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Google it or ask the forum?


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Just wondering why some people get annoyed when someone asks a question on the forum that could have been easily found on Google. Example; I was reading the headphone thread and someone mentioned the AC 30 phones by Vox... Sounded like a good idea, plug into your axe and play... [biggrin] Then I though, oh I'm sure they run on batteries, which makes them less attractive to me. So right off the bat I asked, do these have a rechargeable battery system or do they eat batteries. After posting that I thought well I can find that out by googling it myself. So I had a looked and found the information.


Pros and cons about this...


1. Google it first. All the information is there cut and dry. OK, you can find the stats and reviews on products but are they real or someone with interest in promoting said products?


2. Ask the forum first. Most likely you will get a fast, if not immediate, response which could be followed up with personal experience from a trusted forum member.


I tend to ask the forum first and google later...

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I love this question. Not just for this Forum, too.


I've decided that for me, it depends on what I'm looking for.




I have an anniversary coming up and have some cash to spend on a fairly big ticket item.



I'll come to the Forum first and get some ideas. I'll take the ideas that appeal to me and do some Google research.



Let's say I've decided on the YJM 100 and a 1960A cab. I'll do the Google research to find my best price, read reviews and learn what I can, then come to the Forum to get what I consider to be the end all be all opinion and guidance from those that have them here.



So a little of both... :D

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Depends if I am looking for facts or opinions.

It's not hard to google up facts or stats.

But as with everything on the internet, consider the source.


I ask here for opinions. With that often comes alternatives I never considered.

The knowledge level here is very high so I find it a great resource.



I find it amusing sometimes when a question is asked and the first response is verbatim the top google hit. But there's only a few who do that. For the most part, there is real knowledge on here.


So I don't really matter. You can ask what ever you want and someone is sure to google it for you if you don't want to... [lol]

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I don't think there is a definite line, but if there is one that isn't a "forum" question, it's a question like "teach me how to set up my guitar" or "what amps are available". There is no answer, but a responce would be writing a book or educating. Something that requires a lot of effort on the part of the responder when you don't know what the one asking wants or even if he will read it.


For specific questions, it certainly doesn't hurt to ask, even if no one responds...no harm done.


As for the guy who "googles" the answer and responds, it's a nice gesture, but really hurts more than helps. That's how misinformation is perpetuated, and the net if FULL of misinformation.


I try and limit any answers and advice to things I have personal experience with. From reading the internet, I "feel" like I might know some things, but it doesn't really make sense to just spout out what I have read or think I know. I "feel" like I know what this humbucker or that one sounds like, but I haven't actually swapped and listened, so I don't offer an opinion. Not that I am always right and know everything, but an opinion based on experience is valuable, a peice of info or opinion based on word of mouth is not that valuable.


Put a lot of opinions and info based on different experiences, and you really have something.

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Good thread, Dave. I hate it when people get snippy about a question on a discussion board.


That's what it's here for. This place has a World full of knowledge from many different age groups, and I enjoy reading peoples opinions on things.


Ask away, I says.....

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(Axe wants to relate, but can't. So he drops cheerios on the ground. Its cool tho. This forum is pretty nice.)




This is a super nice forum compared to a few others. I asked a question regarding some Roland Gear on their forums and yowza did these tech geeks come out the woodwork to read me the what for asking questions that can be found if i looked hard enough.


meh, whatever.


Ask here! The worst we can do is offer an opinion.

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No you really do matter, value your opinion... [flapper][lol]



Lol,, oops,, my bad,, was supposed to say "It" not "I"...

But thanks for the kind words all the same.. lol


So rather than edit it I will just leave it. I all good,,, ;)

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It depends on the question but out of respect to the forum I google first. Once I google, I look at how dated the information is and make sure I can't make sense of it myself through further searches.


Also, once you google something you can find ways to better formulate questions, should you still have doubts, or you may find a couple of answers and just need clarification from trusted sources. You are my trusted sources. [wink]

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Also, once you google something you can find ways to better formulate questions, should you still have doubts, or you may find a couple of answers and just need clarification from trusted sources. You are my trusted sources. [wink]



You trust us lot?....Bruhahahahah ( rowdy rubs hands together with evil grin, one eyebrow up while eyes dash from side to side)come this way, I have prepared a special dinner for ya.....muhahahaha!!

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