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Everything posted by Tman

  1. I used the Kemper Profiler to record the Black Squirrel album. It's amazing technology and has spot on modeling. Not cheap.
  2. Tman


    Wow, love the walnut finish and look of the wood
  3. My understanding is that he was offered a spot during the acceptance and celebration of the awards, just can't perform for the live show. Pretty sure he blew that part of the offer with the lawsuit. Still bad though. They could have figured out the drum equivalent of lip syncing for the live performances.
  4. .5? wow. I am probably not sensitive to tell the difference between a 9, and a 9.5 although I can tell between a 9 and a 10. Kind of like the shaving razor market. I remember SNL making fun of adding more blades...until it became the norm.
  5. Adjusted to inflation from 1967-2019 it equals: $265.97 (dollartimes.com) Great story, love stuff like that.
  6. You're a masterful lyricist (and post writer). I love the double entendre you pointed out (probably would have been interpreted a single way in my simple mind). Great song, hope you win the challenge.
  7. This one: Custombucker coil splitting pickups. Pretty much runs the gamut of humbucker and single coil possibilities. Very versatile.
  8. I had one once. I put it on and used it continuously for 2 weeks. I made the near fatal mistake of thinking well if a little works then a lot will work even better. It warped my neck and it was not fixable with a truss rod adjustment. Gibson replaced the guitar for me. It may actually work but I highly recommend not doing what I did. I would follow directions carefully. Call me what you will, just telling the truth.
  9. Great playing by the way Bence!
  10. It was great. 😂Saying outrageous things to people who spend an inordinate amount of time telling me what I should be outraged about.
  11. Happy New year! How is life in Hungary? Cool guitar!
  12. Heartfelt condolences. I am happy that you and your family are safe and that your main house survived. Hopefully the pain of dealing with what you did lose will be very temporary.
  13. Abbey Road. I was 9 when it came out and at that age at that time it was the best thing I'd ever heard and I still love it the most. Every song on there is a favorite of mine except I want you/She's so heavy and Sun King although the latter has grown on me with age. I remember hearing some of them for the first time and without having anything intelligent as a reason for liking them, I just did, in a big way. Hasn't changed. COme Together, Something, Oh Darling, Here Comes the Sun and The whole short segment second side. I just the re-release this year and absolutely love it all over again. I know you didn't ask for second place but mine is different than most. I like Beatles For Sale second best.
  14. Very best of luck to you. I hope you don't lose anything. I completely agree that property is of lesser importance than precious lives. Still a gigantic pain if you do lose your property and I sincerely hope you don't.
  15. Love this, really beautiful!Don't put a peace sign sticker on it but do play some Alvin Lee!
  16. Nice Martin Big Bill! My wife got me this but Guitar Center still hasn't gotten it in store. I love it and it will house my 1987 Black Strat. I got her a gift certificate to a clothing store. Since she took over (we) her new business she needed business clothes. I wrapped up a picture of the certificate and wrapped in a box but they delivered it electronically spoiling the surprise. btw this is the first Christmas we've exchanged gifts in years, since my kids moved out. Like was said, we get each stuff all year long.
  17. I can see that we have similar tastes
  18. The guy is amazing, even if his whammy looks ridiculous.
  19. Until last year I thought it was no big deal with respect to any danger living out here and I've been through 3 or 4 earthquakes which is what folks used to be afraid of mostly it seemed. I grew up in Arkansas and remember hunkering down in the bathtub with a mattress over our heads when the tornado warning sirens would blare. That scared the sh!t out of me. Now here in CA it seems things have changed but I guess that is mostly because it affected my wife and I in such a big way. One thing I didn't mention is that my wife's father was living with us at the time of the fire and had to evacuate saving him and our dog. Exactly one year before, his house burned down in the Sylmar fire of 2017. He went through it twice in 2 years! Unbelievable. He is a pastor. He just puts it into perspective. btw where In HI are you? We celebrated her birthday in September on Oahu. It was so fantastic!
  20. 1965 Cherry Red Melody Maker. Wish I still had it.
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