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Everything posted by merciful-evans

  1. I didn't think I could play a Gibson. The scale difference held me back.
  2. ah! Another chasm in my knowledge exposed. This helps explain my friend Mike's frustration with Page. He's been chasing his tone for years. Thank you for your patience Pip. 🙂
  3. I had to google and listen to Stairway for the solo. I couldn't remember it at all (I don't like the song BTW) . Having listened, I don't recall any of that rocked up ending at all. It's possible that I never had the patience to listen to the track all the way through before. And the solo. Yes, its ok. Though it could be any guitar SFAIAC.
  4. Smart! It's healthy to broaden horizons. It took me 30 years to get around to Gibsons. Always good to hear endorsements and the MIMs seem endorsed by everyone so far.
  5. Gibson didn't make many because they were not selling well. I've never played one that was any good ...or bad. 😉
  6. Yes I have used it on 7, but its the picture viewers (MS Media & ACDsee) that I find are slow.
  7. I haven't played a maple construction acoustic in donkey's years. I do recall that played softly, it had a sound that nothing else could match.
  8. Tidy looking guitar. Congrats! Maybe the pic angle but the neck radius looks tight.
  9. Its good you can relax with it and not obsess about marks etc. While I am very careful handling guitars, I've never treated them as 'precious'. They are covered in fingermarks etc. I'm the same with my car, I never wash/valet it unless I'm driving a woman somewhere. Well that really does look 'hand carved'. 😉
  10. Still havent got Fishman Tripleplay working on Windows 10 🙁 Everything else seems fine. (New Laptop & Student/Home MS Office) Edge has replaced Explorer. It is trying hard to look like a tablet. Cortana works but is useless/impractical. Face recognition works half of the time on login. Worryingly, Bitdefender warns me that Microsoft Store is repeatedly trying to access my web cam (I have not yet stuck bluetack over the lens). No Access in my MS Office, so using Thunderbird. Seems ok. Missing a few old progs. Media Player gone. Re-installed it but found it slow. Uninstalled that and downloaded ACDsee, which is also slow. So when did change for its own sake replace continuous improvement ?
  11. I bet standing in front of that Leslie is cool also
  12. A lot of those stuck in traffic had windows down, so they must have liked it.
  13. When they do this to airframe components they call them 'lightning pockets'.
  14. enjoyed that. Thanks for sharing 😊
  15. Gibson have long been fighting in a marketplace with an arm tied to a leg. Lighter LPs may be sensible and desirable, but more significantly they are non-traditional. I have one of those reviled & despised 2015 LPs (the skinny Less Plus). My heaviest guitar by far is a Strat build (solid maple).
  16. I've just heard on the radio https://www.theguardian.com/music/2019/jun/06/dr-john-new-orleans-musician-dead I heard his first album Gris Gris in 1968. I was 16 and I could not handle the style and vocal at that time. I would eventually collect everything he did. The man was a true original & genius.
  17. Not really very standard at all are they?
  18. That's also a view I last heard in the 1960s Larry. We have different POVs mate. 🙂
  19. I think they look much better without the pickguard or the hole you have to drill to attach the pickguard.
  20. He took 3 minutes to say... what? He was talking but I'm sure he didn't say anything. So, more than not knowing who he is, I don't know what he said. The guitar looks like a kid has drawn on it in red crayon, and the pickup is in the wrong place.
  21. Like Stew? Larry, where have you been since 1966? Have you never had Indian food cooked in a tandoor, lamb in a yogurt marinade? Or a Kerala dry fish curry? My Great Grandfather was a Cavalryman in India and he returned home with a taste for curry. Back then British curry was like stew. They just added inferior curry powder and meat to stewed apples & tomatoes. You couldn’t get the fresh spices (ginger, cardamom, fenugreek etc) nor mangos or guavas back then. Danm, even I never saw a chilli pepper til my 20s! There’s nothing wrong with stew, but curry should be nothing like stew either. umm... sorry to break topic, but I'm in shock.
  22. Great movie plot. 'Ultimate Guitar Shootout'.
  23. I haven't, but I found this gut strings Fill yer boots !
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