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I bought a new guitar


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When I bought my first Gibson I choosed between a SJ-200 TV and a Doves In Flight (which I bought).

I LOVED the Doves but the nut width was becoming an issue when I got my J-45. Thats when I realized It was small and I played the J-45 more than the Doves.

I got an offer on the Doves and went to the guitar store. They had two go them on the wall. A sunburst and a Natural. I played them both for an hour.

I could actually feel a difference between them. I think the sunburst is a better good looking guitar but the natural "choosed me".


I can't express enough what a great guitar the Doves was but the nut width became an issue when I compared with the other ones...


Now the quest for a new square shoulder has begun.....msp_thumbup.gif

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Looks like you finally solved it, well done !


Out of curiousity, why didnt you opt for the sunburst finish ?


As much as I wanted the sunburst I had to go with sound before looks....It just didn't do it for me.

So I let my ears decide...

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