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What gear would you never sell?


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That looks mint for a '64. Does it get played much?


Yes, for extended periods of time. I tend to rotate playing,

on all my guitars. But, lately, it's been this one, and my

"Satin" '61 SG (along with the Ric 12 String, that's always

out), that's getting most of my play time, for now.



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For me it would have to be my Black LP Custom. It's so beautiful and plays and sounds like a dream...



For me I would never ever sell my Rickenbacker George Harrison 360/12C63. It's one of the guitars I always wanted and purchased in November 2012.

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I've thought about this, as I have gear I rarely use. I just can't see getting rid of anything I have now/.


Warmoth Tele -This guitar has been with me for the longest. I just can't see being without a Telecaster. I sold one before I had this and have always regretted it,


Les Paul Special Sl. It's just a slab LP with humbuckers and a thin finish, but it's so comfortable and it was the guitar that I played the most as I went through rough times in my life. Too much emotional connection.


2006 Les Paul Jr. ....I let a '56 slip by for $375 when I was in high school and have always kicked myself for it. I came across an eBay find here. It was made to look beat up, which I didn't like, but I couldn't pass up the price, plus it has a Lollar P90. It wasn't listed as a Les Paul Jr. No reserve and no bids. I got it cheap. Gets lots of use.



93 Hamer Special with P 90s. Too cool looking and sounding to get rid of.


Early 90s Fender Pro Jr. One of the first of the Hot Rod Series. 2 knobs and 15 watts of all hell broke loose. It aint goin nowhere.


Marshall Class 5 Combo. I use it most because of the lower volume option. I had been looking for a low watt tube amp and this fit the bill.


Epiphone Banjo ......it's a banjo, you have to have one


Martin plastic small scale. I'm sure what the model is, but it's made of the same thing laminate floors are made of. Too cool to get rid of


PBone plastic trombone. How else can I play reveille?

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Very cold response but if that's how you feel that's fine. I guess when it comes down to it if there is something of value you won and have to sell it out of necessity there's not much you can do about it. Lets say a piece of jewelry from a grand parent or a watch from your dad or something you were given by someone you love. It's true none of us will take anything with us when we dies but it's nice to have somethings that mean something to you other than just being an object.


Well, I have a crapload of guitars I wouldn't part with for anything right now, particularly my 16, 17 year old #1Tele that Mrs bought me at a particularly down time in our lives, one that I would certainly like to be buried with.


But, big but here, life very often tosses some pretty hard stuff at you. We know what we want to do in 2018, and that's retire her from her job if she is still alive, and get out west for hopefully a few years before one of us is gone. When you get through the years of acquiring and amassing and enjoying "things", you do realize that it is what you do with those "things" that matters. So if I have to give them all up, I will, because there are other things to do that are far more important. If I am somewhere, and a friend wants me to put something on their record, I won't say no because I don't have my #1Tele anymore. I'll use whatever is available and give that friend my best effort. They asked me to play, not use a particular guitar.


That's what I meant by that.



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Thank You, Pippy!


Unfortunately, most of us here cannot enjoy the tone of Your instruments. We have to settle with their fantastic looks!




"Honey" looks the same as I would imagine a real late 50s vintage Les Paul. It looks so naturally aged. Simply perfect.


Cheers... Bence


You can that again Bence and I say that if that guitar plays a tenth of how it looks then it is a marvellous guitar indeed.

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Technically nothing. If somebody really wanted my LP and forked over enough cash, it would be for sale. I could always get another good one.

But I would have the roughest time getting rid of........


I think that just about sums it up.

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Technically nothing. If somebody really wanted my LP and forked over enough cash, it would be for sale. I could always get another good one.


But I would have the roughest time getting rid of these:




VERY nice, Would not mind owning those myself. They are fer sure keepers!

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This is one of the most gorgeous guitars I've never played.






This is one of the most gorgeous guitars I have played but don't own. Again; plays/sounds nicer than she looks. Yes Really.


All I need now is for Flight to post a snap of his G0...


And I Don't Care how often it's been posted in this thread before...

This is perfection;



Thank you CB! Every Time!





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This is one of the most gorgeous guitars I've never played.



Thanks, Pippy. You really are too kind. That said, I played it today for the first time in a while. I plugged straight into my '66 Epiphone tube combo, dimed it, and good God what a sound!

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