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I know that sometimes I come off like a real crank. I try not to let personality conflicts be the cause of it (although, sometimes I still take digs for that reason and always end up feeling like an *** afterwards) but I gotta tell ya...


Sometimes I read stuff on these boards where people make... ****** claims based on ZERO experience, particularly when it comes to gear or make claims based on that they believe either A) everyone plays just at home at low volume or :-k everyone plays stadium tours where they need five 100w amps or C) make statements as if THEY play stadium tours when they've never played outside of their bedroom.


I don't claim to know everything and I sure as hell don't, but I do have a good amount of experience under my belt in the way of not just jamming at home, but playing the types of gigs that most of us at our level of fame (little to none) would perform at - bars and small clubs. You know, the meat and potatoes of the average Joe who works 8-5 and plays in a band on the weekends - a little more than someone who just plays at home but not someone who makes a living at it at any level. That's not *everyone's* level of experience, but it's still a pretty good middle ground. Not only that, I spent a good amount of years as a live sound and studio engineer; just to drop some names and and make myself look like a dick, I've worked gigs with Ray Charles, Arlo Guthrie, Robin S, Black Flag, NRBQ, The Disco Biscuits, and Ruder Than You just to name a few. I'm not saying that I was the house engineer for Ray Charles, but I worked for the sound company who did sound for him at a gig and was definitely a part of the crew and, on other gigs, I was the house or head engineer. I haven't done that kind of work in years, but I got a lot of very practical experience out of it and have a hell of a good ear because of it. Now that you think I'm a REALLY big ***...


My point is this: If you haven't had any experience with something that you want to discuss, please qualify your statements! There is a BIG difference between gigging with a 100w stack and trying one out once in some music store with the volume set on "3". It ain't even in the same ballpark. It's cool if you have never used or never plan to use heavy duty amplification or whatever the topic is yet still want to comment in a thread, but don't come off like you're some sort of authority on the matter. I sometimes comment on threads where I have only a little or no experience with something, but I make a point of saying as much... well, hopefully I always do that but I make no promises. If you do comment outside your realm of real world experience and do it in a way like you know exactly what you're talking about, please don't be offended if I call you out on it; I try not to be a jerk, but sometimes it really pisses me off because I *know* you're full of crap and are just spouting off at the mouth or regurgitating something you read on another message board.


Enough rambling - too many cocktails after work. I'll probably read this later and kick my own ***. Or get AXE to do it.

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Well said. You really are a sexy *****, Rich! (Just wanted to beat Axe to it).


Seriously though I agree with what you are saying. I didn't wanna be the cranky old guy, so I'm glad you did it for me! There seems to be no shortage of people who've never even owned a Gibson Les Paul posting their opinions lately. The half-assed opinions are ignorable, but it gets kinda tiring.

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Well said. You really are a sexy *****' date=' Rich! (Just wanted to beat Axe to it).


Seriously though I agree with what you are saying. I didn't wanna be the cranky old guy, so I'm glad you did it for me! There seems to be no shortage of people who've never even owned a Gibson Les Paul posting their opinions lately. The half-assed opinions are ignorable, but it gets kinda tiring. [/quote']




And, you know, there is absolutely nothing wrong with just playing at home for enjoyment or as a hobby; that's probably the vast majority of people who play guitar. It's not a competition for who is the best or most experienced or played the biggest gig, it's about having fun. I just get annoyed when opinions fly around about pro gear from people who have never even used it before let alone played a gig in their life where you're dealing with things like crappy monitor mixes, tiny stages, club owners telling you to turn it down and electrical circuits that make you cringe at the idea of even plugging in your amp.

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How true, I play my 335 through a Pocket Rocket, most people would think thats stupid but I enjoy it. I own a

custom audio/video business and I can tell you the same goes for most guys in the "home" market. Customers

want to grill me on slew rate, head room, D/A conversion etc, and they have no idea what they are talking about.


These are the same guys who go home and listen to their Bose speakers through a Sherwood/New Castle receiver





This is a good post I hope all read.


Friens don't let friends post while drinking.

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I think it can be said about a lot of the people I see in this forum that they are indeed passionate about guitars and music. Most of us can share in our similar experiences from being involved in music. I've been a roadie (but not a guitar tech), performed on stage (but played bass), and been a journalist writing about musicians and the music they perform. My first concert was in 1977 at Anaheim Stadium (Sammy Hagar, Van Halen, Black Sabbath and Boston), my last concert was Experience Hendrix at the Greek Theater a couple of months ago. It's my passion. I love guitar. Always have and always will.

Many of us are educated and professionals in other arenas, but the one thing we all have in common is that we like to bag on CAPS LOCK—no just kidding, We are passionate about guitar and music.

I enjoy the friendly banter from this forum. You're a bunch of fart smellers—I mean smart fellers.

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I too, tire of the experts, still in school.


I'm a 50 year old bar gigger that first played the Surfside Bar in Clearwater beach Fla. at age 12. At age 17 I was fronting a biker bar in Apache Jct., Arizona, (The Rib Eye circa 1975) drinking beer, and getting paid, and played every East Mesa/Apache Jct club through the early 80's. Moved to Lake Charles La., and played every club in that area, Sulphur, ect until moving up here to Blago land. I still gig bars 40/50 weekends a year, and am as busy as I've ever been, economy and all.


I used a JCM900 4100 1/2 stack for almost a decade. I've gigged Peavey Deuce, Classic 50, Classic 30, Fender Super Reverb, Fender Prosonic, and am now using a Mesa Blue Angel.


I won't ask "what amp to buy".


I won't drop any names, because I won't post any pictures on a forum. I'm just here to shoot the sh!t with musicians. Not so much kids.


Good post Rich.



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I hear you too Rich... I've been working in music/sound all my life... I have been on tour, owned studios and recorded my share of records... But I just have to laugh sometimes when some audio school punk tries to tell me a thing or two from a text book... Hahhahhaa. The best part is getting to tell them they are full of sh*t and making them look stupid after explaining why they are full of sh*t.... Let me clarify that I'm a sh*t guitar player because I just started to learn guitar about a year and a half ago but I do know my sound equipment....

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I know nothing--though I once stood about 3 feet from a Marshall stack at an Iron Maiden concert when I was a kid and my hearing has never been the same since. So all I can say is that the stack that Iron Maiden used for stadium tours back in the 80s is way too loud for bedroom use.

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I know nothing--though I once stood about 3 feet from a Marshall stack at an Iron Maiden concert when I was a kid and my hearing has never been the same since. So all I can say is that the stack that Iron Maiden used for stadium tours back in the 80s is way too loud for bedroom use.


I'll echo that for Van Halen concerts, as well.


Something my Dad taught me:


"Some people... you just gotta tell 'em "yeah, yeah, yeah" and go on with what you were doing, 'cuz they ain't got a clue."


Try to tell folks, if they don't want to listen, let them continue to be stupid.

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I think that's part of the problem. There is no longer a social stigma against looking stupid! As a kid I wouldn't have dreamed of posting dumb s**t here. I would've laid back and listened and learned so that I didn't look stupid. But now it's okay to be stupid. There are even cool celebrities who are stupid. You can always just say.. I didn't know... I'm stupid. No harm - no foul.


Damn, now I'm sounding cranky! HEY KID, GET OFF MY LAWN!

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I think that's part of the problem. There is no longer a social stigma against looking stupid! As a kid I wouldn't have dreamed of posting dumb s**t here. I would've laid back and listened and learned so that I didn't look stupid. But now it's okay to be stupid. There are even cool celebrities who are stupid. You can always just say.. I didn't know... I'm stupid. No harm - no foul.


Just remember that 50% of people are dumber than the average person. Now start with the average person and you'll see why we're in big trouble!


OK, that was a lame attempt at a joke. I think it's OK to ask dumb questions. Some people don't use "search" enough though. I did this too once and rightfully got whipped by R9 (I wish he'd come back)! So even though I'm a Ph.D., I can certainly fall into that lower 50 percentile here and there. But one should never give advice on something they know nothing about it.


Personally I'm on this forum more to learn than to give advice (hell I'm a professor so I spend all day giving advice!). Yes in my youth I gigged around 3-5 days a week for about 10 years straight, so I feel I know something. I can take apart an amp and tell you about every part; took apart many in my youth and now I can even derive the governing differential equations of the circuits, if you want that level of detail. And yes I was good enough of a (piano) player to get accepted to Berklee and Eastman schools of music. But I know next to nothing about guitars in terms of wood, finishes, etc. When I refurbished my Sonex, it got me wanting to learn more about guitars. I've read a lot of technical articles on humidity control, wood grains and texture, etc., but some of the advice here is simply amazing and you don't find it in books. AXE never ceases to amaze me with his knowledge.


I found that the best thing to do when someone gives dumb advice is to just ignore it. These people will do themselves in eventually. "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt." -- Twain

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But I just have to laugh sometimes when some audio school punk tries to tell me a thing or two from a text book... Hahhahhaa.






"why are we recording through a tube amp with a pair of mics?" "dude, didnt you know? everyone records through a pod nowadays"

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