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probation after killing four people


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I added this as a post on a similar thread on another forum:


I have 3 of these little a$$holes living next door to me who are told that "You're not the problem. Anything that's wrong is someone else's fault" (paraphrasing from the parents, but you get the idea). These kids have no sense of responsibility because Mommy and Daddy have brought them up this way.


Hope that works for ya later in llfe!

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Sure, therapy, not jail time is what he needed. He's gonna just tell them what they want to hear, show them what they want to see until the therapist tells the judge that he is "changed" and let's him go. Then he'll do it all over again...as an adult!

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You have to watch this, as you wont actually believe until you watch the video



Someone paid that judge a WHOLE heaping lot of money and 10 to 1 he has a swiss bank account. One of my friends back in the 80s violated his probation twice with felony charges and got off because his family paid a judge 10k the first time and i believe 20k the 2nd.


I assume the price to beat a murder or manslaughter rap is substantially higher.

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Someone paid that judge a WHOLE heaping lot of money and 10 to 1 he has a swiss bank account. One of my friends back in the 80s violated his probation twice with felony charges and got off because his family paid a judge 10k the first time and i believe 20k the 2nd.


I assume the price to beat a murder or manslaughter rap is substantially higher.


my Aunt got my cousins "1st degree premeditated murder" charge pled down to "justifiable homicide" (sentenced to "time served" which was 5 months awaiting trial) after paying $25,000 to "the court" through her attorney......although additional fines were levied AFTER the case was decided.....he'd been dumb enough to tell 8 witnesses that he was about to waste the victim, and he still got away w/it.....this was 1984.

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Good grief, that's unbelievable! I thought we had problems in the U.K, but I can't imagine any judge taking a bribe, or anything like this case, and I hope we never do see the day when this sort of thing happens. I wonder what the father of the comatose, naked 14 year old had to say?



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I see no indication that the judge got paid. WE are simply a nation that doesn't believe in personal responsibility any more. On any level. Got a problem? It's not your fault. Someone will me along shortly to take the blame and write the check. [thumbup]

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Was it the judge or the prosecution? In most cases the judge's hands are tied with mandatory minimum sentences so it must have been the prosecution that agreed to reduced charges.


Did anyone see what the defense was? He suffers from affluenza . WTF? I have a cure for that: a life time in a communist country with a progressive tax.

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Was it the judge or the prosecution? In most cases the judge's hands are tied with mandatory minimum sentences so it must have been the prosecution that agreed to reduced charges.


Did anyone see what the defense was? He suffers from affluenza . WTF? I have a cure for that: a life time in a communist country with a progressive tax.


That would be Amerika, comrade. Chuckle..

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Its good to see most of you outraged by this act of complete stupidity. Also the parents need their A$$es whooped and probably sent along for a while to tend to their spoiled brat's needs while in "rehab". Whats wrong with people now days?? Can you imagine the feelings and frustrations of the murdered victim's families??

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Saw a segment on tv today talking about this. One of the attorney's said (paraphrasing here) "Can you imagine if this was a black kid from the ghetto driving the car? Probation? I think not. More like 20-25". He was almost exploding when he talked about "affluenza" as a "disease". Puhleeeeze!


Affluenza? Give me a f'ing break.

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You have to agree, this "kid" is a spoiled punk. But then think about all of the families that are affected by his careless actions.

My God, I feel bad for them. Can you imagine how they feel loosing a loved one or a close friend, and he gets probation.

I dont know if I could handle that if I were one of the family members

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