer/person and loves his Nationals. Puts on a great solo show. I told him that I really wanted a resonator guitar. His advice....don,t settle for less....do whatever you can, to save up for a National!

You guessed it....I don,t have one yet ](*,)

One day....

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Well said, Buc. The Forum here offers folks like us of the same mindset to interact with each other without all of our baggage. Guitars, music, and all things Gibson. Contributions of knowlege, music, is shared by all of us to enjoy with each other. Thanks for bringing it to light for all here to realize. [thumbup]

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+10 on this bud!


There's something magical that happens when I pick up my guitar; especially since I got my H-Bird [biggrin] . Even my son told me that I was addicted! Hel yeah, my guitar is by far the best drug/ medecine for me [smile] . Wether I'm down, happy, bored, upset or whatever, nothing sooth my soul like playing my beloveth H-Bird [biggrin]


The magical pleasure of tunig a high end guitar and strumming an E chord is [drool]


I would categorize myself as anti-social too. I much rather be at home with my family than with a large crowd of people, and playing in my kitchen with my cat as a fanbase suits me just fine [biggrin]


Like Keith said in an interview: at best you can make a living and at worst you'll have a lot of fun. Keep on pickin! [thumbup]




Oh, and yeah by the way, being here with all the gifted and knowledgable folks is surely a pleasant way to socialize!

Great Stuff! With all the favorable talk about the Hummingbird.....Well(gulp)....I just may need a 'new drug' meself.. [scared]

You know how they say that a person builds up a tolerance after awhile... [laugh]

Just kidding(sort of)....I am still buzzing from my last acquisition....the '47 SJ

Long Live the Forum


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