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Mr. Natural

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Everything posted by Mr. Natural

  1. The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald is, by far, my absolute favorite G. L. record. It is kind of a buzz-kill at a party, however.
  2. Yes, Hamilton is a great one. I'm more of a Kimi fan. I am fortunate to have been, with my son, at the Austin race last year when Kimi won. We were at the Austin race this year, too. We had a great time. I've read the parking lot race in Vegas wasn't that popular. Some felt racing in a parking lot "demeaned the F1 brand". The last I heard the Miami race is being proposed as a parking lot race around the the Dolphins stadium. However, F1 is becoming more and more popular in the U.S. and the F.I.A. definitely wants to do another race here in the states.
  3. I watched every game. I'm a Cubs fan, too, but being down here in Texas, I also root for the 'Stros and the Rangers. Houston won one a couple of years ago, so I'm not really too upset that the Nats won. I am, however, really happy that Bryce (not my favorite player) Harper wasn't there to enjoy it. He made the Phillies a better team when he moved, and the Nationals didn't miss him at all. Seeing how the Nationals finished, he may have made both teams better when he moved.
  4. No, you're the SECOND person in the world that can take a 10K dollar guitar and make it sound like crap.
  5. Well, best of luck on Monday. I hope everything goes well. Hopefully the problem won't be anything major, and you can still go on that beer diet.
  6. Just keep your nose to the grindstone, keep plugging away, and 30 years will pass before you know it.
  7. I retired in July of last year. Retirement is great. I'm still not quite used to not doing anything constructive but still getting paid for it (a pension check on the 1st of the month and a Social Security check on the 3rd Thursday of the month.) And, I've got more money in the bank now than I ever did when I was working. Did I mention that retirement is great? I like the guitar, by the way.
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