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Custom MOP Inlay or TRC?


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I am having the Gibson Custom Shop build a guitar - basically a bit of a souped up Southern Jumbo. Very much a "Players" guitar, not a re-issue of anything in particular. A few years ago I copyrighted an image of a skier - yes that what we do in Aspen, Colorado in the winter - and now I am considering - if the cost isn't like out of orbit - having the design inlaid in MOP on the headstock, or if I simply have the image engraved into a truss rod cover. I've photo-shopped an example comparison here - the inlaid image would be of the same material as the block Gibson Logo - in this image its just white, so you have to use a wee bit of imagination. Thoughts?


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I'd go with the TRC version, if you really have to have this. That's totally reversible in the future, either by you or a subsequent owner. Cost should be similar either way.


There's such a thing as too much personalization.


Believe me, I'm an expert in this. All you have to do is look at my avatar, which is the headstock of my 1948 J-45, heavily "customized" in 1970.


It's sort of like having the name of your girlfriend tattooed on your forehead. It goes with you everywhere. If you have to have the tattoo, put it on your butt where no one can see it.

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you could also have them do a custom pickguard with the logo on there, i've seen some really beautiful pickguards with inlay. It could be either subtle or complex and stand out a lot.


I like the logo, it looks great.

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I'd go inlay. It's a cool logo, and it sounds like you're not focused on having them build something as an investment anyway. I do agree that the pickguard could be a good "middle ground" between the permanence of headstock inlay and the semi-disposable TRC.

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Another vote for inlay Dan. I'm sure you're not going down the custom shop route with a mind to sell it on in the future. If i had the money to have a custom shop guitar made I would certainly add the odd personal touch, whether it be a custom pickguard, fret markers or headstock. At least you're not going for the Iguana/Kermit Burst.... or are you? ;-)

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For the reasons mentioned above (resale should you not bond with the model) I'd go for TRC, had it been a guitar you already owned, loved and were sure you'd keep I'd have said inlay, but on an untested instrument a headstock inlay, especially an unrelated inlay in the form of a skier may deter many from buying your guitar.


Your money, your choice though, I wouldn't be swayed by a bunch of relative strangers. Good luck with your choice.

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Thanks for all the perspectives. My head says that the image ought to make sense when veiwing the guitar from the audience, and that the angle of the skis closely match the angle of the Gibson block logo, otherwise I imagine it might look odd or busy. Here's how it might look to the listener. The guitar is somewhere in the midst of production - at least in the starting gate. I like the smaller sunburst ala JC's OJ, so it will have a 30's small burst, tobacco brown all around. Advanced "X" 30's bracing, Luthiers Choice neck, and the new Trance Audio Amulet M-V, Waverly tuners, white (Ivoroid) buttons, a strap button, and the Gibson Block logo in MOP on the headstock - along with the design either inlaid or on the TRC. The pickup install will be done at the dealer. I'd like this to be a fun guitar, but something that has a bit of a subtle black-tie and tails sort of suitability - I'm thinking the TRC for the design, to lean towards the simplicity and elegance? Have been saving my change in jars for 4 years, and its time to redeploy the capital.


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I'd go opposite Nick.


The logo is blessed with almost Japanese elegance and now you are out custom shopping, set your mark.


I agree with E-minor7. Your logo is very elegant and well-designed. It looks better on the headstock than the TRC, where it's too small. On the headstock, the skier logo balances better with the Gibson logo. The logo's penstrokes bring Les Paul's signature script to mind, too.


Red 333

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You could flip the guy so he's facing to the left. his skis will be parallel to the logo and facing downhill. OTOH, you could orient the skier like Les Paul's sig and then the audience would be able to make out that it is a skier while you're playing.

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Economics drives the decision - estimates for an inlay run $900 +. Engraved TRC from Terrapin about $25. Oh well, once less thing to worry about. Now its just the waiting game for the build to occur, and the Trance to be installed, and the little brown truck to come slip-slidin' through the snow.

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Economics drives the decision - estimates for an inlay run $900 +. Engraved TRC from Terrapin about $25. Oh well, once less thing to worry about. Now its just the waiting game for the build to occur, and the Trance to be installed, and the little brown truck to come slip-slidin' through the snow.



Good call. There's nothing like a little economic reality to drive a decision like this.

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How about a teardrop pg, positioned correctly with the image,

(enough room for a bit larger) ala Epiphone ? More visible, way less $


I know this wasn't part of your question but IMHO


If you're not enthralled with the Trance, and it's a custom build.... more pups on the market than you can shake a stick at. Personally, even though I really love JB's stuff but his choice in connectors puzzles me. Whats wrong w/ a 1/4" jack ? Those five little pins are so easy to bend if you're not careful. Ah, but that's the roadies problem eh ?

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I also find the design very elegant in itself, Dan, but don't think it really sits well with the block logo. Whether on the trc or on the now discounted engraving. But how about some lateral thinking here? What would it look like alongside a Gibson script logo? Would the curves match better? And what would it cost to have it silkscreened on? Or done as a decal? Could be white to match an MOP inlay script logo. But how about a further idea: what about going for gold on both items, and having a skiier in place of a banner?

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