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Mr. Natural

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Everything posted by Mr. Natural

  1. I like P90s. Just don't post that picture again.
  2. Junior Brown - The Austin Experience - Live at the Continental Club
  3. I think you got a good deal.
  4. Yeah, sometimes one has to correct the "auto correct".
  5. A "moot" point, actually. And, no, I'm not a retired English teacher.
  6. I've started playing a little more since I retired. I'm terrible. My handicap? - GOLF!
  7. Don't think about it. Just do it! I retired just over a year ago, and I haven't regretted it for a moment. The hours are great!
  8. My comb doesn't have any resistance at all. In fact, I don't even own a comb any more.
  9. I'd put Rubber Soul in front of that list, otherwise, I agree.
  10. He was a great one. The documentary, Beware of Mr. Baker is well worth the viewing. R. I. P.
  11. Steve, I'm glad you're home and on the mend. Take care of yourself.
  12. Great to hear that! I'm glad that worked. I'll have to remember that.
  13. Great line! Write a song around that.
  14. What? No picture of Wilson PICKett?
  15. Growing old is not for pu$$ies. You've got to hang tough. And, take care of yourself!
  16. I can't help you, but, it IS a beauty.
  17. Nope. I'm sleeping right through the crickets ... ZZZZZ ... ZZZZZ ... ZZZZZ ... ZZZZZ ....
  18. Wow. That sort of reminds me of Lumpy Gravy.
  19. Frank was properly recognized as a trailblazer and cultural phenomenon. He was underrated as a guitar player.
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