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Mr. Natural

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Everything posted by Mr. Natural

  1. It took me a while to come to like Lumpy Gravy. I eventually came to appreciate it ... sort of.
  2. "61 Gibson SG with Vibrola. Should I get a VIBROLA?" "Should" you get a Vibrola? If you want a Vibrola, get a Vibrola. I've got a Bigsby on my SG. I like it, but, to each his own.
  3. Fleetwood Mac - Live In Boston vols. 1 and 2, from 1970. It's good stuff.
  4. Eeenie, meenie, minie, mo.... (Plus, it has to be a leftie.)
  5. Sorry to hear about the first wife, but it's good to hear all the good second (and sometimes third) marriage stories.
  6. The title of the topic says, "Top Secret thread for Big Bill ONLY", so I didn't open it.
  7. ... and, welcome to the Lounge.
  8. She never showed up because I gave her a better offer. I'm moving to Nigeria! WOO HOO!
  9. I save and use Grolsch grommets, too. (As if I needed an excuse to buy beer....)
  10. I married her for her money. She married me for my good looks. It turned out, we both got screwed. on that deal. But, we still lasted 23 years. Divorced, now, for 20. I thought after I got divorced, I might remarry fairly quickly, without a long courtship because I thought (mistakenly, of course) that I "understood" women now, after 23 years of marriage. However, I've found that not only do I not understand women any better than I did in college, but I've also become very picky. In the last 20 years, I lived with an old college girlfriend for 3+ years, had another couple of 3+ year relationships, had a 4 month GF that told me she wanted to marry me, and right now, I'm 5 months into a thing that I would like to last.... But, there's probably no hope for me. (Okay! I feel better now to get all that crap off my chest.)
  11. Christine Mc, Steamy Nicks, and Grace were THE hottest.
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